GPlearn_finiance_stock_futures_extension Public
Forked from chengwei-wang-ucsc/GPlearn_finiance_stock_futures_extensionThis implementation contains the application of GPlearn's symbolic transformer on a commodity futures sector of the financial market.
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJun 10, 2022 -
auto_xuexiqiangguo Public
Forked from dundunnp/auto_xuexiqiangguo每日拿满63分!免root,四人赛双人对战秒答,安卓端学习强国自动化脚本
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 25, 2022 -
streamlit-example Public
Forked from streamlit/streamlit-exampleExample Streamlit app that you can fork to test out share.streamlit.io
Python UpdatedFeb 18, 2022 -
factor-mining_gplearn Public
Forked from Starlightfalls1999/factor-mining_gplearnPython UpdatedJul 7, 2021 -
Apriori Public
Forked from asaini/AprioriPython Implementation of Apriori Algorithm for finding Frequent sets and Association Rules
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 20, 2020 -
data_mine Public
Forked from blackAndrechen/data_mineApriori and fp-growth implement of python
Python UpdatedJan 2, 2020 -
pycorrector Public
Forked from FreeFlyXiaoMa/pycorrector错别字纠正算法。调用pycorrector接口,使用规则。
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 24, 2019 -
FactorMacnine Public
some implements of FactorMachine, including raw numpy, raw pytorch and pytorch nn layers utils
MIT License UpdatedNov 15, 2019 -
pytorch-GAN-timeseries Public
Forked from proceduralia/pytorch-GAN-timeseriesGANs for time series generation in pytorch
Python UpdatedSep 13, 2019 -
PrefixSpan-py Public
Forked from chuanconggao/PrefixSpan-pyThe shortest yet efficient Python implementation of the sequential pattern mining algorithm PrefixSpan, closed sequential pattern mining algorithm BIDE, and generator sequential pattern mining algo…
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 16, 2019 -
python-fp-growth Public
Forked from enaeseth/python-fp-growthAn implementation of the FP-growth algorithm in pure Python.
Python UpdatedJan 15, 2019 -
ML-assignment-20161124 Public
Forked from DpmMsxf/ML-assignment-20161124some machine learning snippets and pipelines
Shell UpdatedJan 17, 2018 -
categorical-encoding Public
Forked from scikit-learn-contrib/category_encodersA library of sklearn compatible categorical variable encoders
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMar 19, 2017