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File metadata and controls

110 lines (88 loc) · 4.26 KB


JS LRU cache library available both as npm and Bower package. AMD/CommonJS/browser compliant. Supports capacity, cache auto cleanup timeout and entries expiration timeout (expirationTime) as constructor parameters.

Each set, get or has operation will reset last visited time of cached entry. When reaching capacity, least recently used entry will be superseded.

Cleanup timeout feature (cleanupTime parameter): stands for clearing all cache data after some timeout since last access; implemented via setTimeout/clearTimeout. Entries expiration timeout (expirationTime parameter): stands for avoiding outdated entries. In contrast to cleanupTime checking is done only on demand (set/get/has access) and does not use timers.

Internally uses double linked list and hash for entries lookup to provide constant time (O(1) complexity) for entries get, set and remove. Note: entries hash is implemented as plain js object, so all keys will be treated as strings.


  • via npm npm install js-cache-lru --save
  • via bower bower install js-cache-lru --save


  • constructor

    • has optional capacity (defaults to 256), cleanupTime (defaults to 0 - never cleanup) and expirationTime (in milliseconds; defaults to 0 - i.e. entries will be never cleared)
    var LRUCache = require('js-cache-lru');
    var cache = new LRUCache([capacity], [cleanupTime], [expirationTime]);
  • set(key, value) O(1)

    • if key doesn't exist, adds key/value entry to cache
    • if key exists, updates value and entry last visited time
    • if cache reaches its capacity, least recently used entry will be removed
    cache.set('key1', 'value1');
  • get(key) O(1)

    • if key exists, returns value and updates entry last visited time
    • if key exists but is expired, returns undefined (removing key/value internally)
    • if key does not exist, returns undefined
    cache.get('key1'); // should return 'value1'
  • clear() O(1); O(n) if referencesCleanup enabled

    • removes all entries from cache. Internally clears hash and double linked list with nilling prev/next entries references.
    cache.clear(); // now cache.length is 0
  • remove(key) O(1)

    • removes key from cache
    cache.get('key1'); // returns undefined
  • enableReferencesCleanup() O(1)

    • enables references cleanup on clearing internal doubly linked list. Could help to avoid memory leaks on some (old) engines, but makes clear asymptotic time O(n) instead of O(1).
  • enableReferencesCleanup() O(1)

    • disables references cleanup (disabled by default)
  • length O(1)

    • note: expiration check is not performed; returned value includes nodes that could already expire, but didn't yet cleared, because were not yet accessed
    cache.length; // getter for cache actual size
  • keys O(n)

    • note: expiration check is not performed; returned value includes nodes that could already expire, but didn't yet cleared, because were not yet accessed
    cache.keys; // getter for all cache keys
  • values O(n)

    cache.values; // getter for all cache values
  • capacity O(1)

    cache.capacity; // getter for capacity (either specified in constructor or default)
  • cleanupTime O(1)

    cache.cleanupTime; // getter for cleanupTime (either specified in constructor or default)
  • expirationTime O(1)

    cache.expirationTime; // getter for expirationTime (either specified in constructor or default)


    git clone # clone this repository
    cd js-cache-lru
    npm install # installs node modules (assuming that npm and node are already installed)
    # <do changes>
    npm run test # run tests
    # submit pull request


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The MIT License (MIT)