A clean, dark Tmux theme that celebrates the lights of Downtown Tokyo at night.
The perfect companion for tokyonight-vim
Adapted from the original, Visual Studio Code theme.
The old version (deprecated) is still available in the legacy
This is a very opinionated project, as I am a Tech Lead, this theme is very developer-focused.
In your tmux.conf
set -g @plugin "janoamaral/tokyo-night-tmux"
Everything works out the box now. No need to modify anything and colors are hardcoded, so it's independent of terminal theme.
- Local git stats.
- Web based git server (GitHub/GitLab) stats.
- Open PR count
- Open PR reviews count
- Issue count
- Remote branch sync indicator (you will never forget to push or pull again 🤪).
- Great terminal icons.
- Prefix highlight incorporated.
- Cmus status bar
- Windows has custom pane number indicator.
- Pane zoom mode indicator.
- Date and time.
- Add configurations
- remote fetch time
- number styles
- indicators order
- disable indicators
- Terminal: Kitty with Tokyo Night Kitty Theme
- Font: SFMono Nerd Font Ligaturized
Legacy tokyonight