Checkout the full documentation here.
React Native Skia brings the Skia Graphics Library to React Native. Skia serves as the graphics engine for Google Chrome and Chrome OS, Android, Flutter, Mozilla Firefox and, Firefox OS, and many other products.
- This is an alpha release. Use with caution. *
React Native Skia brings the Skia Graphics Library to React Native. Skia serves as the graphics engine for Google Chrome and Chrome OS, Android, Flutter, Mozilla Firefox and, Firefox OS, and many other products.
When reading these lines, the package is not yet available on npm. Use the link below to install the package.
$ yarn add
Or using npm:
$ npm install
Run pod install
on the ios/
Currently, you will need Android NDK to be installed.
If you have Android Studio installed, make sure $ANDROID_NDK
is available.
for instance.
If the NDK is not installed, you can install it via Android Studio by going to the menu File > Project Structure
And then the SDK Location section. It will show you the NDK path, or the option to Download it if you don't have it installed.
We have an example project you can play with here.
$ yarn
$ cd package && yarn && cd ..
$ cd example && yarn && yarn start
To run the example project on iOS, you will need to run pod install
and on Android you will also need Android NDK to be installed (see here).
React Native Skia has two APIs: a declarative API available as a React Native Renderer and an imperative API backed by JSI. The recommended way to use this library is via the declarative API. Library developers may take advantage of the imperative API to provide custom features.
import {Canvas, Circle, Group} from "@shopify/react-native-skia";
export const HelloWorld = () => {
const width = 256;
const height = 256;
const r = 215;
return (
<Canvas style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<Group blendMode="multiply">
<Circle cx={r} cy={r} r={r} color="cyan" />
<Circle cx={width - r} cy={r} r={r} color="magenta" />
cy={height - r}
import {Skia, BlendMode, SkiaView, useDrawCallback} from "@shopify/react-native-skia";
const paint = Skia.Paint();
export const HelloWorld = () => {
const width = 256;
const height = 256;
const r = 215;
const onDraw = useDrawCallback((canvas) => {
// Cyan Circle
const cyan = paint.copy();
canvas.drawCircle(r, r, r, cyan);
// Magenta Circle
const magenta = paint.copy();
canvas.drawCircle(width - r, r, r, magenta);
// Yellow Circle
const yellow = paint.copy();
canvas.drawCircle(width/2, height - r, r, yellow);
return (
<SkiaView style={{ flex: 1 }} onDraw={onDraw} />
To develop react-native-skia, you need to build the skia libraries on your computer.
Make sure to check out the sub modules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
You also need to install some tools for the build scripts to work. Run yarn
in the root of the project to install them.
Make sure you have all the tools required for building the skia libraries (XCode, Ninja, CMake, Android NDK / build tools)
On MacOS you can install Ninja via homebrew:
brew install ninja
If you have Android Studio installed, make sure $ANDROID_NDK
is available.
for instance.
If the NDK is not installed, you can install it via Android Studio by going to the menu File > Project Structure
And then the SDK Location section. It will show you the NDK path, or the option to Download it if you don't have it installed.
- Install dependencies in the root project
- Install dependencies in the root project
cd package && yarn && cd ..
- Install dependencies in the example
cd example && yarn && cd ..
- Build the Skia libraries with
yarn build-skia
(this can take a while) - Copy Skia headers
yarn copy-skia-headers
- Run pod install in the example project
- Run the commands in the
section - Build the Android binaries with
yarn build-android
- Build the NPM package with `yarn build-npm';
Publish the NPM package manually. The output is found in the dist
- Install Cocoapods in the example/ios folder
cd example/ios && pod install && cd ..