👋 Hi, I’m Dimitrios Pouloutidis
More in 192.168.gr or poulou.gr
👋 Hi, I’m Dimitrios Pouloutidis
More in 192.168.gr or poulou.gr
Zoom, fullscreen and minimize the webcam view
Python 10
A dashboard widget for a home assistant template
### Setup openvpn with .ovpn file
pi@octopi:~ $ sudo apt install openvpn
pi@octopi:~ $ sudo mv 11.pi3-octoprint.ovpn /etc/openvpn/11.pi3-octoprint.conf
pi@octopi:~ $ sudo systemctl restart openvpn
## To ssh without password
ssh-copy-id pi@192.168.x.x
## Restart if offline
* ### nmap
If installed with `snap` it gives an error: `dnet: Failed to open device enp0sxxxx`
Fix: https://askubuntu.com/a/1312647