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ONNX Runtime JavaScript API

This directory contains multiple NPM projects:


This folder contains a .vscode folder for Visual Studio Code workspace configs. Using VSCode to open this folder will allow code-formatting and linting features on typescript and C/C++ source code inside this folder. Following files are used for code-formatting and linting features for developers:

  • .vscode/**
  • package.json
  • packages-lock.json
  • .eslintrc.js
  • .clang-format

Using VSCode:

  1. in <ORT_ROOT>/js, run:

    npm ci

  2. use VSCode to open folder <ORT_ROOT>/js
  3. install VSCode extension if not installed yet:
    • Clang-Format
    • ESLint

To populate typescript type declarations, in each projects, run npm ci.


language: typescript


folder: <ORT_ROOT>/js/common

This project is designed to include all "common" code, which are pure javascript that can run in both Node.js and browsers.


Node.js v12+ (recommended v14+)


Use following command in folder <ORT_ROOT>/js/common to install NPM packages, build typescript files and generate bundles:

npm ci


It should be able to consumed by both from projects that uses NPM packages (through a Node.js folder structure of node_modules folder that generated by npm install onnxruntime-common) and from a CDN service that serves a .min.js bundle file.


Following features are included in onnxruntime-common:

  • InferenceSession interfaces
  • Tensor/OnnxValue interfaces, implementation and a set of utility functions
  • Backend interfaces and a set of functions for backend registration


language: typescript/C++

dependency: onnxruntime-common, ONNXRuntime.dll

folder: <ORT_ROOT>/js/node

This project is designed to be used as a NPM package to enable Node.js users to consume ONNX Runtime via Node.js binding, in Node.js or any Node.js compatible environment.


Node.js v12+ (recommended v14+)


Build ONNX Runtime and Node.js binding

Follow instructions for building ONNX Runtime Node.js binding

Build Node.js binding only

Use following command in folder <ORT_ROOT>/js/node to install NPM packages and build typescript files:

npm ci

This will download the latest pre-built ONNX Runtime binaries for the current platform.


It should be able to consumed by from projects that uses NPM packages (through a Node.js folder structure of node_modules folder that generated by npm install onnxruntime-node).


language: typescript

dependency: onnxruntime-common, ONNXRuntime WebAssembly

folder: <ORT_ROOT>/js/web

This project is a library for running ONNX models on browsers. It is the successor of ONNX.js.


Node.js v12+ (recommended v14+)


  1. Install NPM packages

    1. in /js/, run npm ci.
    2. in /js/common/, run npm ci.
    3. in /js/web/, run npm ci.
  2. Follow instructions for building ONNX Runtime WebAssembly.

  3. Copy files onnxruntime_wasm.* from build output folder to <ORT_ROOT>/js/web/lib/wasm/binding/.

  4. Use following command in folder <ORT_ROOT>/js/web to build:

    npm run build


It should be able to consumed by both from projects that uses NPM packages (through a Node.js folder structure of node_modules folder that generated by npm install onnxruntime-web) and from a CDN service that serves a .min.js file and one or multiple .wasm file(s).
