Releases: processing/p5.js
The library is available from JSDelivr:
- p5.js -
- p5.min.js -
You can duplicate this p5.js web editor project:
You can also import p5 directly from NPM as an ESM module. More documentation on ESM usage to come.
What's Changed
What's Changed 🎊
- Fix: Preserve canvas position when calling noSmooth() in WEBGL by @ImRAJAS-SAMSE in #7568
- Add back WebGL matrices via getters by @davepagurek in #7588
- Add filter shader hooks by @davepagurek in #7582
Full Changelog: v2.0.0-beta.3...v2.0.0-beta.4
This release has been pulled as it was published incorrectly on NPM. Please use 2.0.0-beta.4 onwards instead. The release will be kept here for the release notes but the version will be pulled on NPM.
The library is available from JSDelivr:
* p5.js -
* p5.min.js -
You can duplicate this p5.js web editor project:
You can also import p5 directly from NPM as an ESM module. More documentation on ESM usage to come.
What's Changed
What's Changed 🎊
- Minor refactors, cleanup, comments by @dhowe in #7521
- Text adjustments by @dhowe in #7523
- Remove wrong rendererGL textWidth function by @seyko1 in #7524
- Replaced deprecated keyCode functionality and docs with KeyboardEvent.code & KeyboardEvent.key also updates the keyIsDown function to accept alphanumerics as parameters by @Vaivaswat2244 in #7472
- Clean up modifier key constants by @davepagurek in #7526
- Interleave example between other docs by @davepagurek in #7466
- Add splineProperties by @davepagurek in #7528
- 2.0 perf updates by @davepagurek in #7543
- fixed vertex property to take single digits by @Vaivaswat2244 in #7547
- Add warning when using preload function by @aferriss in #7542
- Two fixes for #7486 by @dhowe in #7555
- [p5.js 2.0] Documentation updates by @limzykenneth in #7558
- Stop future errors when encountering an async error by @davepagurek in #7563
- Add screenToWorld function mirroring worldToScreen by @bojidar-bg in #7561
- [p5.js 2.0] Attach p5.Element methods to WebGL canvas by @limzykenneth in #7567
- [p5.js 2.0] Expose global drawingContext by @limzykenneth in #7572
- Fix saveCanvas for framebuffers by @davepagurek in #7576
New Contributors
- @seyko1 made their first contribution in #7524
- @Vaivaswat2244 made their first contribution in #7472
- @bojidar-bg made their first contribution in #7561
Full Changelog: v2.0.0-beta.2...v2.0.0-beta.3
The library is available from JSDelivr:
- p5.js -
- p5.min.js -
You can duplicate this p5.js web editor project:
You can also import p5
directly from NPM as an ESM module. More documentation on ESM usage to come.
What's Changed
- Merged main into 2.0
- Fix bug where
is not available - Fixed
not working insidebuildGeometry()
- Fixed WebGL text alignment bugs
- Fixed bugs in closed splines
What to test
Async loading (thanks to @limzykenneth)
Rather than having a preload
function, p5 2.0 has async setup
1.x | 2.0 |
let img;
function preload() {
img = loadImage('cat.jpg');
function setup() {
createCanvas(200, 200);
} |
let img;
async function setup() {
createCanvas(200, 200);
img = await loadImage('cat.jpg');
} |
🚧 Since this is a breaking change from 1.x to 2.0, you can weight in on the compatibility discussion here
Support for loading fonts via CSS (thanks to @dhowe)
In 2D mode, try loading fonts via a a path to a CSS font file, such as a Google Fonts link!
loadFont(`@font-face { font-family: "Bricolage Grotesque", serif; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-weight: <weight> font-style: normal; font-variation-settings: "wdth" 100; }`);
fontFamily: '"Bricolage Grotesque", serif',
fontOpticalSizing: 'auto',
fontWeight: '<weight>',
fontStyle: 'normal',
fontVariationSettings: '"wdth" 100',
Support for variable font weight (thanks to contributions by @dhowe)
In 2D mode, if you've loaded a variable font, try changing its weight!
var font;
async function setup() {
createCanvas(100, 100);
font = await loadFont(
function draw() {
textAlign(LEFT, TOP);
textWeight(sin(millis() * 0.002) * 200 + 400);
text('p5*js', 0, 10);
More ways to draw and manipulate text (thanks to @davepagurek)
Like how textToPoints()
gives you points on text, the new textToContours()
function lets you edit the points on text and then draw them with fills!
createCanvas(100, 100);
const font = await loadFont('myFont.ttf');
const contours = font.textToContours('p5*js', 0, 50, { sampleFactor: 0.5 });
for (const pts of contours) {
for (const pt of pts) {
vertex(pt.x + 20*sin(pt.y*0.01), pt.y + 20*sin(pt.x*0.01));
In WebGL, you can use textToModel
to extrude a 3D model out of your text:
createCanvas(100, 100, WEBGL);
const font = await loadFont('myFont.ttf');
const geom = font.textToModel('p5*js', 0, 50, { sampleFactor: 2, extrude: 20 });
A new pointer event handling system (thanks to @diyaayay)
Instead of having separate methods for mouse and touch, we now use the browser's pointer API to handle both simultaneously. Try defining mouse functions as usual and accessing the global touches
array to see what pointers are active for multitouch support!
Custom shader attributes (thanks to @lukeplowden)
If you are using a shader and want custom per-vertex properties in addition to uniform
s, which are the same across the whole shape, you can now call vertexProperty(name, value)
before vertices.
const vertSrc = `#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
uniform mat4 uModelViewMatrix;
uniform mat4 uProjectionMatrix;
in vec3 aPosition;
in vec2 aOffset;
void main(){
vec4 positionVec4 = vec4(, 1.0);
positionVec4.xy += aOffset;
gl_Position = uProjectionMatrix * uModelViewMatrix * positionVec4;
const fragSrc = `#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
out vec4 outColor;
void main(){
outColor = vec4(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
function setup(){
createCanvas(100, 100, WEBGL);
// Create and use the custom shader.
const myShader = createShader(vertSrc, fragSrc);
describe('A wobbly, cyan circle on a gray background.');
function draw(){
// Set the styles
// Draw the circle.
for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++){
const x = 40 * cos(i/30 * TWO_PI);
const y = 40 * sin(i/30 * TWO_PI);
// Apply some noise to the coordinates.
const xOff = 10 * noise(x + millis()/1000) - 5;
const yOff = 10 * noise(y + millis()/1000) - 5;
// Apply these noise values to the following vertex.
vertexProperty('aOffset', [xOff, yOff]);
vertex(x, y);
Updated bezier and curve drawing functions (thanks to @GregStanton)
First off: you can combine multiple types of curves in one begin/endShape()
block now!
Long cubic and quadratic bezier vertex calls are now split up into their individual control points. Both cubic and quadratic curves are done with bezierVertex
now, and you can set bezierOrder()
to change from cubic (order 3) to quadratic (order 2). For WebGL mode, this also means you can also specify texture coordinates per control point, or change the fill, stroke, normal, and more between control points.
1.x | 2.0 |
vertex(10, 10);
vertex(30, 10);
bezierVertex(35, 10, 40, 15, 40, 20);
vertex(40, 30);
quadraticVertex(40, 40, 30, 40);
vertex(10, 40);
endShape(CLOSE); |
vertex(10, 10);
vertex(30, 10);
// Default cubic
bezierVertex(35, 10);
bezierVertex(40, 15);
bezierVertex(40, 20);
vertex(40, 30);
bezierVertex(40, 40);
bezierVertex(30, 40);
vertex(10, 40);
endShape(p5.CLOSE); |
We've renamed curveVertex
to splineVertex
and have given it more options. By default, it will now go through every splineVertex
, so you no longer have to double up the first/last point to get it to go through it:
1.x | 2.0 |
curveVertex(10, 10);
curveVertex(10, 10);
curveVertex(15, 40);
curveVertex(40, 35);
curveVertex(25, 15);
curveVertex(15, 25);
curveVertex(15, 25);
endShape(); |
splineVertex(10, 10);
splineVertex(15, 40);
splineVertex(40, 35);
splineVertex(25, 15);
splineVertex(15, 25);
endShape(); |
Similarly, endShape(CLOSE)
(or endContour(CLOSE)
if you're in a contour) will cause a spline to smoothly loop back on itself so you no longer need to double up any points:
1.x | 2.0 |
curveVertex(15, 25);
curveVertex(10, 10);
curveVertex(15, 40);
curveVertex(40, 35);
curveVertex(25, 15);
curveVertex(15, 25);
curveVertex(10, 10);
curveVertex(15, 40);
endShape(); |
splineVertex(10, 10);
splineVertex(15, 40);
splineVertex(40, 35);
splineVertex(25, 15);
splineVertex(15, 25);
endShape(CLOSE); |
🚧 Since this is a breaking change from 1.x to 2.0, you can weight in on the compatibility discussion here
A new simple lines mode for WebGL (thanks to contributions from @perminder-17)
If you are drawing lots of shapes, and don't need stroke caps or joins, you can use a simple lines mode for increased performance in WebGL. You can activate this mode by calling linesMode(SIMPLE)
in your sketch.
Custom shaders for fills, strokes, images (thanks to @Garima3110 and @perminder-17)
You can now create your own shaders for fills, strokes, and images, and have them all applied at once! Use shader()
to set a fill shader, strokeShader()
to set a stroke shader, and imageShader()
to set an image shader. Try using baseMaterialShader().modify(...)
and baseStrokeShader().modify(...)
to create custom shaders.
let myFillShader = baseMaterialShader.modify({
'vec4 getFinalColor': `(vec4 color) {
return vec4(1., 1., 0., 1.);
let myStrokeShader = baseStrokeShader.modify({
'vec4 getFinalColor': `(vec4 color) {
return vec4(1., 0., 1., 1.);
let myImageShader = baseMaterialShader.modify({
'vec4 getFinalColor': `(vec4 color) {
return vec4(0., 1., 1., 1.);
sphere(); // Draws with the custom stroke and image shaders
image(myImg, 0, 0); // Draws with the custom image shader
A new public p5.Matrix
class (thanks to @holomorfo)
TODO add examples
Support for more color spaces in p5.Color
(thanks to @limzykenneth and @dianamgalindo)
p5.js 2.0 now supports more color modes in addition to the existing RGB, HSB, and HSL color modes. Here are the list of new supported color mode and brief description of them:
- High Dynamic Range RGB color defined within the Display P3 color space. You will...
What's Changed
What's Changed 🎊
- Added ability to use setUniform for textures by texture slot rather than by p5.Texture by @RandomGamingDev in #7395
- The text properly displayed on Mobile. by @mahi6299 in #7399
- Updated README by @ksen0 in #7408
- Update p5.Geometry.js by fixed cap color problem by @mahaidong in #7413
- Added support for other WebGL sampler types by @RandomGamingDev in #7411
- fixed repeated key presses when a modifier key is held by @Rishab87 in #7435
- Fix typo in image.js docs by @reidab in #7462
- Add and adjust alpha parameter description by @FrauBoes in #7420
- Documentation Update:Webgl - .lib files not supported by @atmajaa in #7454
- Documentation Foundation Class: remove dupe example and describe color by @philyawj in #7483
- Fixed typo in p5.Shader.js documentation comment by @ImRAJAS-SAMSE in #7458
- Add angle param clarification to sin(), cos(), and tan() by @thrly in #7475
- fixed some broken links in markdown files by @lirenjie95 in #7485
New Contributors
- @mahi6299 made their first contribution in #7399
- @mahaidong made their first contribution in #7413
- @reidab made their first contribution in #7462
- @FrauBoes made their first contribution in #7420
- @atmajaa made their first contribution in #7454
- @philyawj made their first contribution in #7483
- @ImRAJAS-SAMSE made their first contribution in #7458
- @thrly made their first contribution in #7475
- @lirenjie95 made their first contribution in #7485
Full Changelog: v1.11.2...v1.11.3
We want your help!
Try testing out the beta and report any bugs you encounter!
You can fork this web editor project:
You can also add a script tag to this build that @davepagurek is hosting:
<script src=""></script>
What's Changed 🎊
In addition to lots of behind-the-scenes refactoring, here are some new features that we'd love your help testing out!
Async loading (thanks to @limzykenneth)
Rather than having a preload
function, p5 2.0 has async setup
1.x | 2.0 |
let img;
function preload() {
img = loadImage('cat.jpg');
function setup() {
createCanvas(200, 200);
} |
let img;
async function setup() {
createCanvas(200, 200);
img = await loadImage('cat.jpg');
} |
🚧 Since this is a breaking change from 1.x to 2.0, you can weight in on the compatibility discussion here
Support for loading fonts via CSS (thanks to @dhowe)
In 2D mode, try loading fonts via a a path to a CSS font file, such as a Google Fonts link!
loadFont(`@font-face { font-family: "Bricolage Grotesque", serif; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-weight: <weight> font-style: normal; font-variation-settings: "wdth" 100; }`);
fontFamily: '"Bricolage Grotesque", serif',
fontOpticalSizing: 'auto',
fontWeight: '<weight>',
fontStyle: 'normal',
fontVariationSettings: '"wdth" 100',
Support for variable font weight (thanks to contributions by @dhowe)
In 2D mode, if you've loaded a variable font, try changing its weight!
async function setup() {
createCanvas(100, 100);
const font = await loadFont(
function draw() {
textAlign(LEFT, TOP);
textWeight(sin(millis() * 0.002) * 200 + 400);
text('p5*js', 0, 10);
More ways to draw and manipulate text (thanks to @davepagurek)
Like how textToPoints()
gives you points on text, the new textToContours()
function lets you edit the points on text and then draw them with fills!
createCanvas(100, 100);
const font = await loadFont('myFont.ttf');
const contours = font.textToContours('p5*js', 0, 50, { sampleFactor: 0.5 });
for (const pts of contours) {
for (const pt of pts) {
vertex(pt.x + 20*sin(pt.y*0.01), pt.y + 20*sin(pt.x*0.01));
In WebGL, you can use textToModel
to extrude a 3D model out of your text:
createCanvas(100, 100, WEBGL);
const font = await loadFont('myFont.ttf');
const geom = font.textToModel('p5*js', 0, 50, { sampleFactor: 2, extrude: 20 });
A new pointer event handling system (thanks to @diyaayay)
Instead of having separate methods for mouse and touch, we now use the browser's pointer API to handle both simultaneously. Try defining mouse functions as usual and accessing the global touches
array to see what pointers are active for multitouch support!
Custom shader attributes (thanks to @lukeplowden)
If you are using a shader and want custom per-vertex properties in addition to uniform
s, which are the same across the whole shape, you can now call vertexProperty(name, value)
before vertices.
const vertSrc = `#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
uniform mat4 uModelViewMatrix;
uniform mat4 uProjectionMatrix;
in vec3 aPosition;
in vec2 aOffset;
void main(){
vec4 positionVec4 = vec4(, 1.0);
positionVec4.xy += aOffset;
gl_Position = uProjectionMatrix * uModelViewMatrix * positionVec4;
const fragSrc = `#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
out vec4 outColor;
void main(){
outColor = vec4(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
function setup(){
createCanvas(100, 100, WEBGL);
// Create and use the custom shader.
const myShader = createShader(vertSrc, fragSrc);
describe('A wobbly, cyan circle on a gray background.');
function draw(){
// Set the styles
// Draw the circle.
for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++){
const x = 40 * cos(i/30 * TWO_PI);
const y = 40 * sin(i/30 * TWO_PI);
// Apply some noise to the coordinates.
const xOff = 10 * noise(x + millis()/1000) - 5;
const yOff = 10 * noise(y + millis()/1000) - 5;
// Apply these noise values to the following vertex.
vertexProperty('aOffset', [xOff, yOff]);
vertex(x, y);
Updated bezier and curve drawing functions (thanks to @GregStanton)
First off: you can combine multiple types of curves in one begin/endShape()
block now!
Long cubic and quadratic bezier vertex calls are now split up into their individual control points. Both cubic and quadratic curves are done with bezierVertex
now, and you can set bezierOrder()
to change from cubic (order 3) to quadratic (order 2). For WebGL mode, this also means you can also specify texture coordinates per control point, or change the fill, stroke, normal, and more between control points.
1.x | 2.0 |
vertex(10, 10);
vertex(30, 10);
bezierVertex(35, 10, 40, 15, 40, 20);
vertex(40, 30);
quadraticVertex(40, 40, 30, 40);
vertex(10, 40);
endShape(CLOSE); |
vertex(10, 10);
vertex(30, 10);
// Default cubic
bezierVertex(35, 10);
bezierVertex(40, 15);
bezierVertex(40, 20);
vertex(40, 30);
bezierVertex(40, 40);
bezierVertex(30, 40);
vertex(10, 40);
endShape(p5.CLOSE); |
We've renamed curveVertex
to splineVertex
and have given it more options. By default, it will now go through every splineVertex
, so you no longer have to double up the first/last point to get it to go through it:
1.x | 2.0 |
curveVertex(10, 10);
curveVertex(10, 10);
curveVertex(15, 40);
curveVertex(40, 35);
curveVertex(25, 15);
curveVertex(15, 25);
curveVertex(15, 25);
endShape(); |
splineVertex(10, 10);
splineVertex(15, 40);
splineVertex(40, 35);
splineVertex(25, 15);
splineVertex(15, 25);
endShape(); |
Similarly, endShape(CLOSE)
(or endContour(CLOSE)
if you're in a contour) will cause a spline to smoothly loop back on itself so you no longer need to double up any points:
1.x | 2.0 |
curveVertex(15, 25);
curveVertex(10, 10);
curveVertex(15, 40);
curveVertex(40, 35);
curveVertex(25, 15);
curveVertex(15, 25);
curveVertex(10, 10);
curveVertex(15, 40);
endShape(); |
splineVertex(10, 10);
splineVertex(15, 40);
splineVertex(40, 35);
splineVertex(25, 15);
splineVertex(15, 25);
endShape(CLOSE); |
🚧 Since this is a breaking change from 1.x to 2.0, you can weight in on the compatibility discussion here
A new simple lines mode for WebGL (thanks to contributions from @perminder-17)
If you are drawing lots of shapes, and don't need stroke caps or joins, you can use a simple lines mode for increased performance in WebGL. You can activate this mode by calling linesMode(SIMPLE)
in your sketch.
Custom shaders for fills, strokes, images (thanks to @Garima3110 and @perminder-17)
You can now create your own shaders for fills, strokes, and images, and have them all applied at once! Use shader()
to set a fill shader, strokeShader()
to set a stroke shader, and imageShader()
to set an image shader. Try using baseMaterialShader().modify(...)
and baseStrokeShader().modify(...)
to create custom shaders.
let myFillShader = baseMaterialShader.modify({
'vec4 getFinalColor': `(vec4 color) {
return vec4(1., 1., 0., 1.);
let myStrokeShader = baseStrokeShader.modify({
'vec4 getFinalColor': `(vec4 color) {
return vec4(1., 0., 1., 1.);
let myImageShader = baseMaterialShader.modify({
'vec4 getFinalColor': `(vec4 color) {
return vec4(0., 1., 1., 1.);
sphere(); // Draws with the custom stroke and image shaders
image(myImg, 0, 0); // Draws with the custom image shader
A new public p5.Matrix
class (thanks to @holomorfo)
TODO add examples
Support for more color spaces in p5.Color
(thanks to @limzykenneth and @dianamgalindo)
p5.js 2.0 now supports more color modes in addition to the existing RGB, HSB, and HSL color modes. Here are the list of new supported color mode and brief description of them:
- High Dynamic Range RGB color defined within the Display P3 color space. You will need to use the HDR canvas described below to draw this color on the canvas accurately.HWB
- Hue, Whiteness, Blackness. This is similar to...
What's Changed
What's Changed 🎊
- Switch all-contributor shield styling to match other shields by @SableRaf in #7347
- Fix a typo (dpeth -> depth) in webgl/p5.Framebuffer.js by @zs-5 in #7348
- Save/restore textureMode with push/pop by @davepagurek in #7358
- fix: Correct typo, improve createRadio() method description, and simplify input tag by @Dhanush111 in #7315
- Update links to point to tutorial page by @muffinista in #7318
- fix add alpha doc by @asukaminato0721 in #7362
- Negative dimensions will mirror rect() again by @martinleopold in #7363
- fixes issue #7366: Adjust Option Orientation in CreateRadio() reference. by @Prajyot05 in #7367
New Contributors
- @zs-5 made their first contribution in #7348
- @Dhanush111 made their first contribution in #7315
- @muffinista made their first contribution in #7318
- @Prajyot05 made their first contribution in #7367
Full Changelog: v1.11.1...v1.11.2
What's Changed 🎊
- fixed nf to work with negative number by @Akhilbisht798 in #7054
- textureData updated to fix flipping property for webgl by @MuktiMishra in #7305
- Fix ellipseMode(CORNERS) and rectMode(CORNER) by @martinleopold in #7290
- add usage of dist by @asukaminato0721 in #7324
- Uses canvas dimensions instead of arbitrary constants for
by @RandomGamingDev in #7330
- Change Reference Example by @samarsrivastav in #7280
- Fix example of createModel function. by @shibomb in #7298
- fix missing example tag in documentation for color's toString method by @ashish1729 in #7302
- Fixes language reference and Markdown syntax by @danicruz0415 in #7314
- fix typo by @asukaminato0721 in #7322
- Fix broken links in contributor-doc by @shibomb in #7320
- Fix broken links in website references by @shibomb in #7321
- mouseY reference first example issue fixed by @shourysingh07 in #7311
- Docs: "A maximum of 5 directional lights can be active at once." by @blackboxlogic in #7337
New Contributors 💗
- @samarsrivastav made their first contribution in #7280
- @Akhilbisht798 made their first contribution in #7054
- @MuktiMishra made their first contribution in #7305
- @danicruz0415 made their first contribution in #7314
- @martinleopold made their first contribution in #7290
- @blackboxlogic made their first contribution in #7337
Full Changelog: v1.11.0...v1.11.1
What's Changed 🎊
- Fix unnecessary console warnings when using smooth() on P2D Graphics objects by @zeesworth in #7159
- added paletteLerp by @RandomGamingDev in #6960
- imageLight - panorama shader bug, added @perminder-17 code snippet by @PimTournaye in #7169
- Tie FES initialization to only run just before p5 init by @limzykenneth in #7173
- Code block updates in
by @DenisovichDev in #7174 - Fix incorrect pixel offset in updatePixels() by @Forchapeatl in #7177
- fix for #7181 by @orrkislev in #7182
- Fix Camera.eyeX comment by @Psychpsyo in #7184
- Solves issue #6891 by @Garima3110 in #7165
- Fix: Added unique group names for radio buttions by @Forchapeatl in #7162
- Caps at the beginning of the curve by @diyaayay in #7201
- Added useLinePerspective to cam copy properties by @TiborUdvari in #7213
- Fix clipping bug with ellipses by @jeanetteandrews in #7249
- Refactor arc and rect to use canvas methods rather than curves by @ksen0 in #7205
- Shader hooks by @davepagurek in #7149
- fix: added
mode for correct blendMode(SUBTRACT) behavior by @Abhinavcode13 in #7229 - Add list support for
like other color functions by @RandomGamingDev in #6954 - Remove 2.0 built file by @davepagurek in #7274
- Added textAscent and textDescent functions on Webgl by @Forchapeatl in #7187
- Line.vert fix for small units by @TiborUdvari in #7206
- fixed textpoint alignment by @mathewpan2 in #6967
- Fixed minor error in documentation for p5.Vector.sub() by @jaredberghold in #7265
- Rename default shader methods to have a base* prefix by @davepagurek in #7288
- Performance improvements for WebGL shape drawing by @davepagurek in #7287
- add non-code contributions to contrib guidelines readme by @sarahciston in #6941
- Update to include an updated get started link by @willallstet in #7232
- Fix : broken link in contributor_docs/ by @ashwanidey in #7235
- Fix broken links in contributor_docs/ by @aleannab in #7240
- Fix broken link in by @aleannab in #7242
- Fix : broken link in contributor_docs/ by @ashwanidey in #7239
- Fix Broken README Link by @benpalevsky in #7216
- Fixed the broken link on p5.js website page for "p5.js Web Accessibility" by @shourysingh07 in #7254
- Fixed the broken link on p5.js website page for "Our Focus on Access" by @shourysingh07 in #7255
- Fixed broken links for p5js references by @visheshrwl in #7253
- fix: broken links in lerpColor() by @M0nica in #7241
- Fix broken links in contributor_docs/ by @aleannab in #7243
- Fixed the broken link on p5.js website page for "WebGL Contribution Guide". by @shourysingh07 in #7263
- Fixed the broken link on p5.js website page for "How to add Friendly Error Messages" by @shourysingh07 in #7264
New Contributors 💗
Thanks to all the contributors, and big shout out to the first time contributors!
- @zeesworth made their first contribution in #7159
- @PimTournaye made their first contribution in #7169
- @DenisovichDev made their first contribution in #7174
- @Forchapeatl made their first contribution in #7177
- @orrkislev made their first contribution in #7182
- @Psychpsyo made their first contribution in #7184
- @sarahciston made their first contribution in #6941
- @TiborUdvari made their first contribution in #7213
- @willallstet made their first contribution in #7232
- @ashwanidey made their first contribution in #7235
- @aleannab made their first contribution in #7240
- @benpalevsky made their first contribution in #7216
- @jeanetteandrews made their first contribution in #7249
- @shourysingh07 made their first contribution in #7254
- @visheshrwl made their first contribution in #7253
- @M0nica made their first contribution in #7241
- @ksen0 made their first contribution in #7205
- @mathewpan2 made their first contribution in #6967
- @jaredberghold made their first contribution in #7265
Full Changelog: v1.10.0...v1.11.0
What's Changed 🎊
- Adds geometry to downloadable obj files functionality by @diyaayay in #6812
- Implemented roll function by @rohanjulka19 in #7093
- Added window size check upon p5 instantiation by @Evorage0 in #7134
- Adds
mime type tosaveCanvas
. by @starzonmyarmz in #7140 - modified stroke vertex shader by @JordanSucher in #7064
- Separate Model and View Matrices. by @deveshidwivedi in #6761
- Switch camera keep transform by @davepagurek in #7067
- Check the element type before calling
by @lindapaiste in #6838 - Use requestAnimationFrame timestamp for less noise in deltaTime by @davepagurek in #6785
- Update clearDepth() example to restore trails by @davepagurek in #7095
- Changed point class documentation description text by @Chaitanya1672 in #7096
- Skip out of canvas shapes for gridOutput() table by @limzykenneth in #7135
- Fix #7049: P5.Graphics.remove() doesn't release all related resources by @iambiancafonseca in #7060
- fix: framebuffer cameras uses the size from main canvas by @Vishal2002 in #7075
- Fix vector reflect() mutating surface normal arg (#7088) by @nbogie in #7103
- Fix clipped multiline font rendering by @davepagurek in #7109
- fix: Correct default parameters for quad in y-direction by @Abhinavcode13 in #7129
- Fix: corrected variable name to reflect height instead of width by @Abhinavcode13 in #7132
- Fix panorama() by @davepagurek in #7154
- Fix code snippet formatting in references by @nickmcintyre in #7089
- Fix more
tags in reference by @davepagurek in #7092 - Update: FES Messages in Japanese. by @shibomb in #7074
- Corrects the circle() description by @JulioGitLab in #7110
- Fix broken JsDoc comments by @Orasund in #7114
- Resolves issue #7118 - Update & Changed the path for contributor docs by @ravixalgorithm in #7119
- Fix 'Learn' and 'Get Started' links in by @NicholasGillen in #7126
- fixed: Broken link to in the documentation by @Shahmaz0 in #7117
- "Fix Broken 'Get Started for Developers' Link in README" by @Souvik-Cyclic in #7151
- Update readme copy by @davepagurek in #6944
New Contributors 💗
- @JordanSucher made their first contribution in #7064
- @iambiancafonseca made their first contribution in #7060
- @Chaitanya1672 made their first contribution in #7096
- @rohanjulka19 made their first contribution in #7093
- @shibomb made their first contribution in #7074
- @Orasund made their first contribution in #7114
- @ravixalgorithm made their first contribution in #7119
- @Abhinavcode13 made their first contribution in #7129
- @NicholasGillen made their first contribution in #7126
- @Evorage0 made their first contribution in #7134
- @starzonmyarmz made their first contribution in #7140
- @Shahmaz0 made their first contribution in #7117
- @Souvik-Cyclic made their first contribution in #7151
Full Changelog: v1.9.4...v1.10.0
What's Changed 🎊
- Account for pixel density when masking images by @Papershine in #6788
- fix clearStorage function to match expected behaviour by @seralichtenhahn in #7006
- Fix broken test by @davepagurek in #7010
- textWrap() parameter validation uses FES instead of throwing error by @limzykenneth in #7009
- fix The constructor of p5.Table by @asukaminato0721 in #7011
- Fix autoSized for framebuffers by @davepagurek in #7012
- fix: add the missing index of
by @IronBlood in #7027
- Add Japanese Version Contributor Docs by @RuimingShen in #6979
- Add missing backtick by @aGuyWhoMadeGames in #6996
- Fix default z value in p5.Camera::camera() docs by @davepagurek in #7001
- Fix 'p5.Vector.sub()' documentation mistakenly referencing 'add'ing by @bobbykaz in #7024
- Update structure references by @nickmcintyre in #7020
- Update more structure references by @nickmcintyre in #7021
- Fix foundation references by @nickmcintyre in #7022
- Update array references by @nickmcintyre in #7032
- Update conversion references by @nickmcintyre in #7033
- Update storage references by @nickmcintyre in #7034
- Update string references by @nickmcintyre in #7037
- Update IO references by @nickmcintyre in #7038
- Update time & date references by @nickmcintyre in #7039
- Update p5.XML references by @nickmcintyre in #7040
- Update rendering references by @nickmcintyre in #7041
- Fix map example by @PalumboN in #7036
- Update p5.Graphics references by @nickmcintyre in #7042
- Update p5.Geometry references by @nickmcintyre in #7045
- Update by @lottihill in #7053
- Patch-CORNER-descr-cx by @JulioGitLab in #7062
- Fix p5.Graphics.remove() reference by @nickmcintyre in #7057
- Fix links and typos by @nickmcintyre in #7058
- Update p5.Framebuffer references by @nickmcintyre in #7044
New Contributors 💗
- @RuimingShen made their first contribution in #6979
- @aGuyWhoMadeGames made their first contribution in #6996
- @Papershine made their first contribution in #6788
- @seralichtenhahn made their first contribution in #7006
- @bobbykaz made their first contribution in #7024
- @PalumboN made their first contribution in #7036
- @IronBlood made their first contribution in #7027
- @lottihill made their first contribution in #7053
- @JulioGitLab made their first contribution in #7062
Full Changelog: v1.9.3...v1.9.4