Tags: panticmilos/setup-go
Merge pull request actions#238 from vsafonkin/v-vsafonkin/cache-error… …-handling Error handling for cache
Merge pull request actions#238 from vsafonkin/v-vsafonkin/cache-error… …-handling Error handling for cache
Implementation of caching functionality for setup-go action (actions#228 )
Implement "check-latest" flag to check if pre-cached version is lates… …t one (actions#186)
Implement "check-latest" flag to check if pre-cached version is lates… …t one (actions#186)
Merge pull request actions#179 from oscard0m/add-cache-to-node-workflows ci(workflow): add 'npm' cache for actions/setup-node in .github/workflows
Merge pull request actions#141 from paulcacheux/fix-windows-extractor… …-selection Fix extractor selection on windows