wip: Hackily added the ability to live-reload stylesheets in static m…
wip: Hackily added the ability to live-reload stylesheets in static m…
Merge branch 'tidy-up-mawl' into live-reload-mawl
Merge branch 'tidy-up-mawl' into live-reload-mawl
Merge branch 'master' into live-reload-mawl
Merge branch 'master' into live-reload-mawl
fixes broken file uploads; when ARQUIVO_USER is specificed, we were s…
fixes broken file uploads; when ARQUIVO_USER is specificed, we were s…
wip, separated mawl out from start-arquivo, fixed some settings
wip, separated mawl out from start-arquivo, fixed some settings
Removed debugging print statements.
Removed debugging print statements.
In the GHA run of this build, but not when built locally, each copy -…
In the GHA run of this build, but not when built locally, each copy -…
Added qemu to build for arm, now uses attest-build-provenance.
Added qemu to build for arm, now uses attest-build-provenance.
Added LinkRelativizer to EntryRenderer pipeline.
Added LinkRelativizer to EntryRenderer pipeline.
always link to archive with .html extension
always link to archive with .html extension
AdHoc importer now also identifies erb files.
AdHoc importer now also identifies erb files.
wip: let's avoid dynamic stylesheets for just now, when dynamically l…
wip: let's avoid dynamic stylesheets for just now, when dynamically l…
Bump rack from 2.2.7 to
Bump rack from 2.2.7 to
Bump rails from 7.0.5 to
Bump rails from 7.0.5 to
Bump ip from 1.1.5 to 1.1.9
Bump ip from 1.1.5 to 1.1.9
Bump nokogiri from 1.15.2 to 1.16.2
Bump nokogiri from 1.15.2 to 1.16.2
Deleted branch
Bump follow-redirects from 1.13.0 to 1.15.4
Bump follow-redirects from 1.13.0 to 1.15.4
Bump puma from 4.3.12 to 5.6.8
Bump puma from 4.3.12 to 5.6.8
Set the required permissions properly.
Set the required permissions properly.