This script will help you if you need to set up Continuous Deployment on a local/LAN server without a public IP address and/or website.
It will
- install ngrok (
landeploy --FORCE init
) or Cloudflare Tunnel (landeploy --TUNNEL cloudflare --FORCE init
) - install webhook (
landeploy --FORCE init
) - set up the ngrok/cloudflared config (you will need to create a free account on or
- set up the webhook config (
landeploy --FORCE init
) - set up the
script (landeploy --FORCE init
) - run the webhook server and ngrok/cloudflared tunnel (
landeploy serve
) - give you the URL to use as webhook in your GitHub/BitBucket repository (
landeploy serve
Program : landeploy by
Version : v1.1.0 (2025-01-08 21:27)
Purpose : automatic deploy on LAN/localhost upon 'git push'
Usage : landeploy [-h] [-Q] [-V] [-f] [-B <BRANCH>] [-D <DOMAIN>] [-E <ENVIRONMENT>] [-H <HOOKS>] [-L <LOG_DIR>] [-P <PORT>] [-R <REMOTE>] [-T <TMP_DIR>] [-U <TUNNEL>] [-Y <REDEPLOY>] <action>
Flags, options and parameters:
-h|--help : [flag] show usage [default: off]
-Q|--QUIET : [flag] no output [default: off]
-V|--VERBOSE : [flag] also show debug messages [default: off]
-f|--FORCE : [flag] do not ask for confirmation (always yes) [default: off]
-B|--BRANCH <?> : [option] remote repo branch [default: main]
-D|--DOMAIN <?> : [option] ngrok domain to use
-E|--ENVIRONMENT <?>: [option] deployment type (only php for now) [default: php]
-H|--HOOKS <?> : [option] webhook config file [default: landeploy.yaml]
-L|--LOG_DIR <?> : [option] folder for log files [default: log/landeploy]
-P|--PORT <?> : [option] local port for ngrok service [default: 8008]
-R|--REMOTE <?> : [option] remote repo name [default: origin]
-T|--TMP_DIR <?> : [option] folder for temp files [default: .tmp]
-U|--TUNNEL <?> : [option] tunnel provider: ngrok/cloudflare [default: ngrok]
-Y|--REDEPLOY <?>: [option] deploy script file [default:]
<action> : [choice] action to perform [options: init,serve,check,env,update]
* use landeploy init to do/check the installation of ngrok and webhook
landeploy init
* use landeploy serve to start local webhook server and remote tunnel
landeploy serve
* use landeploy check to check if this script is ready to execute and what values the options/flags are
landeploy check
* use landeploy env to generate an example .env file
landeploy env > .env
* use landeploy update to update to the latest version
landeploy update
* >>> bash script created with pforret/bashew
* >>> for bash development, also check out pforret/setver and pforret/progressbar
> landeploy --FORCE init
# install ngrok and webhook binaries, create config files
> landeploy init
# check if ngrok, webhook and all config files are OK
Found binary: /usr/local/bin/ngrok
Found config: Valid configuration file at $HOME/.config/ngrok/ngrok.yml
Found binary: /usr/bin/webhook
Found config: landeploy.yaml
Found config:
> landeploy serve
# start local webhook and remote ngrok tunnel
β³ Starting webhook server on port 8008
Log : log/landeploy/serve.2025-01-01.log
Local : http://localhost:8008/hooks/redeploy
Remote: https://[custom] (use this as webhook in GitHub/BitBucket)
Admin : http://localhost:4040 (use this to check what is received by ngrok)
with basher
$ basher install pforret/landeploy
or with git
$ git clone
$ cd landeploy
The following programs are also required:
ngrok (free):
- create a free account on - this includes 2 free endpoints (e.g. 1 for development/testing and 1 for production)
- install Linux client: Setup & Installation -- will happen automatically when using
landeploy --FORCE init
curl -sSL | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ngrok.asc >/dev/null \
&& echo "deb buster main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ngrok.list \
&& sudo apt update && sudo apt install ngrok
adnanh/webhook (Golang - open-source)
sudo apt-get install webhook
- script created with bashew
- ngrok: GitHub Repository Webhooks
Β© 2024 Peter Forret