- Montréal QC CA / Montpellier FR
- https://pior.dev
Flake8Lint Public
Forked from dreadatour/Flake8LintSublime Text plugin for lint Python files
Python UpdatedNov 1, 2017 -
awesome-asyncio Public
Forked from timofurrer/awesome-asyncioA curated list of awesome Python asyncio frameworks, libraries, software and resources
Other UpdatedOct 2, 2017 -
Continuous Deployment for DNS records
DIGITAL Command Language UpdatedJun 29, 2017 -
aws-ecs-cfn-templates Public
AWS Cloudformation templates for ECS cluster / services
FredUtil-Arduino Public
Forked from fredlllll/FredUtil-Arduinosnippets that were too small for their own library
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 9, 2017 -
octokit.rb Public
Forked from octokit/octokit.rbRuby toolkit for the GitHub API
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMar 31, 2017 -
moto Public
Forked from getmoto/motoMoto is a library that allows your python tests to easily mock out the boto library
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 20, 2016 -
test_markdown_parser Public
Result of the one hour session hack writing an overly naive Markdown parser
nginx-buildpack Public
Forked from heroku/heroku-buildpack-nginxRun NGINX in front of your app server on Heroku
Shell UpdatedMay 18, 2016 -
kinesis_producer Public
Forked from mtlpy/kinesis_producerPython producer for AWS Kinesis Stream with record aggregation (Work In Progress)
dogpile_elasticache Public
Forked from ludia/dogpile_elasticacheDogpile backend for AWS Elasticache Memcache. (pymemcache and auto-discovery)
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 11, 2016 -
pandas Public
Forked from pandas-dev/pandasFlexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
Python Other UpdatedFeb 14, 2016 -
pyramid_google_login Public
Forked from mtlpy/pyramid_google_loginPyramid authentication policy for Google login (OAuth2 server-side flow)
Python UpdatedNov 4, 2015 -
info Public
Forked from mtlpy/infoGeneral public information to share and keep somewhere
UpdatedSep 30, 2015 -
pyramid_metrics Public
Forked from mtlpy/pyramid_metricsPerformance metrics for Pyramid using StatsD
Python UpdatedJun 7, 2015 -
pyramid_health Public
Forked from mtlpy/pyramid_healthSimple healthcheck endpoint for Pyramid, with maintenance mode and application checks.
Python UpdatedJun 6, 2015 -
mtlpyweb Public
Forked from mtlpy/mtlpywebThe current Django-based website for Montréal-Python
CSS UpdatedJun 2, 2015 -
PynamoDB Public
Forked from pynamodb/PynamoDBA pythonic interface to Amazon's DynamoDB
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 6, 2015 -
mixpanel-s3 Public
Extract Mixpanel raw events and upload to S3