zsh-startup-timer Public
A zsh plugin to print the time it takes for the shell to start up
react-boxplot Public
Simple SVG box plots in React
icedfrisby-nock Public
Concise support for mock requests in IcedFrisby
chainsmoker Public
Elegant, generically typed, boolean micromatch for lists of file paths
ObjCMongoDB Public
Mac OS and iOS library for MongoDB and BSON
hasbin-cli Public
From the command line, check whether a binary exists in the PATH environment variable
function-profiler Public
Profile a function
github-limited Public
Command-line utility for troubleshooting Github rate limits
link-into Public
Create a tree of symlinks from glob patterns
wabac Public
A versioned cache backed by cloud storage
rollup-plugin-cpy Public
Rollup plugin to easily copy files and folders
AFNetworking-Synchronous Public
Synchronous requests for AFNetworking 1.x, 2.x, and 3.x
awesome Public
Forked from sindresorhus/awesome😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
Shell Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedJul 7, 2021 -
poetry Public
Forked from python-poetry/poetryPython dependency management and packaging made easy.
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 5, 2021 -
circleci-examples Public
Example Circle 2 configs, collected in one place
Dockerfile UpdatedDec 8, 2020 -
cloudflare-middleware Public
Forked from clive-io/cloudflare-middlewareRestores request origin ip to `req.ip`. Denies other requests.
JavaScript UpdatedOct 9, 2020 -
express-contracts Public archive
Forked from bodylabs/express-contractsExpress.js plugin for checking request and response with rho-contracts
JavaScript BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedOct 1, 2020 -
DefinitelyTyped Public
Forked from DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTypedThe repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
TypeScript Other UpdatedSep 23, 2020 -
ghost-on-heroku Public
Forked from cobyism/ghost-on-herokuOne-button Heroku deploy for the Ghost blogging platform.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 22, 2020 -
gatsby-source-ghost Public
Forked from TryGhost/gatsby-source-ghostSource plugin for pulling data into Gatsby.js from the Ghost Public API.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 22, 2020 -
scratch-dir Public archive
Forked from bodylabs/scratch-dirPython unit test mixin which creates a scratch directory
Python BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedAug 21, 2020 -
url-path Public archive
Adaptation of the WHATWG URL API for absolute paths
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 3, 2020 -
ts-json-schema-generator Public
Forked from vega/ts-json-schema-generatorGenerate JSON schema from your Typescript sources
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedMay 2, 2020 -
camera-controls Public
Forked from yomotsu/camera-controlsA camera control for three.js, similar to THREE.OrbitControls yet supports smooth transitions and more features.
TypeScript UpdatedApr 5, 2020 -
vsc-material-theme Public
Forked from balanceiskey/vsc-material-themeMaterial Theme, the most epic theme for Visual Studio Code
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 21, 2020 -
gatsby-starter-ghost Public
Forked from TryGhost/gatsby-starter-ghostA starter template to build lightning fast websites with Ghost & Gatsby
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 18, 2019 -
node-aws-lambda-scheduler Public archive
Minimalist utility to automatically schedule AWS Lambda functions
apod-slack-lambda Public archive
The Astronomy Picture of the Day via Slack, with a little help from AWS Lambda
env-flag-fork Public archive
Forked from metabolize/env-flagDEPRECATED
Python BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedSep 29, 2019 -
rq-dashboard Public
Forked from Parallels/rq-dashboardFlask-based web front-end for monitoring RQ queues
Python Other UpdatedSep 27, 2019