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Download/create (unsplash/pixabay/replicate) pics and resize/add effects/add attribution/watermark/...


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splashmark logo

Remix images by

  • resize/crop
  • add visual FX (blur/monochrome/darken/median/grain...)
  • add attribution (by saving it as EXIF/IPTC meta data)
  • add watermarks (Unsplash URL or other)

Works with


Program : splashmark  by
Version : v3.5.3 (Apr 14 21:33:20 2023)
Purpose : Mark up images (unspash/pixabay/URL) with titles, effects and resize
Usage   : splashmark [-h] [-q] [-v] [-l <log_dir>] [-t <tmp_dir>] [-w <width>] [-c <crop>] [-s <preset>] [-S <resize>] [-1 <northwest>] [-2 <northeast>] [-3 <southwest>] [-4 <southeast>] [-d <randomize>] [-D <number>] [-e <effect>] [-g <gravity>] [-i <title>] [-z <titlesize>] [-k <subtitle>] [-j <subtitlesize>] [-m <margin>] [-o <fontsize>] [-p <fonttype>] [-r <fontcolor>] [-x <photographer>] [-u <url>] [-P <PIXABAY_ACCESSKEY>] [-U <UNSPLASH_ACCESSKEY>] [-R <REPLICATE_ACCESSKEY>] [-X <EXPORT>] [-E <EXTENSION>] <action> <input?> <output?>
Flags, options and parameters:
    -h|--help        : [flag] show usage [default: off]
    -q|--quiet       : [flag] no output [default: off]
    -v|--verbose     : [flag] output more [default: off]
    -l|--log_dir <?> : [option] folder for log files   [default: /Users/pforret/log/splashmark]
    -t|--tmp_dir <?> : [option] folder for temp files  [default: /tmp/splashmark]
    -w|--width <?>   : [option] image width for resizing  [default: 1200]
    -c|--crop <?>    : [option] image height for cropping  [default: 0]
    -s|--preset <?>  : [option] image size preset
    -S|--resize <?>  : [option] multiply preset with factor
    -1|--northwest <?>: [option] text to put in left top
    -2|--northeast <?>: [option] text to put in right top  [default: {url}]
    -3|--southwest <?>: [option] text to put in left bottom  [default: Created with pforret/splashmark]
    -4|--southeast <?>: [option] text to put in right bottom  [default: {copyright2}]
    -d|--randomize <?>: [option] take a random picture in the first N results  [default: 1]
    -D|--number <?>  : [option] take the Nth picture from query results  [default: 1]
    -e|--effect <?>  : [option] use effect chain on image: bw/blur/dark/grain/light/median/paint/pixel
    -g|--gravity <?> : [option] title alignment left/center/right  [default: center]
    -i|--title <?>   : [option] big text to put in center
    -z|--titlesize <?>: [option] font size for title  [default: 80]
    -k|--subtitle <?>: [option] big text to put in center
    -j|--subtitlesize <?>: [option] font size for subtitle  [default: 50]
    -m|--margin <?>  : [option] margin for watermarks  [default: 30]
    -o|--fontsize <?>: [option] font size for watermarks  [default: 15]
    -p|--fonttype <?>: [option] font type family to use  [default: FiraSansExtraCondensed-Bold.ttf]
    -r|--fontcolor <?>: [option] font color to use  [default: FFFFFF]
    -x|--photographer <?>: [option] photographer name (empty: use name from API)
    -u|--url <?>     : [option] photo URL override (empty: use URL from API)
    -P|--PIXABAY_ACCESSKEY <?>: [option] Pixabay access key
    -U|--UNSPLASH_ACCESSKEY <?>: [option] Unsplash access key
    -R|--REPLICATE_ACCESSKEY <?>: [option] Replicate API key
    -X|--EXPORT <?>  : [option] export to subfolder  [default: export]
    -E|--EXTENSION <?>: [option] image extension to use  [default: jpg]
    <action>         : [choice] action to perform  [options: unsplash,pixabay,text2image,file,folder,url,sizes,check,env,update]
    <input>          : [parameter] URL or search term (optional)
    <output>         : [parameter] output file (optional)
* use splashmark unsplash to download or search a Unsplash photo (requires free Unsplash API key)
  splashmark unsplash "" rose.jpg
  splashmark unsplash "rose" "rose.jpg"
  splashmark unsplash rose (will generate unsplash.rose.jpg)
* use splashmark text2image to create an AI generated photo (requires Replicate API key)
  splashmark text2image "picture of a red rose" rose.jpg
  splashmark text2image "prompt"
* use splashmark pixabay to download or search a Pixabay photo (requires free Pixabay API key)
  splashmark pixabay "" rose.jpg
  splashmark pixabay rose rose.jpg
  splashmark pixabay rose (will generate pixabay.rose.jpg)
* use splashmark file to add texts and effects to a existing image
  splashmark file waterfall.jpg sources/original.jpg
  splashmark --title "Strawberry" -w 1280 -c 640 -e dark,median,grain file sources/original.jpg waterfall.jpg
* use splashmark folder to add texts and effects to a existing image
  splashmark folder /home/folder
  splashmark --title "Strawberry" -w 1280 -c 640 -e dark,median,grain file sources/original.jpg waterfall.jpg
* use splashmark url to add texts and effects to a image that will be downloaded from a URL
  splashmark file waterfall.jpg ""
  splashmark -w 1280 -c 640 -4 "Photographer: John Doe" -e dark,median,grain url "" waterfall.jpg
* use splashmark check to check if this script is ready to execute and what values the options/flags are
  splashmark check
* use splashmark env to generate an example .env file
  splashmark env > .env
* to create a social image for Github
  splashmark -w 1280 -c 640 -z 100 -i "<user>/<repo>" -k "line 1\nline 2" -r EEEEEE -e median,dark,grain unsplash <keyword>
* to create a social image for Instagram
  splashmark -w 1080 -c 1080 -z 150 -i "Carpe diem" -e dark pixabay clouds clouds.jpg
* to create a social image for Facebook
  splashmark -w 1200 -c 630 -i "20 worldwide destinations\nwith the best beaches\nfor unforgettable holidays" -e dark unsplash copacabana


  1. install requirements
# On Linux
sudo apt install exiftool imagemagick jq
# on MacOS
brew install exiftool imagemagick jq
  1. via basher
basher install pforret/splashmark
  1. or otherwise clone the repo
git clone
sudo ln -s splashmark/splashmark /usr/bin/
  1. Get your API keys on
  1. install API keys
vi splashmark/.env
# copy/paste `UNSPLASH_ACCESSKEY` value

UNSPLASH_ACCESSKEY="(unsplash key)"
PIXABAY_ACCESSKEY="(pixabay key)"
REPLICATE_ACCESSKEY="(replicate key)"

Example (verbose) output:

$ splashmark -w 800 -p UbuntuMono-Bold.ttf -e median,dark,grain -1 "font: UbuntuMono Bold, via Google Fonts" -2 "Photo: {url}" -3 "" -4 {copyright} -i "Just an example" -v unsplash beach examples/example.jpg

# 🌱 Expect : 1 single parameter(s): action
# 🌱 Assign : action=unsplash
# 🌱 Expect : 2 optional parameter(s): input output
# 🌱 Assign : input=beach
# 🌱 Assign : output=example.jpg
# 🧽 Cleanup folder: [/tmp/splashmark] - delete files older than 1 day(s)
# 🌱 tmp_file: /tmp/splashmark/2021-04-20.CCTrVM
# 🧽 Cleanup folder: [/Users/<user>/log/splashmark] - delete files older than 30 day(s)
# 🌱 log_file: /Users/<user>/log/splashmark/splashmark.2021-04-20.log
# οΈπŸ”Œ required [curl] -> /usr/bin/curl
# οΈπŸ”Œ required [jq] -> /usr/local/bin/jq
# Unsplash API = [] 
# Output file: [example.jpg]
# Unsplash photo ID = [M8CClPDw02I]
# οΈπŸ”Œ required [jq] -> /usr/local/bin/jq
# Unsplash API = [] 
# IMG = [] 
# οΈπŸ”Œ required [jq] -> /usr/local/bin/jq
# API = [/tmp/splashmark/unsplash.0cff5d45.json]
# οΈπŸ”Œ required [jq] -> /usr/local/bin/jq
# API = [/tmp/splashmark/unsplash.0cff5d45.json]
# META: Photographer: Boxed Water Is Better
# οΈπŸ”Œ required [convert] -> /usr/local/bin/convert
# FONT [/Users/<user>/.basher/cellar/packages/pforret/splashmark/fonts/UbuntuMono-Bold.ttf] exists as a splashmark font
# SIZE: to 800 wide --> example.jpg
# EXIF: set [Writer-Editor] to [] for [example.jpg]
# EXIF: set [Artist] to [Boxed Water Is Better] for [example.jpg]
# EXIF: set [Creator] to [Boxed Water Is Better] for [example.jpg]
# EXIF: set [OwnerID] to [Boxed Water Is Better] for [example.jpg]
# EXIF: set [OwnerName] to [Boxed Water Is Better] for [example.jpg]
# EXIF: set [Credit] to [Photo: Boxed Water Is Better on] for [example.jpg]
# EXIF: set [ImageDescription] to [Photo: Boxed Water Is Better on] for [example.jpg]
# οΈπŸ”Œ required [mogrify] -> /usr/local/bin/mogrify
# EFX : median
# EFX : dark
# EFX : grain
# οΈπŸ”Œ required [mogrify] -> /usr/local/bin/mogrify
# MARK: [font: UbuntuMono Bold, via Google Fonts] in NorthWest corner ...
# οΈπŸ”Œ required [mogrify] -> /usr/local/bin/mogrify
# MARK: [Photo:] in NorthEast corner ...
# οΈπŸ”Œ required [mogrify] -> /usr/local/bin/mogrify
# MARK: [] in SouthWest corner ...
# οΈπŸ”Œ required [mogrify] -> /usr/local/bin/mogrify
# MARK: [Photo by Boxed Water Is Better on] in SouthEast corner ...
# MARK: title [Just an example] in Center ...
# splashmark finished after 7 seconds




Size presets

$ splashmark sizes
cinema:flat          WxH: 1998 x 1080
cinema:hd            WxH: 1920 x 1080
cinema:scope         WxH: 2048 x  858
facebook:cover       WxH:  851 x  315
facebook:horizontal  WxH: 1200 x  630
facebook:story       WxH: 1080 x 1920
facebook:vertical    WxH: 1080 x 1350
github:repo          WxH: 1280 x  640
instagram:horizontal WxH: 1350 x 1080
instagram:square     WxH: 1080 x 1080
instagram:story      WxH: 1080 x 1920
instagram:vertical   WxH: 1080 x 1350
linkedin:horizontal  WxH: 1104 x  736
medium:horizontal    WxH: 1500 x 1200
pinterest:vertical   WxH: 1000 x 1500
tumblr:vertical      WxH: 1280 x 1920
twitter:header       WxH: 1500 x  500
twitter:post         WxH: 1024 x  512

Β© 2020 Peter Forret