Parses a Swagger spec (in JSON or YAML format), validates it against the Swagger schema, and dereferences all $ref pointers
var parser = require("swagger-parser");
// Parse a JSON or YAML Swagger spec
parser.parse("path/to/my/swagger.yaml", function(err, swaggerObject) {
// This callback will be invoked once the Swagger spec is
// parsed, validated, and dereferenced.
if (err) {
console.error("Swagger Spec could not be parsed because: " + err.message);
// If there's no error, then `swaggerObject` is the parsed SwaggerObject
// (see
"Your API title is " + +
", version " +
npm install swagger-parser
And then use var parser = require("swagger-parser")
in your Node script.
The parse
function accepts an optional options
parameter, like this:
var options = { dereferencePointers: false, validateSpec: false };
parser.parse("path/to/my/swagger.yaml", options, function(err, swaggerObject) {
Available options are as follows:
parseYaml (default: true) - Determines whether the parser will allow Swagger specs in YAML format. If set to
, then only JSON will be allowed. -
dereferencePointers (default: true) - Determines whether
pointers will be dereferenced. If set tofalse
, then the resulting SwaggerObject will contain [ReferenceObjects](see instead of the objects they reference. -
dereferenceExternalPointers (default: true) - Determines whether
pointers will be dereferenced if they point to external files (e.g. ""). If set tofalse
then the resulting SwaggerObject will contain [ReferenceObjects](see for external pointers instead of the objects they reference. -
validateSpec (default: true) - Determines whether the Swagger spec will be validated against the Swagger schema. If set to
, then the resulting SwaggerObject may be missing properties, have properties of the wrong data type, etc.
I welcome any contributions, enhancements, and bug-fixes. File an issue on GitHub and submit a pull request. Use JSHint to make sure your code passes muster. (see .jshintrc).
Here are some things currently on the to-do list:
Unit tests - Especially surrounding
dereferencing logic -
Browser Support - Some slight refactoring is needed to make Swagger-Parser work in web browsers. All of the dependencies already work in the browser, and most of them are available as Bower packages, so it won't be difficult at all.
Recursive $ref pointers - Recursive
pointers are not currently supported, but I plan to add support for them.
Swagger-Parser is 100% free and open-source, under the MIT license. Use it however you want.