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๐Ÿš‰ Micro Router - A tiny and functional router for ZEIT's micro

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๐Ÿ‘Œ   Features

  • Tiny. Just couple lines of code.
  • Functional. Write your http methods using functions.
  • Async. Design to use with async/await

๐Ÿ’ป   Usage

Install as project dependency:

$ yarn add microrouter

Then you can define your routes inside your microservice:

const { send } = require('micro')
const { router, get } = require('microrouter')

const hello = (req, res) => send(res, 200, `Hello ${req.params.who}`)

const notfound = (req, res) => send(res, 404, 'Not found route')

module.exports = router(get('/hello/:who', hello), get('/*', notfound))


You can use your handler as an async function:

const { send } = require('micro')
const { router, get } = require('microrouter')

const hello = async (req, res) =>
  send(res, 200, await Promise.resolve(`Hello ${req.params.who}`))

module.exports = router(get('/hello/:who', hello))

route methods

Each route is a single basic http method that you import from microrouter and has the same arguments:

  • get(path = String, handler = Function)
  • post(path = String, handler = Function)
  • put(path = String, handler = Function)
  • patch(path = String, handler = Function)
  • del(path = String, handler = Function)
  • head(path = String, handler = Function)
  • options(path = String, handler = Function)


A simple url pattern that you can define your path. In this path, you can set your parameters using a : notation. The req parameter from handler will return these parameters as an object.

For more information about how you can define your path, see url-pattern that's the package that we're using to match paths.


The handler method is a simple function that will make some action base on your path. The format of this function is (req, res) => {}


As you can see below, the req parameter has a property called params that represents the parameters defined in your path:

const { router, get } = require('microrouter')
const request = require('some-request-lib')

// service.js
module.exports = router(
  get('/hello/:who', (req, res) => req.params)

// test.js
const response = await request('/hello/World')

console.log(response)  // { who: 'World' }

The req parameter also has a query property that represents the queries defined in your requision url:

const { router, get } = require('microrouter')
const request = require('some-request-lib')

// service.js
module.exports = router(
  get('/user', (req, res) => req.query)

// test.js
const response = await request('/user?id=1')

console.log(response)  // { id: 1 }

Parsing Body

By default, router doesn't parse anything from your requisition, it's just match your paths and execute a specific handler. So, if you want to parse your body requisition you can do something like that:

const { router, post } = require('microrouter')
const { json, send } = require('micro')
const request = require('some-request-lib')

// service.js
const user = async (req, res) => {
  const body = await json(req)
  send(res, 200, body)

module.exports = router(
  post('/user', user)

// test.js
const body = { id: 1 }
const response = await'/user', { body })

UrlPattern instance as path

The package url-pattern has a lot of options inside it to match url. If you have a different need for some of your paths, like a make pattern from a regexp, you can pass an instance of UrlPattern as the path parameter:

const UrlPattern = require('url-pattern')
const { router, get } = require('microrouter')

const routes = router(
    new UrlPattern(/^\api/),
    () => 'This will match all routes that start with "api"'

Namespaced Routes

If you want to create nested routes, you can define a namespace for your routes using the withNamespace high order function:

const { withNamespace, router, get } = require('microrouter')
const { json, send } = require('micro')

const oldApi = withNamespace('/api/v1')
const newApi = withNamespace('/api/v2')

const routes = router(
  oldApi(get('/', () => 'My legacy api route')),
  newApi(get('/', () => 'My new api route'))

PS: The nested routes doesn't work if you pass a UrlPattern instance as path argument!

๐Ÿ•บ   Contribute

  1. Fork this repository to your own GitHub account and then clone it to your local device
  2. Install dependencies using Yarn: yarn install
  3. Make the necessary changes and ensure that the tests are passing using yarn test
  4. Send a pull request ๐Ÿ™Œ