Visualize the number of Covid19 cases and deaths compared to the total population of a country.
Try it on! 🚀

This is a React app initialized via create-react-app
. You can run it locally like this:
yarn start
- Add legend with the actual numbers
- Give the app an A11y pass
- Setup SSR (via Netlify)
- Add a Stats section
- Show when the information was last updated
- Use proper routing?
- Add an Homepage
- Improve Google Analytics tracking
- Homepage: improve suggested countries list
- Create a sitemap file
- Look into Code splitting
- Confirm I am using canonical URLs correctly
- Cache API calls (HTTP cache is already working)
- PWA setup - support offline browsing, cache API fetches
- Cache assets & image - now caching via PWA
- Add PWA Google Analytics support
- Add better support for API fetch errors - consider having a "no connection" view for the PWA
- Scroll up when navigating from homepage
- Add About section
- Explore building the squares as SVGs
- Enable comparison between two countries
- Add dark/light mode toggle
- Make it prettier (submit a PR if you have ideas!)
- Inspired by u/data-artist
- Data from