Note: Work in progress!
Idea Inbox is a simple example web app that prompts the user for ideas around a topic and allows them to vote in previously suggested ideas.
It serves as an example application for people to try out new languages and frameworks.
- Idea submission
- Voting
- Idea comments
- Real-time idea comments and voting using sockets
- Admin panel w/ some authentication
This Idea Inbox edition is built using Phoenix. I used my work on pgaspar/elixir-and-phoenix-bootcamp and the Phoenix Guides as basis for this work.
- Phoenix 1.3.4
- Elixir 1.7.1
- Bootstrap 2.1.1 (I used the same css as the original Sinatra implementation)
To run the app, make sure you have Elixir installed and then:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
- Install Node.js dependencies with
cd assets && npm install
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
I'm still discovering Idea Inbox and I'd be very excited to do it with other people!
I'll be pushing a few other implementations soon(ish) as I explore other technologies, but please share your implementations as well!
Comments, suggestions, other implementations, etc. will be very welcome.
Idea Inbox π¬ is based on (pgaspar/oqfc), the work of a few Coimbra residents on the look for ideas of how to improve their city.
The idea of building the same app using multiple languages / frameworks comes from various other projects, like TodoMVC.