By Sonr, creators of The Sonr App
Sonr Mobile App Flutter frontend that utilizes sonr_plugin and namebase. Effortlessly Share Files, Sonr is a Decentralized File Sharing Platform that works like Airdrop locally and like Email when you need to share things a bit further.
Generate SQL Table fields by running this command:
flutter packages pub run build_runner build
Wrap Enviornment Keys with this command:
flutter pub get
flutter pub run environment_config:generate --ip_key=$ip_key --rapid_key=$rapid_key --hs_key=$hs_key --hs_secret=$hs_secret --storj_key=$storj_key --storj_root_password=$storj_root_password --sentry_dsn=$sentry_dsn --hub_key=$hub_key --hub_secret=$hub_secret --map_key=$map_key --map_secret=$map_secret`
Generate Icon Comments using this command:
// PCRE (PHP < 7.3)
Substitution: SonrIcons -$2\n\0\n
- Expression for Comment Generation
- DONT use underscores for fonts
This project contains a makefile
with the following commands:
# Activates Global Flutter Plugins
make activate
# Builds IPA and APB for Sonr App
make build
# Builds IPA ONLY for iOS Sonr App
make build.ios
# Builds APB ONLY for Android Sonr App
# Run App for Profiling and Save SKSL File
make profile
# Fetch Plugin Submodule, and Upgrade Dependencies
make update
# Cleans App Build Cache
make clean
Table for Gomobile type conversions from bind.
| Dart | Java | Kotlin | Obj-C | Swift |
| -------------------------- | ------------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- |
| null | null | null | nil (NSNull when nested) | nil |
| bool | java.lang.Boolean | Boolean | NSNumber numberWithBool: | NSNumber(value: Bool) |
| int | java.lang.Integer | Int | NSNumber numberWithInt: | NSNumber(value: Int32) |
| int, if 32 bits not enough | java.lang.Long | Long | NSNumber numberWithLong: | NSNumber(value: Int) |
| double | java.lang.Double | Double | NSNumber numberWithDouble: | NSNumber(value: Double) |
| String | java.lang.String | String | NSString | String |
| Uint8List | byte[] | ByteArray | FlutterStandardTypedData typedDataWithBytes: | FlutterStandardTypedData(bytes: Data) |
| Int32List | int[] | IntArray | FlutterStandardTypedData typedDataWithInt32: | FlutterStandardTypedData(int32: Data) |
| Int64List | long[] | LongArray | FlutterStandardTypedData typedDataWithInt64: | FlutterStandardTypedData(int64: Data) |
| Float64List | double[] | DoubleArray | FlutterStandardTypedData typedDataWithFloat64: | FlutterStandardTypedData(float64: Data) |
| List | java.util.ArrayList | List | NSArray | Array |
| Map | java.util.HashMap | HashMap | NSDictionary | Dictionary |
openssl base64 < play_store_config.json | tr -d '\n' | tee play_store_config.txt