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Tutorial of Multi-Cluster Application Dispatcher Controller

This doc will show how to use the Multi-Cluster Application Dispatcher (MCAD) controller to dispatch the kubernetes custom resource definition AppWrapper. These instructions are based on the master branch.

1. Pre-condition

Runnning the MCAD controller requires a Kubernetes cluster to be available. Here is a document on Using kubeadm to Create a Cluster. Additionally, for introduction purposes and testing, deploying on a small Kubernetes cluster such as Minikube can be used. This document shows examples of deploying AppWrappers custom resources with the MCAD controller deployed on a Running Kubernetes Locally via Minikube.

The Multi-Cluster Application Dispatcher runs as a Kubernetes custom resource controller and operates on an AppWrapper custom resource definition. The next step will show how to deploy the Multi-Cluster Application Dispatcher as a Kubernetes custom resource definition quickly.

2. Deploy the Multi-Cluster Application Dispatcher Controller in Kubernetes

Deploy Multi-Cluster Application Dispatcher via Helm

Refer to deployment instructions on how to deploy the Multi-Cluster Application Dispatcher as a controller in Kubernetes.

3. Create an AppWrapper Job

After successfully deploying the Multi-Cluster Application Dispatcher Controller, create an AppWrapper custom resource in a file named aw-01.yaml with the following content:

kind: AppWrapper
  name: 0001-aw-generic-deployment-1
    - replicas: 1
        apiVersion: apps/v1
        kind: Deployment
          name: 0001-aw-generic-deployment-1
            app: 0001-aw-generic-deployment-1
              app: 0001-aw-generic-deployment-1
          replicas: 2
                app: 0001-aw-generic-deployment-1
               - name: 0001-aw-generic-deployment-1
                 image: kicbase/echo-server:1.0
                 - containerPort: 80
                     cpu: 100m
                     memory: 256Mi
                     cpu: 100m
                     memory: 256Mi

The yaml file above is used to create an AppWrapper named 0001-aw-generic-deployment-1 which encompasses a Kubernetes Job resulting in the creation of 2 pods. The appwrappers's pod will be scheduled by kubernetes scheduler.

Create the AppWrapper

kubectl create -f aw-01.yaml

Check AppWrapper job creation with the command below. You should see the 0001-aw-generic-deployment-1 app wrapper.

$ kubectl get appwrappers
NAME                           AGE
0001-aw-generic-deployment-1   59s

Check AppWrapper job status by describing the AppWrapper. The Status: stanza will show the State of Running if it has successfully deployed.

$ kubectl describe appwrapper 0001-aw-generic-deployment-1
  Canrun:  true
  State:      Running

Check the pods status of the AppWrapper job. There should be 2 0001-aw-generic-deployment-1 pods running.

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
0001-aw-generic-deployment-1-79988f7ddd-bmzwb   1/1     Running   0          91s
0001-aw-generic-deployment-1-79988f7ddd-xkrxs   1/1     Running   0          91s

This step showed a simple deployment of an AppWrapper job. The next step will show how queuing works in the Multi-Cluster Application Dispatcher Controller.

4. Demonstrating Queuing of an AppWrapper Job

When there are not enough aggregate resources available in the cluster to deploy the Kubernetes objects wrapped by the AppWrapper job, the MCAD Controller will queue the entire job (no partial deployments will be created). This can benefit some batch workloads that require all resources to be deployed in order to make progress. As an example, some distributed AI Deep Learning jobs define job parameters requiring all learners to be deployed, process and then communicate in a synchronous manner. Partial deployment of these workloads results in inefficient resource allocation when a subset of resources are created but remain unused until all resources of the job can be deployed.

To demonstrate this you will need to identify a compute resource to use for demonstration. Below is a simple example which can be used to demonstrate queuing of jobs until enough aggregate resources are available to deploy all resources defined in a job.

4.a. Determine a Compute Resource for Demonstration

Most clusters have cpu and memory compute resources available for scheduling. Below is an example of how to display compute resources one of which will be used to demonstrate queuing.

List available compute nodes in the cluster:

kubectl get nodes

For example:

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME       STATUS   ROLES           AGE     VERSION
minikube   Ready    control-plane   7m15s   v1.26.3

To find out the available resources in you cluster inspect each node from the command output above with the following command:

kubectl describe node <node_name>

For example:

$ kubectl describe node minikube
Name:               minikube
Roles:              control-plane
  cpu:                2
  ephemeral-storage:  102625208Ki
  hugepages-1Gi:      0
  hugepages-2Mi:      0
  hugepages-32Mi:     0
  hugepages-64Ki:     0
  memory:             8129036Ki
  pods:               110

In the example above, there is one node (minikube) in the cluster with both cpu and memory compute resources. Select one of the compute resources in your cluster to use for demonstration. Memory will be used in this tutorial to demonstrate queuing.

4.b. Create A Simple AppWrapper

If you still have the job running from Step #3 above then you can skip section 4.c. If you have deleted job or skipped Step #3 above repeat Step #3 and then move section 4.c.

4.c. Determine All Cluster Available Compute Resources After Creating the Simple AppWrapper Job from Step 3

To find out the capacity and un-allocated resources in you cluster inspect each node in your cluster with the following command:

kubectl describe node <node_name>

For example:

$ kubectl describe node minikube
Name:               minikube
  cpu:                2
  ephemeral-storage:  102625208Ki
  hugepages-1Gi:      0
  hugepages-2Mi:      0
  hugepages-32Mi:     0
  hugepages-64Ki:     0
  memory:             8129036Ki
  pods:               110
  cpu:                2
  ephemeral-storage:  102625208Ki
  hugepages-1Gi:      0
  hugepages-2Mi:      0
  hugepages-32Mi:     0
  hugepages-64Ki:     0
  memory:             8129036Ki
  pods:               110
Allocated resources:
  (Total limits may be over 100 percent, i.e., overcommitted.)
  Resource           Requests      Limits
  --------           --------      ------
  cpu                1950m (97%)   1200m (60%)
  memory             1706Mi (21%)  1706Mi (21%)

In the example above, there is one node (minikube) in the cluster with the majority of the cluster cpu capacity, 1950m, requested out of 2000m allocatable capacity, leaving less than 150m available capacity for new pods to be deployed in the cluster.

4.d. Create an AppWrapper Job to be Queued

The next step is to create a second AppWrapper job that has resource demands that would fit within the cluster capacity if the first job created in Step #3 was not allocated. Continuing with the example above using cpu as the limiting resource, create a second AppWrapper job with the resource demands just described. For example, since the example cluster has only one node, create a second AppWrapper job with a cpu demand of 200m which is slightly larger than the current available capacity.

Create an AppWrapper job in a file named aw-02.yaml with the following content:

kind: AppWrapper
  name: 0002-aw-generic-deployment-2
    minAvailable: 2
    - replicas: 1
        apiVersion: apps/v1
        kind: Deployment
          name: 0002-aw-generic-deployment-2
            app: 0002-aw-generic-deployment-2
              app: 0002-aw-generic-deployment-2
          replicas: 2
                app: 0002-aw-generic-deployment-2
               - name: 0002-aw-generic-deployment-2
                 image: kicbase/echo-server:1.0
                     cpu: 75m
                     memory: 256Mi
                     cpu: 75m
                     memory: 256Mi

The yaml file above is used to create an AppWrapper named 0002-aw-generic-deployment-2 which encompasses a Kubernetes Deployment resulting in the creation of 2 pods. These 2 pods will be scheduled by kubernetes scheduler.

Create the AppWrapper Job

kubectl create -f aw-02.yaml

Check AppWrapper job creation with the command below. You should see the deployment-2-replicas job.

$ kubectl get appwrappers
NAME                           AGE
0001-aw-generic-deployment-1   104s
0002-aw-generic-deployment-2   23s

Check job status by describing the job. The Status: stanza will show the State of Pending if it has successfully queued.

$ kubectl describe appwrapper 0002-aw-generic-deployment-2
    Last Transition Micro Time:  2023-07-21T11:18:27.082148Z
    Last Update Micro Time:      2023-07-21T11:18:27.082148Z
    Status:                      True
    Type:                        Init
    Last Transition Micro Time:  2023-07-21T11:18:27.082164Z
    Last Update Micro Time:      2023-07-21T11:18:27.082164Z
    Reason:                      AwaitingHeadOfLine
    Status:                      True
    Type:                        Queueing
    Last Transition Micro Time:  2023-07-21T11:18:27.086747Z
    Last Update Micro Time:      2023-07-21T11:18:27.086747Z
    Reason:                      FrontOfQueue.
    Status:                      True
    Type:                        HeadOfLine
    Last Transition Micro Time:  2023-07-21T11:18:27.093222Z
    Last Update Micro Time:      2023-07-21T11:18:27.093222Z
    Message:                     Insufficient resources to dispatch AppWrapper.
    Reason:                      AppWrapperNotRunnable.
    Status:                      True
    Type:                        Backoff
  Controllerfirsttimestamp:      2023-07-21T11:18:27.082147Z
  Filterignore:                  true
  Number Of Requeueings:         0
  Queuejobstate:                 Backoff
  Requeueing Time In Seconds:    0
  Sender:                        before [backoff] - Rejoining
  State:                         Pending

Check the pods status of the AppWrapper jobs. There should be only 2 pods from the first AppWrapper named 0001-aw-generic-deployment-1 pods running and no existing pods from the second AppWrapper named, 0002-aw-generic-deployment-2.

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
0001-aw-generic-deployment-1-85ff6954bd-cw9ql   1/1     Running   0          5m30s
0001-aw-generic-deployment-1-85ff6954bd-vjbmb   1/1     Running   0          5m30s

Note: Since the MCAD controller has queued the AppWrapper of the second job the wrapped Deployment and related Pod objects do not get created in the Kubernetes cluster. This results in effective utilization of the related Deployment Controller as well as the Kubernetes Scheduler since those controllers only operate on the objects when there are enough resources to actually run the AppWrapper.

4.e. Release the Queued AppWrapper Job

When enough resources in the cluster are released to run the queued job, the MCAD controler will dispatch the next queued job. Continuing with the above example removing the first job will free up enough resources such that the MCAD controller can dispatch the second AppWrapper job.

Delete the first AppWrapper job.

$ kubectl delete -f aw-01.yaml "0001-aw-generic-deployment-1" deleted

Check the pods status of the AppWrapper jobs. The new pods from the second AppWrapper job: 0002-aw-generic-deployment-2 job should now be deployed and running.

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
0002-aw-generic-deployment-2-66669c6484-6gw7z   1/1     Running   0          12s
0002-aw-generic-deployment-2-66669c6484-v5zl5   1/1     Running   0          12s