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119 lines (81 loc) · 4.25 KB

📁 xd-storage-helper

Build Status npm version David Maintainability


A little helper to make storing key-value-pairs (e.g. settings) for plugins for Adobe XD CC easier.

It allows to

  • Store settings with key-value-pairs
  • Retrieve settings (or default values, if nothing was previously saved)
  • Reset the settings


Option 1: With a package manager (npm)

If you already use a package manager like npm or yarn and have a bundler like webpack for your plugin, you can simply integrate the helper by running

npm install xd-storage-helper


yarn add xd-storage-helper

in a terminal inside your project folder. After that, you can simply get a reference to the helper by using

const storageHelper = require('xd-storage-helper');

and access its static functions (e.g., storageHelper.set([...])).

Option 2: Without a package manager

First, you'll need to copy the storage-helper.js file into your project. In this case, it gets inserted in a lib-folder (relative to the plugin's root folder). Then, the folder structure should be something like this:

  • lib
    • storage-helper.js
  • main.js
  • mainfest.json

All functions are static members of the storageHelper. Therefore, you simply need to get a reference to it in your code (here from the main.js file):

const storageHelper = require('./lib/storage-helper')

After that, you can simply call the different functions on the storageHelper class.


One common example would be to fill form fields in a dialog with previously used values while I won't show the whole boilerplate code for creating the dialog here (please refer to the Adobe XD plugin documentation for that), here is the basic concept of how to do it:

const storageHelper = require('./lib/storage-helper') // or const storageHelper = require('xd-storage-helper') if you chose option 1

// [...] Create the dialog, so that you have a reference to your text input with the name myInput

const lastInput = await storageHelper.get('myLastInput', 'my default value'); // Retrieves last input or default 'my default value', if nothing is saved
myInput.value = lastInput; // and sets it as the input's default value

// [...]

function onsubmit() {
  storageHelper.set('myLastInput', myInput.value).then(() => { // Save value when form gets submitted
    dialog.close(myInput.value); // And then close the dialog
form.onsubmit = onsubmit;

const result = await dialog.showModal();

// [...] Do stuff with the results

Functions reference

Here is a list of the functions you can call:

storageHelper.get(key: string, defaultValue:*): Promise<*>

Retrieves a value from storage. Saves default value if none is set.


  • key: string: The identifier (the key of the key-value-pair)
  • defaultValue: *: The default value. Gets saved and returned if no value was previously set for the speciefied key.

Returns: Promise for the value retrieved from storage. If none is saved, the defaultValue is returned.

storageHelper.set(key: string, value:*): Promise<void>

Saves a certain key-value-pair to the storage.


  • key: string: The identifier (the key of the key-value-pair)
  • value: *: The value that get's saved

Returns: Promise that resolves when the value got saved successfully

storageHelper.delete(key: string): Promise<void>

Deletes a certain key-value-pair from the storage


  • key: string: The identifier (the key of the key-value-pair)

Returns: Promise that resolves when the value got deleted successfully

storageHelper.reset(): Promise<void>

Resets (i.e. purges) all stored settings.

Returns: Promise that resolves when the storage got reset