jekyll.vim: Blogging from the command line should not be tedious.
This script is intended to automate the process of creating and editing Jekyll blog posts from within vim.
Install using VimPlug
Plug 'pixelatedstack/jekyll.vim'
Set the path to your Jekyll Blog in your vimrc:
let g:jekyll_path = "/path/to/jekyll/blog"
The default post suffix is "markdown".
Example: let g:jekyll_post_suffix = "textile"
You may also want to ad a few mappings to stream line the behavior:
map <Leader>jb :JekyllBuild<CR>
map <Leader>jn :JekyllPost<CR>
map <Leader>jl :JekyllList<CR>
By default all posts are created as drafts (published: false in the YAML), to publish that post simply delete that line.
Build Jekyll site:
List Jekyll posts:
Create a new Jekyll Post:
License: Same terms as Vim itself (see license)