SQL-tString allows for f-string like construction of sql queries
Quart-Tasks is a Quart extension that provides scheduled background tasks.
A modern Python package and dependency manager supporting the latest PEP standards
Let's make Flask ecosystem better together!
An async Python micro framework for building web applications.
Entity Relation Diagrams generation tool - DEPRECATED
The Python micro framework for building web applications.
The comprehensive WSGI web application library.
Quart-Trio is an extension for Quart to support the Trio event loop.
Quart-Auth is an extension for Quart to provide for secure cookie authentication (session management).
Quart-Schema is a Quart extension that provides schema validation and auto-generated API documentation.
Quart extension that provides managed connection(s) to postgresql database(s).
Quart-Rate-Limiter is an extension for Quart to allow for rate limits to be defined and enforced on a per route basis.
Quart-CORS is an extension for Quart to enable and control Cross Origin Resource Sharing, CORS.
OpenAPI Spec Validator is a CLI, pre-commit hook and python package that validates OpenAPI Specs against the OpenAPI 2.0 (aka Swagger), OpenAPI 3.0 and OpenAPI 3.1 specification.
Add Keycloak OpenID Connect support to your Quart application.
pepy is a site to get statistics information about any Python package.
Instantly create an HTTP API with automatic type conversions, JSON RPC, and a Swagger UI. Just add methods!
JSON schema generation from dataclasses
The next small thing in web development, powered by Svelte
A clean, three-column Sphinx theme with Bootstrap for the PyData community
Adds server-side session support to your Quart application
Terraform provider for the Gandi Domain services
Fast JSON schema validator for Python.