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A simple/sample AngularV4-based web app that demonstrates different API authentication options using Amazon Cognito and API Gateway with an AWS Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB backend that stores user details in a complete end to end Serverless fashion.


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A simple/sample AngularV4-based web app that demonstrates different API authentication options using Amazon Cognito and API Gateway with an AWS Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB backend that stores user details as part of the blog post :

Required Tools


Get started by cloning the repository then editing some files described with more detail in steps 1-4:

  1. Upload the file "sam/" to a S3 bucket of choice and add the bucket details to the "sam/sam.yaml" SAM Template (Resources->CognitoDemoFunction->Properties->CodeUri). The bucket should be in the same region as all resources.

  2. Package the template with the following command and execute the resulting 'aws cloudformation deploy' output using the AWS CLI:

aws cloudformation package --template-file sam.yaml --output-template-file sam-output.yaml --s3-bucket <bucket>

The next command should be something similar to:

aws cloudformation deploy --template-file /Users/<username>/GitHub/aws-cognito-apigw-angular-auth/sam/sam-output.yaml --stack-name CognitoAPIGWDemo --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

CloudFormation will automatically create and configure the following resources in your account:

  • Cognito User Pool, including app client and group
  • Cognito Identity Pool
  • Cognito IAM Roles for User Pools group and Identity Pool Authentication Provider
  • API Gateway API
  • Lambda Function
  • DynamoDB Table

After the stack completes, the following command will show you the Outputs:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --query 'Stacks[0].[Outputs[].[OutputKey,OutputValue]]|[]' --output text --stack-name CognitoAPIGWDemo
  1. Generate a Google API ID following the instructions on

  2. Either refer to the output of the "describe-stacks" command above or go to the CloudFormation console, select the stack created on item 2 and open the OUTPUTS tab. All resources we'll need will be there. Use the information to fill up the details under RESOURCE IDENTIFIERS of the file "src/app/aws.service.ts" including the region.

  3. Go to the Cognito Console, select the Identity Pool created by CloudFormation under FEDERATED IDENTITIES and click on EDIT IDENTITY POOL.

  4. Go to the AUTENTICATION PROVIDERS section, select the tab GOOGLE+, click on the UNLOCK button and add the details on the Google API ID generated on step 4. Save the changes.

  5. Click on EDIT IDENTITY POOL once more, go to the AUTENTICATION PROVIDERS section, select the COGNITO tab. Under AUTHENTICATED ROLE SELECTION select the option CHOSE ROLE FROM TOKEN and under ROLE RESOLUTION select DENY. Save the changes.

  6. Create 2 users on your User Pool using a command similar to the AWS CLI command bellow for both of them then confirm the user in the Cognito User Pools console:

aws cognito-idp sign-up \
--client-id <<App Client ID>> \
--username jdoe \
--password P@ssw0rd \
--region <<region>> \
--user-attributes '[{"Name":"given_name","Value":"John"},{"Name":"family_name","Value":"Doe"},{"Name":"email","Value":""},{"Name":"gender","Value":"Male"},{"Name":"phone_number","Value":"+61XXXXXXXXXX"}]'
  1. Add one of the users to the group called "cip-group" in the Cognito User Pool

  2. Create a new "aws-cognito-apigw-angular" project folder by executing the following commands from a terminal in a host on which you want to run the application:

npm install -g @angular/cli@1.0.0
ng new aws-cognito-apigw-angular
cd aws-cognito-apigw-angular
aws apigateway get-sdk --rest-api-id <RestApiId from CloudFormation OUTPUTS> --stage-name demo --sdk-type javascript

(If you are using Windows skip the last command and unzip the SDK file manually)

  1. Update the project folder:
  • Remove the default "src" folder generated by the previous step
  • Copy the updated "src" folder that contains the modified "aws.service.ts" file from step 4 into the new project directory created in the previous step
  • Overwrite the default "package.json" file generated in the new project folder with the one saved in this repo
  1. From the new folder "aws-cognito-apigw-angular" execute the following commands in a terminal:
npm install 
npm start
  1. Access http://localhost:4200/ in a browser then log in with the user above

  2. Authentication should now work as:

  • The Google authenticated user should only be able to access the API resource /google
  • The Cognito User Pools user member of the group "cip-group" should only be able to access the API resource /cip
  • The Cognito User Pools user without any group membership should only be able to access the API resource /cup

License Summary

This sample code is made available under the MIT-0 license. See the LICENSE file.


A simple/sample AngularV4-based web app that demonstrates different API authentication options using Amazon Cognito and API Gateway with an AWS Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB backend that stores user details in a complete end to end Serverless fashion.







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  • JavaScript 46.0%
  • TypeScript 34.4%
  • HTML 16.7%
  • CSS 2.9%