Laravel's Eloquent ORM is nice for lightweight use, however there's little out there that can beat Doctrine when you need a more full-featured ORM.
This is an integration of Doctrine 2.x to Laravel 4.x as a composer package. Doctrine's EntityManager
instance is accessible through a facade named Doctrine
Metadata is currently obtained via the annotation driver.
Installation is the usual for Laravel packages.
Insert the following in the packages section of your composer.json
file and run an update:
"atrauzzi/laravel-doctrine": "dev-master",
Add the service provider to your Laravel application in app/config/app.php
. In the providers
array add:
Then add the following to your facades
in Laravel 4) array in the same file:
'Doctrine' => 'Atrauzzi\LaravelDoctrine\Support\Facades\Doctrine',
You'll likely want to configure the database connection, which you can do by overriding the bundle's defaults with the following command:
./artisan config:publish atrauzzi/laravel-doctrine
This should get you a fresh copy of the configuration file in the directory app/config/packages/vendor/atrauzzi/laravel-doctrine
Most of Doctrine's functionality derives from defining your schema (via annotations in your model classes in this case), performing manipulations on instances and then persisting them through the EntityManager
. You can obtain the EntityManager
instance for your connection simply by using the Doctrine
Adapted from Doctrine's documentation:
$user = new User;
It is recommended that you read through all of the ORM documentation. Try using Laravel's console to experiment and go through the tutorials.
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software license under the MIT license
This project is too to ensure maximum compatibility.
I'm interested in hearing feedback and suggestions about this package. Please feel free to submit a ticket at any time.
Visit laravel-doctrine:
laravel-doctrine is made by Alexander Trauzzi