Main repository of the PhaseSCA project.
This repository contains the data and experiments of the project.
This project led to the following TCHES publication: Pierre Ayoub, Aurélien Hernandez, Romain Cayre, Aurélien Francillon, Clémentine Maurice (2025), PhaseSCA: Exploiting Phase-Modulated Emanations in Side Channels. IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES'25).
This project is also part of my Ph.D. Thesis, not yet published.
title = {{PhaseSCA: Exploiting Phase-Modulated Emanations in Side
author = {Ayoub, Pierre and Hernandez, Aur{\'e}lien and Cayre,
Romain and Francillon, Aur{\'e}lien and Maurice,
journal = {IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded
Systems (TCHES)},
publisher = {{IACR}},
volume = {2025},
doi = {10.46586/tches.v2025.i1.392-419},
number = {1},
pages = {392–419},
year = {2024},
month = {Dec.},
url = {},
urlfile = {},
keywords = {Side-channel attacks ; Power/Electromagnetic analysis ;
Unintended modulation ; Phase modulation ; Angle modulation
; Clock jitter},
hal_local_reference={Rapport LAAS n{\textdegree} 25001},
hal_url = {},
hal_pdf = {},
hal_id = {hal-04726109},
hal_version = {v1},
affiliations = {Eurecom, Univ Lille, CNRS, Inria}
As an introduction, one may want to check the TCHES artifact evaluation to reproduce parts of our results. All results and plots of the paper have been generated using one of the script and data in this repository, in such a way that everything must be easy to reproduce given the same hardware and software.
Source code used to flash the firmware we used on our target devices during our attacks. Required to perform the data collection.
Utility used to record I/Q signals from the target device emanations using a software-defined radio (SDR). Required to perform the data collection.
Used to to process and analyze the datasets composed of I/Q signals. Required to perform the data analysis and the attacks.
- SDR: Pick one supported by SoapyRX.
- Near-field probes: Can be a COTS one or a handmade for frequencies between 8 and 128 MHz.
- Device Under Test (DUT): Pick one described in the paper.
This repository is managed using git-annex. Around 400 GB of data is currently deduplicated and spread across 4 instances, including workstations and external mass storage devices.
Documentation of the project.
Experiments of the project.
Datasets built during the project.
Scripts to work with the repository.