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Atlassian JWT Authentication

Atlassian JWT Authentication provides support for handling JWT authentication as required by Atlassian when building add-ons:


From Git

You can check out the latest source from git:

git clone

Or, if you're using Bundler, just add the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'atlassian-jwt-authentication', 
  git: ''



This gem relies on the jwt_tokens table being present in your database and the associated JwtToken model.

To create those simply use the provided generators:

bundle exec rails g atlassian_jwt_authentication:setup

If you are using another database for the JWT data storage than the default one, pass the name of the DB config to the generator:

bundle exec rails g atlassian_jwt_authentication:setup shared

Don't forget to run your migrations now!

Controller filters

The gem provides 2 endpoints for an Atlassian add-on lifecycle, installed and uninstalled. For more information on the available Atlassian lifecycle callbacks visit

If your add-on baseUrl is not your application root URL then include the following configuration for the context path. This is needed in the query hash string validation step of verifying the JWT:

# In the add-on descriptor:
# "baseUrl": "",

AtlassianJwtAuthentication.context_path = '/atlassian/confluence'

Add-on installation

The gem will take care of setting up the necessary JWT tokens upon add-on installation and to delete the appropriate tokens upon un-installation. To use this functionality, simply call

include AtlassianJwtAuthentication

before_action :on_add_on_installed, only: [:installed]
before_action :on_add_on_uninstalled, only: [:uninstalled]

Add-on authentication

Furthermore, protect the methods that will be JWT aware by using the gem's JWT token verification filter. You need to pass your add-on descriptor so that the appropriate JWT shared secret can be identified:

include AtlassianJwtAuthentication

# will respond with head(:unauthorized) if verification fails
before_filter only: [:display, :editor] do |controller|
  controller.send(:verify_jwt, 'your-add-on-key')

Methods that are protected by the verify_jwt filter also give access to information about the current JWT token instance and logged in account (when available):

  • current_jwt_token returns JwtToken
  • current_account_id returns String

Furthermore, this information is stored in the session so you will have access to these 2 instances also on subsequent requests even if they are not JWT signed.

# current_jwt_token returns an instance of JwtToken, so you have access to the fields described above
pp current_jwt_token.addon_key
pp current_jwt_token.base_url

If you need detailed user information you need to obtain it from the instance and process it respecting GDPR.

Add-on licensing

If your add-on has a licensing model you can use the ensure_license filter to check for a valid license. As with the verify_jwt filter, this simply responds with an unauthorized header if there is no valid license for the installation.

before_filter :ensure_license

If your add-on was for free and you're just adding licensing now, you can specify the version at which you started charging, ie. the minimum version of the add-on for which you require a valid license. Simply include the code below with your version string in the controller that includes the other add-on code.

def min_licensing_version'1.0.0')


You can use a middleware to verify JWT tokens (for example in Rails application.rb):

config.middleware.insert_after ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore, AtlassianJwtAuthentication::Middleware::VerifyJwtToken, 'your_addon_key'

Token will be taken from params or Authorization header, if it's verified successfully request will have following headers set:

  • atlassian_jwt_authorization.jwt_token JwtToken instance
  • atlassian_jwt_authorization.account_id String instance
  • atlassian_jwt_authorization.context Hash instance

Middleware will not block requests with invalid or missing JWT tokens, you need to use another layer for that.

Making a service call

Build the URL required to make a service call with the rest_api_url helper or make a service call with the rest_api_call helper that will handle the request for you. Both require the method and the endpoint that you need to access:

# Get available project types
url = rest_api_url(:get, '/rest/api/2/project/type')
response = Faraday.get(url)

# Create an issue
data = {
    fields: {
        project: {
            'id': 10100
        summary: 'This is an issue summary',
        issuetype: {
            id: 10200

response = rest_api_call(:post, '/rest/api/2/issue', data)
pp response.success?

User impersonification

To make requests on user's behalf add act_as_user in scopes required by your app.

Later you can obtain OAuth bearer token from Atlassian.

Do that using AtlassianJwtAuthentication::UserBearerToken.user_bearer_token(account_id, scopes)


If you want to debug the JWT verification define a logger in the controller where you're including AtlassianJwtAuthentication:

def logger"#{Rails.root}/log/atlassian_jwt.log")

Custom error handling

If you want to render your own pages when the add-on throws one of the following errors:

  • forbidden
  • unauthorized
  • payment_required

overwrite the following methods in your controller:

def render_forbidden
  # do your own handling there
  # render your own template 
  render(template: '...', layout: '...')

# the same for render_payment_required and render_unauthorized

Installing the add-on

You can use rake tasks to simplify plugin installation:

bin/rails atlassian:install[prefix,email,api_token,]

Where prefix is your instance name before You an get an API token from Manage your account page.


Config Environment variable Description Default
AtlassianJwtAuthentication.context_path none server path your app is running at ''
AtlassianJwtAuthentication.verify_jwt_expiration JWT_VERIFY_EXPIRATION when false allow expired tokens, speeds up development, especially combined with webpack hot module reloading true
AtlassianJwtAuthentication.log_requests AJA_LOG_REQUESTS when true outgoing HTTP requests will be logged false
AtlassianJwtAuthentication.debug_requests AJA_DEBUG_REQUESTS when true HTTP requests will include body content, implicitly turns on log_requests false


Ruby 2.0+, ActiveRecord 4.1+


Message Bus

With middleware enabled you can use following configuration to limit access to message bus per user / instance:

MessageBus.user_id_lookup do |env|
  env.try(:[], 'atlassian_jwt_authentication.account_id')

MessageBus.site_id_lookup do |env|
  env.try(:[], 'atlassian_jwt_authentication.jwt_token').try(:id)

Then use MessageBus.publish('/test', 'message', site_id: X, user_ids: [Y]) to publish message only for a user.

Requires message_bus patch available at

Upgrade guide

Version 0.7.x

Removed current_jwt_user, JwtUser, update your code to use current_account_id

Versions < 0.6.x

current_jwt_auth has been renamed to current_jwt_token to match model name. Either mass rename or add alias in your controller:

alias_method :current_jwt_auth, :current_jwt_token
helper_method :current_jwt_auth


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