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Migration guide


The 4.0.0-beta release renames some components:

  • FlexContainer is now named Flex
  • FlexItem is now Flex.Item
  • UnderlineNavItem is now UnderlineNav.Item
  • FilterListItem is now FilterList.Item

There is a codemod available to upgrade component identifiers from v3.x.x-beta:

npx jscodeshift -t node_modules/@primer/components/codemods/v4.js path/to/src

The following breaking changes must be accounted for manually:

  • Label no longer has a scheme prop, but now respects size and dropshadow props.
  • StateLabel does have a scheme prop (instead of state), and takes different values.


🚨 As of v3, the name of the package has changed from primer-react to @primer/components.

The 3.0.0-beta release contains the following breaking changes:

  • The MergeStatus component is gone. Use a StateLabel instead.
  • The Link component no longer accepts scheme or muted props, and has no underline by default.
  • DonutChart is now simply Donut, and DonutSlice is Donut.Slice.

There is a codemod available to upgrade from 2.x.x-beta and updating the package name:

npx jscodeshift -t node_modules/@primer/components/codemods/v3.js path/to/src


The 2.0.0-beta release is a major version bump because it renames several components:

  • Box is now BorderBox
  • Block is now Box
  • CaretBox is now PointerBox

We suggest that you rename your components in the above order, since renaming Block to Box before renaming the old Box component to BorderBox will cause problems.

There is a codemod available to upgrade from 1.x.x-beta:

npx jscodeshift -t node_modules/primer-react/codemods/v2.js path/to/src


This release is a major version bump because it completely refactors the guts of all our components. Here's what you need to know:

There is a codemod available to upgrade from previous versions 0.x.x-beta:

npx jscodeshift -t node_modules/primer-react/codemods/v1.js path/to/src

Emotion and styled-system

The big change in this release is the introduction of emotion and styled-system under the hood to speed up our migration from Primer CSS to complete style encapsulation in React. For now, you will need to continue serving up Primer CSS to support components that haven't yet been migrated to the new styling system. See the README for more information.

This release also introduces early support for theming.

Props changes

  • The tag prop has been renamed to is to match styled-system conventions.

  • Color props will require refactoring:

    • The fg prop has been renamed to color across the board.

    • Color prop (bg, color, and borderColor) values are now object paths that represent nested fields in the colors object of our default theme. Because all of our color gradations are expressed as arrays, the gray, blue, green, orange, purple, red, and yellow values need to be updated to include the .5 suffix so that they receive the value closest to the middle of each hue gradation (red.5 maps to[5]).

      In other words, color="red" becomes color="red.5", bg="purple" becomes bg="purple.5", and so on. See the full list of changes below.

  • Some typography props will require refactoring.

  • Some Block props have changed.

  • Some FlexContainer and FlexItem props have changed.


Theming is an optional way to override the values that control color, spacing, typography, and other aspects of our components.

There are two ways to change the theme of @primer/components components:

  1. You can override the theme for an entire tree of components using the <ThemeProvider> from emotion-theming:

    import {Block, Button, Text, theme as primer} from '@primer/components'
    import {ThemeProvider} from 'emotion-theming'
    // a theme with custom spacing and font sizes
    const theme = {
      space: [0, 8, 16, 32, 64],
      fontSizes: [10, 12, 16, 24, 48],
    // override
    theme.colors.bodytext = '#111'
    export default () => (
      <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
        <Block sx={{color: 'bodytext', p: 4}}>
          <Text fontSize={4}>Hello, world!</Text>

    ⚠️ Note: emotion-theming's <ThemeProvider> only allows exactly one child.

  2. You can theme individual components by passing the theme prop directly:

    import {Text} from '@primer/components'
    const theme = {
      colors: {
        magenta: '#f0f',
    export default () => (
      <Text theme={theme} color="magenta">
        Hi, I'm magenta!

    ☝️ This is an intentionally convoluted example, since you can use <Text color='#f0f'> out of the box.

Read the styled-system docs for more information on theming in styled-system.

Color props

The following table lists color prop values that have changed in 1.0.0-beta:

Prop Before After Notes
bg blue-light blue.0
bg blue blue.5
bg gray-dark gray.9
bg gray-light gray.0
bg gray gray.1
bg green-light green.1
bg green green.5
bg orange orange.7
bg purple-light purple.0
bg purple purple.5
bg red-light red.1
bg red red.5
bg yellow-light yellow.2
bg yellow yellow.5
borderColor black-fade blackfade15
borderColor blue-light blue.2
borderColor blue blue.5
borderColor gray-dark gray.3
borderColor gray-darker gray.7
borderColor gray-light #eaecef Not yet migrated
borderColor gray gray.2
borderColor green-light #a2cbac Not yet migrated
borderColor green green.4
borderColor purple purple.5
borderColor red-light #cea0a5 Not yet migrated
borderColor yellow #d9d0a5 Not yet migrated
color blue blue.5
color gray-dark gray.9
color gray-light gray.5
color gray gray.6
color green green.5
color orange-light orange.6
color orange orange.9
color purple purple.5
color red red.6

Remember that all fg props must be renamed to color.

Typography props

  • Typography props are still only available on the Text and Heading components.

  • The fontSize prop works as before, but now treats any value that doesn't represent an index of theme.fontSizes as a literal CSS value.

  • The lineHeight prop now accepts one of the keys from theme.lineHeights: default, condensed, or condensedUltra. Any other value will be passed along as a literal CSS value.

The following table lists typography-related prop substitutions:

Prop Value(s) Substitute
lineHeight condensed-ultra lineHeight="condensedUltra"
mono (boolean) fontFamily="mono"
nowrap (boolean) css="white-space: nowrap"

Block props

The Block component supports most of the same props, but the following ones will need to be refactored:

Prop Value(s) Substitute
border true border={1}
border 'bottom' borderBottom={1}
border 'left' borderLeft={1}
border 'right' borderRight={1}
border 'top' borderTop={1}
shadow all boxShadow="value"

Note: array values in border props represent responsive values.

Flex props

The FlexContainer and FlexItem components have changed significantly in this version. The following props have been renamed or deprecated:


Prop Value(s) Substitute
direction all flexDirection="css-value"
wrap wrap, nowrap flexWrap="css-value"
inline (boolean) display="inline-flex"


Prop Value(s) Substitute
flexAuto (boolean) No longer supported


Codemods are scripted transformations that you can run on your code to relieve you of most of the grunt work involved in upgrading from one major version to the next. The codemod instructions for each major release assume that your code has already been upgraded to the previous major release. If this is not the case, you should run the codemods for all previous major versions first.

Beware that codemods are not 100% fool-proof and may break your code, especially if you do unexpected things like alias Primer exports in strange ways (import {Box as box}...), or use component identifiers from other modules that conflict with Primer's. Before running a codemod, please either back up your work or commit it, then carefully inspect the diff.