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- 🏰 [https://github.com/patrickyibeckwith/patrickyibeckwith]
- 👋 Hello Fellow Githubber!
- 👼 I’m Patrick Yi Beckwith, [@patrickyibeckwith]
- 👀 I'm Interested in Pretty Women,
- 🪙 Mining Bitcoin, Minting Token, & Claiming Airdrops,
- 🌱 Is Trying to Build a Continuous Workflow of Usd Production.
- 💞 and Is New, Too, Not of Just Collecting Brand "Pulling Requests" of Star Respitories,
- 🏫 But the Actual "Building", Brand New, Open Box Construction, of An Individual Product Pre-Packaged W/ It's Own Tools and Instructions
- 👰♀️ Is Single and Looking to Callaberate, On, Together, And With,
- 📫 SaintPatricksBlockchain is How to Reach Me...
- 👱♀️ BTCWallet-patrickyibeckwith@noah.me