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Third-party Libraries |
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Zustand provides bear necessities for state management. Although it is great for most projects, some users wish to extend the library's feature set. This can be done using third-party libraries created by the community.
Disclaimer: These libraries may have bugs, limited maintenance, or other limitations, and are not officially recommended by pmndrs or the Zustand maintainers. This list aims to provide a good starting point for someone looking to extend Zustand's feature set.
- @colorfy-software/zfy — 🧸 Useful helpers for state management in React with Zustand.
- @davstack/store — A zustand store factory that auto generates selectors with get/set/use methods, supports inferred types, and makes global / local state management easy.
- @dhmk/zustand-lens — Lens support for Zustand.
- @liveblocks/zustand — Liveblocks middleware to make your application multiplayer.
- @prncss-xyz/zustand-optics — An adapter for optics-ts.
- auto-zustand-selectors-hook — Automatic generation of Zustand hooks with Typescript support.
- derive-zustand — A function to create a derived Zustand store from other Zustand stores.
- geschichte — Zustand and Immer-based hook to manage query parameters.
- leiten-zustand — Cleans your store from boilerplate for requests and data transformation.
- leo-query — A simple library to connect async queries to Zustand stores.
- mobz — Zustand-style MobX API.
- ngx-zustand — A Zustand adapter for Angular.
- persist-and-sync — Zustand middleware to easily persist and sync Zustand state between tabs/windows/iframes with same origin.
- shared-zustand — Cross-tab state sharing for Zustand.
- simple-zustand-devtools — 🐻⚛️ Inspect your Zustand store in React DevTools.
- solid-zustand — State management in Solid using Zustand.
- treeshakable — A wrapper for library creators to avoid redundant store creation.
- use-broadcast-ts — Zustand middleware to share state between tabs.
- use-post-message-ts — Zustand middleware for sharing state between cross-origin iframes via postMessage browser method.
- use-zustand — Another custom hook to use Zustand vanilla store.
- vue-zustand — State management solution for Vue based on Zustand.
- zoov — State management solution based on Zustand with Module-like API.
- zukeeper — Native devtools with state and action tracking, diffing, tree display, and time travel
- zundo — 🍜 Undo and redo middleware for Zustand, enabling time-travel in your apps.
- zustand-ards — 💁 Simple opinionated utilities for example alternative selector formats and default shallow hooks
- zustand-async-slice - Simple Zustand utility to create Async Slice. TypeScript Fully Supported 🖖
- zustand-boilerplate — A tool that automatically generates getters, setters and more for your zustand store.
- zustand-computed — A Zustand middleware to create computed states.
- zustand-computed-state — Simple middleware to add computed states.
- zustand-constate — Context-based state management based on Zustand and taking ideas from Constate.
- zustand-context — Create a zustand store in React Context, containing an initial value, or use it in your components with isolated, mockable instances.
- zustand-di — use react props to init zustand stores
- zustand-forms — Fast, type safe form states as Zustand stores.
- zustand-hash-storage — Zustand middleware for saving state into URL hash, b64 encoded (can be configured) and debounce timer.
- zustand-injectors — A sweet way to lazy load slices
- zustand-interval-persist — An enhancement for zustand that enables automatic saving of the store's state to the specified storage at regular interval.
- zustand-lit — A zustand adapter for lit.js (LitElement)
- zustand-middleware-computed-state — A dead simple middleware for adding computed state to Zustand.
- zustand-middleware-xstate — A middleware for putting XState state machines into a global Zustand store.
- zustand-middleware-yjs — A middleware for synchronizing Zustand stores with Yjs.
- zustand-multi-persist — A middleware for persisting and rehydrating state to multiple storage engines.
- zustand-namespaces - One store to rule them all. Namespaced Zustand stores.
- zustand-persist — A middleware for persisting and rehydrating state.
- zustand-pub — Cross-Application/Cross-Framework State Management And Sharing based on zustand and zustand-vue for React/Vue.
- zustand-querystring — A Zustand middleware that syncs the store with the querystring.
- zustand-rx — A Zustand middleware enabling you to subscribe to a store as an RxJS Observable.
- zustand-saga — A Zustand middleware for redux-saga (minus redux).
- zustand-slices — A slice utility for Zustand.
- zustand-store-addons — React state management addons for Zustand.
- zustand-sync-tabs — Zustand middleware to easily sync Zustand state between tabs/windows/iframes with same origin.
- zustand-valtio — A sweet combination of Zustand and Valtio
- zustand-vue — State management for vue (Vue3 / Vue2) based on zustand.
- zustand-x — Zustand store factory for a best-in-class developer experience.
- zustand-xs — XState/store compabile middleware for Zustand
- zustand-yjs — Zustand stores for Yjs structures.
- zusteller — Your global state savior. "Just hooks" + Zustand.
- zusty — Zustand tool to assist debugging with time travel, action logs, state snapshots, store view, render time metrics and state component tree.
- zutron — Use Zustand in Electron apps, seamlessly.