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How To Cut a Pattern Lab Release

We use a handful of tools to help automate and simplify the process of cutting a new Pattern Lab release. The most important ones being Lerna and Auto.

Release Prep

  1. Make sure any/all the code ready to get released is merged down to the dev branch and all CI checks, etc are passing as expected

  2. Git checkout the dev branch locally and make sure:

  • You've run yarn to install the latest dependencies
  • You don't have any local changes pending
git checkout dev
git pull
git status # confirm no pending changes
  1. Before running the publish command, I also like to run the build command to be extra sure everything compiles fine locally (ex. Node.js version matches with the version of Sass that's installed, gotchas like that)
yarn build
  1. You'll also want to make sure you have a .env file in your PL Node repo root (and create one if you don't)

You can grab the NPM + Github tokens needed here by heading to (grant repo access) and

## .env

I personally like to use zsh's env plugin (already installed with Oh My ZSH) which has instructions for enabling here

Pro tip: you can quickly check to see if your env variable tokens are available for these CLI commands by running npx auto release --dry-run which will throw an error if the tokens above can't be found!

  1. Finally you'll also want to confirm that you're logged into your NPM account with access to publish to the Pattern Lab NPM org by running npm login and following the prompts.

Cutting The Release

  1. Run the publish command

Ok - with all that prep out of the way, the actual release process is pretty quick and should be super straightforward.

Simply run the yarn run publish command and include the type of SEMVER release you want to cut.

So for example:

yarn run publish minor 

## alternatively you can include the exact version you want to publish
yarn run publish v5.14.0

Lerna should prompt you with a confirmation that the version about to get released matches up with what you expect ^

  1. Manually (re)run the auto release command?

Ok, if everything built and published successfully, this final step may or may not be required...

Normally the auto release command should run automatically after Lerna finishes publishing to NPM. This command will create the Github release associated with the latest Git tag, add any relevant release notes, and comment on related PRs, however the last couple of releases required this last step to get re-run manually.

Note that you'll need to replace the from and use-version version numbers to match the last previous Git tag and this next release getting cut.

npx auto release --from v5.11.1 --use-version v5.12.0
  1. Confirm the Github release was added and manually tweak any release notes as needed.