Stable Diffusion for MacOS M1
Program : m1fusion by
Version : v1.1.0 (Sep 9 22:12:14 2022)
Purpose : Stable Diffusion for MacOS M1
Usage : m1fusion [-h] [-q] [-v] [-f] [-l <log_dir>] [-t <tmp_dir>] [-S <style>] [-W <width>] [-H <height>] [-N <steps>] <action> <prompt?>
Flags, options and parameters:
-h|--help : [flag] show usage [default: off]
-q|--quiet : [flag] no output [default: off]
-v|--verbose : [flag] also show debug messages [default: off]
-f|--force : [flag] do not ask for confirmation (always yes) [default: off]
-l|--log_dir <?> : [option] folder for log files [default: /Users/pforret/log/m1fusion]
-t|--tmp_dir <?> : [option] folder for temp files [default: /tmp/m1fusion]
-S|--style <?> : [option] image style: cinema/photo/manga/comic/painting
-W|--width <?> : [option] output image width (max 512) [default: 512]
-H|--height <?> : [option] output image height (max 512) [default: 512]
-N|--steps <?> : [option] number of time steps [default: 50]
<action> : [choice] action to perform [options: install,uninstall,prompt,nsfw,check,env,update]
<prompt> : [parameter] prompt to use for image generation (optional)
* use m1fusion install to install Stable Diffusion
m1fusion install
* use m1fusion uninstall to delete all Stable Diffusion files (7GB)
m1fusion uninstall
* use m1fusion nsfw to disable Stable Diffusion NSFW filter
m1fusion nsfw
* use m1fusion prompt to create an image from a prompt
m1fusion prompt "a small kitten"
* use m1fusion check to check if this script is ready to execute and what values the options/flags are
m1fusion check
* use m1fusion env to generate an example .env file
m1fusion env > .env
* use m1fusion update to update to the latest version
m1fusion update
* >>> bash script created with pforret/bashew
* >>> for bash development, also check IO:print pforret/setver and pforret/progressbar
> m1fusion install
# do the installation: MacOS, brew, python, git ...
> m1fusion uninstall
# remove all Stable Diffusion files
> m1fusion nsfw
# disable the Rickroll NSFW filter
> m1fusion prompt "new born kitten"
> m1fusion --style cinema prompt "new born kitten"
# generate images
# get inspiration on e.g.
with basher
$ basher install pforret/m1fusion
or with git
$ git clone
$ cd m1fusion
- StableDiffusion: by
- Apple M1 instructions compiled by Pieter Levels
- script created with bashew
Β© 2022 Peter Forret