This repository contains the JSON API and Task Runner components for Prowler, which facilitate a complete backend that interacts with the Prowler SDK and is used by the Prowler UI.
The Prowler API is composed of the following components:
- The JSON API, which is an API built with Django Rest Framework.
- The Celery worker, which is responsible for executing the background tasks that are defined in the JSON API.
- The PostgreSQL database, which is used to store the data.
- The Valkey database, which is an in-memory database which is used as a message broker for the Celery workers.
Valkey is an open source (BSD) high performance key/value datastore.
Valkey exposes a Redis 7.2 compliant API. Any service that exposes the Redis API can be used with Prowler API.
Under the root path of the project, you can find a file called .env.example
. This file shows all the environment variables that the project uses. You must create a new file called .env
and set the values for the variables.
Keep in mind if you export the .env
file to use it with local deployment that you will have to do it within the context of the Poetry interpreter, not before. Otherwise, variables will not be loaded properly.
To do this, you can run:
poetry shell
set -a
source .env
This method requires docker
and docker compose
git clone
git clone
docker compose --profile prod build
This command will start the Django production server and the Celery worker and also the Valkey and PostgreSQL databases.
docker compose --profile prod up -d
You can access the server in http://localhost:8080
NOTE: notice how the port is different. When developing using docker, the port will be
to prevent conflicts.
To view the logs for any component (e.g., Django, Celery worker), you can use the following command with a wildcard. This command will follow logs for any container that matches the specified pattern:
docker logs -f $(docker ps --format "{{.Names}}" | grep 'api-')
## Local deployment
To use this method, you'll need to set up a Python virtual environment (version ">=3.11,<3.13") and keep dependencies updated. Additionally, ensure that `poetry` and `docker compose` are installed.
### Clone the repository
git clone
git clone
poetry install
poetry shell
The PostgreSQL database (version 16.3) and Valkey (version 7) are required for the development environment. To make development easier, we have provided a docker-compose
file that will start these components for you.
Note: Make sure to use the specified versions, as there are features in our setup that may not be compatible with older versions of PostgreSQL and Valkey.
docker compose up postgres valkey -d
For migrations, you need to force the admin
database router. Assuming you have the correct environment variables and Python virtual environment, run:
cd src/backend
python migrate --database admin
cd src/backend
python -m celery -A config.celery worker -l info -E
cd src/backend
gunicorn -c config/ config.wsgi:application
By default, the Gunicorn server will try to use as many workers as your machine can handle. You can manually change that in the
To use this method, you'll need to set up a Python virtual environment (version ">=3.11,<3.13") and keep dependencies updated. Additionally, ensure that poetry
and docker compose
are installed.
git clone
git clone
The PostgreSQL database (version 16.3) and Valkey (version 7) are required for the development environment. To make development easier, we have provided a docker-compose
file that will start these components for you.
Note: Make sure to use the specified versions, as there are features in our setup that may not be compatible with older versions of PostgreSQL and Valkey.
docker compose up postgres valkey -d
You must have Poetry installed
poetry install
poetry shell
For migrations, you need to force the admin
database router. Assuming you have the correct environment variables and Python virtual environment, run:
cd src/backend
python migrate --database admin
cd src/backend
python runserver
You can access the server in http://localhost:8000
All changes in the code will be automatically reloaded in the server.
python -m celery -A config.celery worker -l info -E
The Celery worker does not detect and reload changes in the code, so you need to restart it manually when you make changes.
This method requires docker
and docker compose
git clone
git clone
docker compose --profile dev build
This command will start the Django development server and the Celery worker and also the Valkey and PostgreSQL databases.
docker compose --profile dev up -d
You can access the server in http://localhost:8080
All changes in the code will be automatically reloaded in the server.
NOTE: notice how the port is different. When developing using docker, the port will be
to prevent conflicts.
To view the logs for any component (e.g., Django, Celery worker), you can use the following command with a wildcard. This command will follow logs for any container that matches the specified pattern:
docker logs -f $(docker ps --format "{{.Names}}" | grep 'api-')
## Applying migrations
For migrations, you need to force the `admin` database router. Assuming you have the correct environment variables and Python virtual environment, run:
poetry shell
cd src/backend
python migrate --database admin
Fixtures are used to populate the database with initial development data.
poetry shell
cd src/backend
python loaddata api/fixtures/0_dev_users.json --database admin
The default credentials are
Note that the tests will fail if you use the same .env
file as the development environment.
For best results, run in a new shell with no environment variables set.
poetry shell
cd src/backend
Django provides a way to create custom commands that can be run from the command line.
These commands can be found in:
To run a custom command, you need to be in the prowler/api/src/backend
directory and run:
poetry shell
python <command_name>
python findings --tenant
<TENANT_ID> --findings <NUM_FINDINGS> --re
This command creates, for a given tenant, a provider, scan and a set of findings and resources related altogether.
Scan progress and state are updated in real time.
- 0-33%: Create resources.
- 33-66%: Create findings.
- 66%: Create resource-finding mapping.
The last step is required to access the findings details, since the UI needs that to print all the information.
~/backend $ poetry run python findings --tenant
fffb1893-3fc7-4623-a5d9-fae47da1c528 --findings 25000 --re
sources 1000 --batch 5000 --alias test-script
Starting data population
Tenant: fffb1893-3fc7-4623-a5d9-fae47da1c528
Alias: test-script
Resources: 1000
Findings: 25000
Batch size: 5000
Creating resources...
100%|███████████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 7.72it/s]
Resources created successfully.
Creating findings...
100%|███████████████████████| 5/5 [00:05<00:00, 1.09s/it]
Findings created successfully.
Creating resource-finding mappings...
100%|███████████████████████| 5/5 [00:02<00:00, 1.81it/s]
Resource-finding mappings created successfully.
Successfully populated test data.