New Relic
- Turin (Italy)
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/paolo-gallina-25209ab6/
Contrib repository for the OpenTelemetry Collector
This is an example project showing how swagger can be used to create a small url shortener
Leverage kubebuilder to manage GoogleCloud Sql DB lifecycle through CRD
New Relic Prometheus Configurator
quintush / helm-unittest
Forked from helm-unittest/helm-unittestBDD styled unit test framework for Kubernetes Helm charts as a Helm plugin.
Operator to create New Relic configuration in Kubernetes
A generic framework for injecting sidecars and related configuration in Kubernetes using Mutating Webhook Admission Controllers
This repository hosts the newrelic kubernetes operator of infrastructure
Clean up Kubernetes yaml and json output to make it readable
Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of Minikube and Kuberentes
github-actions-exporter for prometheus
This repo will store Cloud and Prometheus yaml integration definitions files
New Relic Infrastructure Integrations SDK
Fetch metrics in the Prometheus metrics inside or outside Kubernetes and send them to the New Relic Metrics platform.
Windows services Integration for New Relic Infrastructure
Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform - the Central Kubernetes Management Platform For Any Infrastructure
Dedicated Game Server Hosting and Scaling for Multiplayer Games on Kubernetes
Prometheus exporter for Windows machines
New Relic Infrastructure VMware vSphere integration
New Relic Firehose Nozzle for Pivotal Cloud Foundry
Kubebuilder - SDK for building Kubernetes APIs using CRDs