Largely inspired by oTranscribe a client side transcriptions text editor to proofread and correct the text before re-alignement back on the server.
Basic info to get up and running in this README
, for more info and documentation on
- stack,
- folder structure
- features
- develompment preview on mobile
- Changing bootswatch theme
- Changing Confidence Score Variables
- Changing save to server interval
- Changing save client locally interval
- Integration
- design/architecture
- etc..
See the notes
folder in this repo.
See mobile responsive screenshots here and here
using the terminal navigate to the folder where you'd like to add the project, and clone this repo as follow
git clone
get into the folder
cd fact2_transcription_editor
install dependencies
npm install
at the root of of the project, do
npm start
This runs webpack webpack-dev-server
from the src
folder. However doesn't build a local copy for deployment, will see that in the next section.
Then Open following page in your prefered browser.
Change the id query field in the url accordingly to load different transcripts.
After having followed the previous instructions for local setup. do the following
npm run build
This builds app is in /dist
For how to integrate with the wider system/setup see section on integration
Very light automated test coverage of some of the module in lib
using jest;
npm run mock_api
Needs tweaking to add medias to it.