OS Public
Writing & Making Operating System and Kernel parts so simple like Hello World Programs, Starting from writing Bootloaders, Hello World Kernel, GDT, IDT, Terminal, Keyboard/Mouse, Memory Manager, HD…
xlang Public
Compiler for xlang, A C like high level programming language that emits Intel x86 assembly
Silver-J_IDE Public
Integrated Development Environment(IDE) for Java Programming named Silver-J written in C#.Net
http_web_server Public
An HTTP and HTTPS Web Server for static HTML pages as well as dynamic scripts such as PHP, CGI, Python, Perl etc.
udp_file_sender_receiver Public
A Peer-To-Peer file sender/receiver program using User Datagram Protocol(UDP) with Cyclic Redundancy Check(CRC) error detection mechanism
mini-assembler Public
Translation of an Intel x86 assembly language syntax into operation codes by generating listing file
Win32_API_Programs Public
Basic use of Windows API(Win32 API) in C/C++, Programs like Processes/Threads/Fibers, DiskUtil, Semaphore/Mutex, VMem, Heap, SEH
custom_controls_csharp Public
Basic Custom Controls, Custom Windows Forms, Dashboard UI, Microsoft Office 2013 UI in Windows Forms using C# DotNet
AdvancedNotepad_Java Public
A multi tabbed notepad written in java with features like opening/saving/closing multiple files,different look and feels etc.
AdvancedNotepad_CSharp Public
Notepad having Multi Tabbed Documents editing, Document Selector, File Association etc