To install the Handlebars PatternEngine in your edition, npm install --save @pattern-lab/engine-handlebars
should do the trick.
- Includes
- Lineage
- Hidden Patterns
- Pseudo-Patterns
- Pattern States
Pattern Parameters(Accomplished instead using native Handlebars partial arguments) -
Style Modifiers(Accomplished instead using native Handlebars partial arguments)
To add custom helpers or otherwise interact with Handlebars directly, create a file named patternlab-handlebars-config.js
in the root of your Pattern Lab project, or override the default location by specifying one or several glob patterns in the Pattern Lab config:
"engines": {
"handlebars": {
"extend": [
Each file should export a function which takes Handlebars as an argument.
module.exports = function(Handlebars) {
// Put helpers here
Handlebars.registerHelper('fullName', function(person) {
// Example: person = {firstName: "Alan", lastName: "Johnson"}
return person.firstName + " " + person.lastName;