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Polarity MaxMind Integration

The Polarity Maxmind integration allows Polarity to retrieve geolocation information for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses using the MaxMind GeoIP2 or GeoLite2 databases.

You can download the free MaxMind GeoLite2 City and ASN databases directly from MaxMind at

We recommend downloading the latest GeoLite2 City database (in binary mmdb format) and GeoLite2 ASN database (also in binary mmdb format). Both of these databases should be uploaded to your Polarity Server. See Installation Instructions for more information.

MaxMind lookup example

Installation Instructions

Cloning the Integration

When cloning this integration please ensure you save the integration into a directory that is not named maxmind. This is due to a conflict with Polarity's legacy client-side maxmind integration. As an example, if using git to clone the repo onto your Polarity Server you would use the following command to clone the repo into a directory called maxmind.server.

git clone maxmind.server

Updating the MaxMind Databases

This integration includes the free MaxMind City and ASN database. New databases are released on the first tuesday of each month and we recommend keeping your database updated with the latest version. To do this you can download both the MaxMind GeoLite2 City and MaxMind GeoLite2 ASN databases from the MaxMind website after creating a free account. For more information and to create a free account please see:

After downloading and untaring the files you should have two database files:


Upload these database files to your polarity server's MaxMind integration directory. For example, if you saved the maxmind integration into a directory called maxmind.server then you would place the two maxmind database files into the directory:


Additional installation instructions for integrations are provided on the PolarityIO GitHub Page.

MaxMind Integration Options

Country Blacklist

A blacklist of countries to hide results from (i.e., no results will be shown for selected countries). You cannot provide both a Country Blacklist and a Country Whitelist.

If no "Country Whitelist" and no "Country Blacklist" are set, then all results will be returned.

Country Whitelist

A whitelist of countries that results should be shown for (i.e., results will only be shown for selected countries). You cannot provide both a Country Blacklist and a Country Whitelist.

If no "Country Whitelist" and no "Country Blacklist" are set, then all results will be returned.

Return all Countries for On-Demand Lookups

If checked, the integration will return results for all countries when an On-demand search is run (i.e., Country Whitelist and Country Blacklist settings will be ignored for On-Demand lookups).

Show Full Country Name

If checked, integration will always display the full country name rather than just the country ISO Code in the MaxMind notification summary

Show State

If checked, the integration will display the state or subdivision information when available in the MaxMind notification summary

Show ASN and Org Info

If checked, the integration will display the ASN and organization information as a summary tag

Maxmind City Database File Path

A file path to pointing to the MaxMind City database file. If a relative path is provided, the path will be relative to the MaxMind integration directory on the Polarity Server. If left blank, the default value of 'database/GeoLite2-City.mmdb' will be used.

Maxmind ASN Database File Path

A file path to pointing to the MaxMind ASN database file. If a relative path is provided, the path will be relative to the MaxMind integration directory on the Polarity Server. If left blank, the default value of 'database/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb' will be used.


Polarity is a memory-augmentation platform that improves and accelerates analyst decision making. For more information about the Polarity platform please see:

This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, avalable from