Minimal library for Ethereum transactions, addresses and smart contracts.
- 🔓 Secure: audited noble cryptography, no network code, hedged signatures
- 🔻 Tree-shakeable: unused code is excluded from your builds
- 🔍 Reliable: 150MB of test vectors from EIPs, ethers and viem
- ✍️ Core: transactions, addresses, messages
- 🌍 Network-related: execute Uniswap & Chainlink, fetch tx history
- 🦺 Advanced: type-safe ABI parsing, RLP, SSZ, KZG, Verkle
- 🪶 29KB gzipped (1300 lines) for core, just 3 deps
Check out all web3 utility libraries: ETH, BTC, SOL
npm install micro-eth-signer
jsr add jsr:@paulmillr/micro-eth-signer
We support all major platforms and runtimes. For React Native, you may need a polyfill for getRandomValues. If you don't like NPM, a standalone eth-signer.js is also available.
- Core
- Network-related
- Advanced
- Security
- Performance
- License
import { addr } from 'micro-eth-signer';
const random = addr.random(); // Secure: uses CSPRNG
console.log(random.privateKey, random.address);
// '0x17ed046e6c4c21df770547fad9a157fd17b48b35fe9984f2ff1e3c6a62700bae'
// '0x26d930712fd2f612a107A70fd0Ad79b777cD87f6'
import { Transaction, weigwei, weieth } from 'micro-eth-signer';
const tx = Transaction.prepare({
to: '0xdf90dea0e0bf5ca6d2a7f0cb86874ba6714f463e',
value: weieth.decode('1.1'), // 1.1eth in wei
maxFeePerGas: weigwei.decode('100'), // 100gwei in wei (priority fee is 1 gwei)
nonce: 0n,
// Uses `random` from example above. Alternatively, pass 0x hex string or Uint8Array
const signedTx = tx.signBy(random.privateKey);
console.log('signed tx', signedTx, signedTx.toHex());
console.log('fee', signedTx.fee);
// Hedged signatures, with extra noise / security
const signedTx2 = tx.signBy(random.privateKey, { extraEntropy: true });
// Send whole account balance. See Security section for caveats
const CURRENT_BALANCE = '1.7182050000017'; // in eth
const txSendingWholeBalance = unsignedTx.setWholeAmount(weieth.decode(CURRENT_BALANCE));
We support legacy, EIP2930, EIP1559, EIP4844 and EIP7702 transactions.
Signing is done with noble-curves, using RFC 6979. Hedged signatures are also supported - check out the blog post Deterministic signatures are not your friends.
import { addr } from 'micro-eth-signer';
const priv = '0x0687640ee33ef844baba3329db9e16130bd1735cbae3657bd64aed25e9a5c377';
const pub = '030fba7ba5cfbf8b00dd6f3024153fc44ddda93727da58c99326eb0edd08195cdb';
const nonChecksummedAddress = '0x0089d53f703f7e0843953d48133f74ce247184c2';
const checksummedAddress = addr.addChecksum(nonChecksummedAddress);
checksummedAddress, // 0x0089d53F703f7E0843953D48133f74cE247184c2
addr.isValid(checksummedAddress), // true
addr.isValid(nonChecksummedAddress), // also true
There are two messaging standards: EIP-191 & EIP-712.
import * as typed from 'micro-eth-signer/typed-data';
// Example message
const message = 'Hello, Ethereum!';
const privateKey = '0x4c0883a69102937d6231471b5dbb6204fe512961708279f1d7b1b8e7e8b1b1e1';
// Sign the message
const signature = typed.personal.sign(message, privateKey);
console.log('Signature:', signature);
// Verify the signature
const address = '0xYourEthereumAddress';
const isValid = typed.personal.verify(signature, message, address);
console.log('Is valid:', isValid);
import * as typed from 'micro-eth-signer/typed-data';
const types = {
Person: [
{ name: 'name', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'wallet', type: 'address' },
Mail: [
{ name: 'from', type: 'Person' },
{ name: 'to', type: 'Person' },
{ name: 'contents', type: 'string' },
// Define the domain
const domain: typed.EIP712Domain = {
name: 'Ether Mail',
version: '1',
chainId: 1,
verifyingContract: '0xCcCCccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC',
salt: '0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef',
// Define the message
const message = {
from: {
name: 'Alice',
wallet: '0xCcCCccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC',
to: {
name: 'Bob',
wallet: '0xbBbBBBBbbBBBbbbBbbBbbbbBBbBbbbbBbBbbBBbB',
contents: 'Hello, Bob!',
// Create the typed data
const typedData: typed.TypedData<typeof types, 'Mail'> = {
primaryType: 'Mail',
// Sign the typed data
const privateKey = '0x4c0883a69102937d6231471b5dbb6204fe512961708279f1d7b1b8e7e8b1b1e1';
const signature = typed.signTyped(typedData, privateKey);
console.log('Signature:', signature);
// Verify the signature
const address = '0xYourEthereumAddress';
const isValid = typed.verifyTyped(signature, typedData, address);
// Recover the public key
const publicKey = typed.recoverPublicKeyTyped(signature, typedData);
eth-signer is network-free and makes it easy to audit network-related code:
all requests are done with user-provided function, conforming to built-in fetch()
We recommend using micro-ftch,
which implements kill-switch, logging, batching / concurrency and other features.
Most APIs (chainlink, uniswap) expect instance of Web3Provider. The call stack would look like this:
To initialize Web3Provider, do the following:
// Requests are made with fetch(), a built-in method
import { jsonrpc } from 'micro-ftch';
import { Web3Provider } from 'micro-eth-signer/net';
const RPC_URL = 'http://localhost:8545';
const prov = new Web3Provider(jsonrpc(fetch, RPC_URL));
// Example using mewapi RPC
const RPC_URL_2 = '';
const prov2 = new Web3Provider(
jsonrpc(fetch, RPC_URL_2, { Origin: '' })
Basic data can be fetched from any node.
Uses trace_filter
& requires Erigon, others are too slow.
const addr = '0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045';
const block = await prov.blockInfo(await prov.height());
console.log('current block', block.number, block.timestamp, block.baseFeePerGas);
console.log('info for addr', addr, await prov.unspent(addr));
// Other methods of Web3Provider:
// blockInfo(block: number): Promise<BlockInfo>; // {baseFeePerGas, hash, timestamp...}
// height(): Promise<number>;
// internalTransactions(address: string, opts?: TraceOpts): Promise<any[]>;
// ethLogsSingle(topics: Topics, opts: LogOpts): Promise<Log[]>;
// ethLogs(topics: Topics, opts?: LogOpts): Promise<Log[]>;
// tokenTransfers(address: string, opts?: LogOpts): Promise<[Log[], Log[]]>;
// wethTransfers(address: string, opts?: LogOpts): Promise<[Log[]]>;
// txInfo(txHash: string, opts?: TxInfoOpts): Promise<{
// type: "legacy" | "eip2930" | "eip1559" | "eip4844"; info: any; receipt: any; raw: string | undefined;
// }>;
// tokenInfo(address: string): Promise<TokenInfo | undefined>;
// transfers(address: string, opts?: TraceOpts & LogOpts): Promise<TxTransfers[]>;
// allowances(address: string, opts?: LogOpts): Promise<TxAllowances>;
// tokenBalances(address: string, tokens: string[]): Promise<Record<string, bigint>>;
import { Chainlink } from 'micro-eth-signer/net';
const link = new Chainlink(prov);
const btc = await link.coinPrice('BTC');
const bat = await link.tokenPrice('BAT');
console.log({ btc, bat }); // BTC 19188.68870991, BAT 0.39728989 in USD
import { ENS } from 'micro-eth-signer/net';
const ens = new ENS(prov);
const vitalikAddr = await ens.nameToAddress('vitalik.eth');
Btw cool tool, glad you built it!
Uniswap Founder
Swap 12.12 USDT to BAT with uniswap V3 defaults of 0.5% slippage, 30 min expiration.
import { tokenFromSymbol } from 'micro-eth-signer/abi';
import { UniswapV3 } from 'micro-eth-signer/net'; // or UniswapV2
const USDT = tokenFromSymbol('USDT');
const BAT = tokenFromSymbol('BAT');
const u3 = new UniswapV3(prov); // or new UniswapV2(provider)
const fromAddress = '0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045';
const toAddress = '0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045';
const swap = await u3.swap(USDT, BAT, '12.12', { slippagePercent: 0.5, ttl: 30 * 60 });
const swapData = await swap.tx(fromAddress, toAddress);
console.log(swapData.amount, swapData.expectedAmount, swapData.allowance);
The ABI is type-safe when as const
is specified:
import { createContract } from 'micro-eth-signer/abi';
type: 'function',
name: 'getReserves',
outputs: [
{ name: 'reserve0', type: 'uint112' },
{ name: 'reserve1', type: 'uint112' },
{ name: 'blockTimestampLast', type: 'uint32' },
] as const;
const contract = createContract(PAIR_CONTRACT);
// Would create following typescript type:
getReserves: {
encodeInput: () => Uint8Array;
decodeOutput: (b: Uint8Array) => {
reserve0: bigint;
reserve1: bigint;
blockTimestampLast: bigint;
We're parsing values as:
// no inputs
{} -> encodeInput();
// single input
{inputs: [{type: 'uint'}]} -> encodeInput(bigint);
// all inputs named
{inputs: [{type: 'uint', name: 'lol'}, {type: 'address', name: 'wut'}]} -> encodeInput({lol: bigint, wut: string})
// at least one input is unnamed
{inputs: [{type: 'uint', name: 'lol'}, {type: 'address'}]} -> encodeInput([bigint, string])
// Same applies for output!
There are following limitations:
- Fixed size arrays can have 999 elements at max: string[], string[1], ..., string[999]
- Fixed size 2d arrays can have 39 elements at max: string[][], string[][1], ..., string[39][39]
- Which is enough for almost all cases
- ABI must be described as constant value:
[...] as const
- We're not able to handle contracts with method overload (same function names with different args) — the code will still work, but not types
Check out src/net/ens.ts
for type-safe contract execution example.
The transaction sent ERC-20 USDT token between addresses. The library produces a following hint:
Transfer 22588 USDT to 0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7
import { decodeTx } from 'micro-eth-signer/abi';
const tx =
// Decode tx information
deepStrictEqual(decodeTx(tx), {
name: 'transfer',
signature: 'transfer(address,uint256)',
value: {
to: '0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7',
value: 22588000000n,
hint: 'Transfer 22588 USDT to 0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7',
Or if you have already decoded tx:
import { decodeData } from 'micro-eth-signer/abi';
const to = '0x7a250d5630b4cf539739df2c5dacb4c659f2488d';
const data =
const value = 100000000000000000n;
deepStrictEqual(decodeData(to, data, value, { customContracts }), {
name: 'swapExactETHForTokens',
signature: 'swapExactETHForTokens(uint256,address[],address,uint256)',
value: {
amountOutMin: 12345678901234567891n,
path: [
to: '0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045',
deadline: 1876543210n,
// With custom tokens/contracts
const customContracts = {
'0x106d3c66d22d2dd0446df23d7f5960752994d600': { abi: 'ERC20', symbol: 'LABRA', decimals: 9 },
deepStrictEqual(decodeData(to, data, value, { customContracts }), {
name: 'swapExactETHForTokens',
signature: 'swapExactETHForTokens(uint256,address[],address,uint256)',
value: {
amountOutMin: 12345678901234567891n,
path: [
to: '0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045',
deadline: 1876543210n,
hint: 'Swap 0.1 ETH for at least 12345678901.234567891 LABRA. Expires at Tue, 19 Jun 2029 06:00:10 GMT',
Decoding the event produces the following hint:
Allow 0xe592427a0aece92de3edee1f18e0157c05861564 spending up to 1000 BAT from 0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045
import { decodeEvent } from 'micro-eth-signer/abi';
const to = '0x0d8775f648430679a709e98d2b0cb6250d2887ef';
const topics = [
const data = '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003635c9adc5dea00000';
const einfo = decodeEvent(to, topics, data);
packed allows us to implement RLP in just 100 lines of code, and SSZ in 1500 lines.
SSZ includes EIP-7495 stable containers.
import { RLP } from 'micro-eth-signer/rlp';
// More RLP examples in test/rlp.test.js
import * as ssz from 'micro-eth-signer/ssz';
// More SSZ examples in test/ssz.test.js
Allows to create & verify KZG EIP-4844 proofs.
import * as verkle from 'micro-eth-signer/verkle';
import { KZG } from 'micro-eth-signer/kzg';
// 400kb, 4-sec init
import { trustedSetup } from '@paulmillr/trusted-setups';
// 800kb, instant init
import { trustedSetup as fastSetup } from '@paulmillr/trusted-setups/fast.js';
// More KZG & Verkle examples in
const kzg = new KZG(trustedSetup);
// Example blob and scalar
const blob = '0x1234567890abcdef'; // Add actual blob data
const z = '0x1'; // Add actual scalar
// Compute and verify proof
const [proof, y] = kzg.computeProof(blob, z);
console.log('Proof:', proof);
console.log('Y:', y);
const commitment = '0x1234567890abcdef'; // Add actual commitment
const z = '0x1'; // Add actual scalar
// const y = '0x2'; // Add actual y value
const proof = '0x3'; // Add actual proof
const isValid = kzg.verifyProof(commitment, z, y, proof);
console.log('Is valid:', isValid);
// Compute and verify blob proof
const blob = '0x1234567890abcdef'; // Add actual blob data
const commitment = '0x1'; // Add actual commitment
const proof = kzg.computeBlobProof(blob, commitment);
console.log('Blob proof:', proof);
const isValidB = kzg.verifyBlobProof(blob, commitment, proof);
You can verify standalone built files using github CLI:
gh attestation verify --owner paulmillr micro-eth-signer.js
Main points to consider when auditing the library:
- ABI correctness
- All ABI JSON should be compared to some external source
- There are different databases of ABI: one is hosted by Etherscan, when you open contract page
- Network access
- There must be no network calls in the library
- Some functionality requires network: these need external network interface, conforming to
should create purely offline contractcreateContract(abi, net)
would create contract that calls network usingnet
, using external interface
- Skipped test vectors
- There is
, which contains list of test vectors from other libs that we skip - They are skipped because we consider them invalid, or so
- If you believe they're skipped for wrong reasons, investigate and report
- There is
The library is cross-tested against other libraries (last update on 25 Feb 2024):
- ethereum-tests v13.1
- ethers 6.11.1
- viem v2.7.13
Check out article ZSTs, ABIs, stolen keys and broken legs about caveats of secure ABI parsing found during development of the library.
Default priority fee is 1 gwei, which matches what other wallets have. However, it's recommended to fetch recommended priority fee from a node.
There is a method setWholeAmount
which allows to send whole account balance:
const CURRENT_BALANCE = '1.7182050000017'; // in eth
const txSendingWholeBalance = unsignedTx.setWholeAmount(weieth.decode(CURRENT_BALANCE));
It does two things:
amount = accountBalance - maxFeePerGas * gasLimit
maxPriorityFeePerGas = maxFeePerGas
Every eth block sets a fee for all its transactions, called base fee. maxFeePerGas indicates how much gas user is able to spend in the worst case. If the block's base fee is 5 gwei, while user is able to spend 10 gwei in maxFeePerGas, the transaction would only consume 5 gwei. That means, base fee is unknown before the transaction is included in a block.
By setting priorityFee to maxFee, we make the process deterministic:
maxFee = 10, maxPriority = 10, baseFee = 5
would always spend 10 gwei.
In the end, the balance would become 0.
Using the method would decrease privacy of a transfer, because payments for services have specific amounts, and not the whole amount.
Transaction signature matches noble-curves
which means over 4000 times per second on an M2 mac.
The first call of sign
will take 20ms+ due to noble-curves secp256k1 utils.precompute
To run benchmarks, execute npm run bench
Make sure to use recursive cloning for the eth-vectors submodule:
git clone --recursive
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2021 Paul Miller (