The easiest way to add custom confirmation dialog support to Rails apps.
Create Rails applications entirely from Phlex, ViewComponents, or any object that responds to `#render_in`.
High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.
A PDF generator for Rails using Ferrum & headless Chrome
Record and view Rails ActionMailer emails sent in development
A platform to provide the creation and taking of interactive scenarios with added complexities such as concurrent variables and branching paths for a more engaging experience.
Nest Protect integration for Home Assistant. This will allow you to integrate your smoke, heat, co and occupancy status real-time in HA.
💨 Philips AirPurifier custom component for Home Assistant. Supports local CoAP protocol.
God help me I will Homekit enable my shower.
Realtime server for reliable two-way communication to power-up any backend
A Ruby static code analyzer and formatter, based on the community Ruby style guide.
📬 Get weekly emails on your team’s progress, powered by ChatGPT.
Ruby SAML Identity Provider, best used with Rails (though not required)
Devise SAML 2.0 authentication strategy
JSON Schema validator. Supports drafts 4, 6, 7, 2019-09, 2020-12, OpenAPI 3.0, and OpenAPI 3.1.
A wonderfully simple calendar gem for Rails