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A custom element for making announcements with live regions

Getting started

To install @primer/live-region-element in your project, you will need to run the following command using npm:

npm install -S @primer/live-region-element


The @primer/live-region-element package provides a custom element to assist in making announcements with live regions. You can make announcements with this custom element by calling the announce() and announceFromElement methods:

const liveRegion = document.querySelector('live-region')

liveRegion.announce('Example message')

The package also provides announce() and announceFromElement so that you can directly call them, as well.

import {announce, announceFromElement} from '@primer/live-region-element'

announce('Example message')

Each method also supports specifying the politeness level of the announcement through the politeness option. By default, announcements will be polite.

const liveRegion = document.querySelector('live-region')

liveRegion.announce('Example polite message', {
  politeness: 'polite',

liveRegion.announce('Example assertive message', {
  politeness: 'assertive',

It is essential that the live-region element exists in the initial HTML payload of your application. Having multiple live regions on a page is discouraged so we recommend having a single global live region that is available across every page of your application by embedding this live-region element as part of your page layout.

To do so, include <live-region></live-region> in your HTML and make sure that the custom element has been defined. Follow the Declarative shadow DOM section below if you would like to include this in your HTML.

Declarative Shadow DOM

The live-region custom element includes support for Declarative Shadow DOM and you can leverage this feature by using the following snippet:

  <template shadowrootmode="open">
      :host {
        clip-path: inset(50%);
        height: 1px;
        overflow: hidden;
        position: absolute;
        white-space: nowrap;
        width: 1px;
    <div id="polite" aria-live="polite" aria-atomic="true"></div>
    <div id="assertive" aria-live="assertive" aria-atomic="true"></div>

In addition, a templateContent export is available through the package which can be used alongside <template shadowrootmode="open"> to support this feature.

Delaying announcements

Both announce and announceFromElement provide support for announcing messages at a later point in time. In the example below, we are waiting five seconds before announcing the message.

import {announce} from '@primer/live-region-element'

announce('Example message', {
  delayMs: 5000,

Canceling announcements

Any announcements made with announce and announceFromElement may be cancelled. This may be useful if a delayed announcements has become outdated. To cancel an announcement, call the return value of either method.

import {announce} from '@primer/live-region-element'

const cancel = announce('Example message', {
  delayMs: 5000,

// At some point before five seconds, call:

If you would like to clear all announcements, like when transitioning between routes, you can call the clear() method on an existing LiveRegionElement.

const liveRegion = document.querySelector('live-region')

// Send example messages
liveRegion.announce('Example polite message', {
  delayMs: 1000,
  politeness: 'polite',
liveRegion.announce('Example polite message', {
  delayMs: 1000,
  politeness: 'polite',

// Clear all pending messages

πŸ™Œ Contributing

We're always looking for contributors to help us fix bugs, build new features, or help us improve the project documentation. If you're interested, definitely check out our Contributing Guide! πŸ‘€


Licensed under the MIT License.