npm install
npm run start
Note that the list of nightly builds is cached in tools/runs.json, so if it exists, you will need to delete it to fetch an updated list.
Make sure your Servo checkout is on the main branch, and that the branch is up to date. Then run the script below, passing it the path to your checkout:
$ rm tools/runs.json # Optional: clear CI history cache
$ tools/ /path/to/servo
$ > 2023.json tools/ servo/servo 2023 2023
$ < 2023.json jq -r .user.login | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
Or for some other range of dates:
$ > pull-requests.json tools/ servo/servo 2023-03-16 2024-03-16
- Go to and open devtools
fromDate = "2024-01-25"
toDate = "2024-02-26"
- Run the code below
((data, ...dates) => {
const stride = data.area_keys.length;
const rows = => data.scores.find(([date]) => date == expectedDate));
rows.forEach((row, i) => {
if (row == null) throw `no results for ${dates[i]}!`;
if (row.length != 3 + stride + 2 + stride) throw "schema change? bad length";
if (row[0] != dates[i]) throw "unreachable! incorrect date in [0]";
if (!/^[0-9a-f]{9}$/.test(row[1])) throw "schema change? expected commit hash in [1]";
if (!/^0[.]0[.]1-[0-9a-f]{7}$/.test(row[2])) throw "schema change? expected version in [2]";
if (!/^[0-9a-f]{9}$/.test(row[3+stride])) throw "schema change? expected commit hash in [3+stride]";
if (!/^0[.]0[.]1-[0-9a-f]{7}$/.test(row[4+stride])) throw "schema change? expected version in [4+stride]";
const areas =, i) => ({key, results:, j) => ({
date: dates[j],
legacy: row[3+i],
servo: row[5+stride+i],
console.log(">>> areas", areas);
const analysis = areas
.map(({key, results: [p, q]}) => ({
regressionWas: p.legacy - p.servo,
regressionNow: q.legacy - q.servo,
legacyWas: p.legacy,
legacyNow: q.legacy,
servoWas: p.servo,
servoNow: q.servo,
.map(({key, regressionWas, regressionNow, legacyWas, legacyNow, servoWas, servoNow}) => ({
key, regressionWas, regressionNow, legacyWas, legacyNow, servoWas, servoNow,
legacyDelta: delta(legacyWas, legacyNow),
servoDelta: delta(servoWas, servoNow),
regressionDelta: delta(regressionWas, regressionNow),
console.log(">>> analysis", analysis);
const deltaAnalysisText = analysis
.sort((p,q) => q.servoDelta.pp - p.servoDelta.pp)
.map(({key, servoDelta, servoNow}) => `${key} (${servoDelta.pp.toFixed(1)}pp to ${(servoNow/10).toFixed(1)}%)\n`);
console.log(`>>> top deltas (servo, pp):\n${deltaAnalysisText.join("")}`);
const regressionAnalysisText = analysis
.filter(({regressionWas}) => regressionWas >= 0)
.sort((p,q) => p.regressionDelta.percent - q.regressionDelta.percent)
.map(({key, regressionDelta, regressionWas, regressionNow}) => `${key} (${regressionDelta.percent.toFixed(1)}% from ${(regressionWas/10).toFixed(1)}pp to ${(regressionNow/10).toFixed(1)}pp)\n`);
console.log(`>>> top cuts in legacy regression (%):\n${regressionAnalysisText.join("")}`);
function delta(p,q) { return {pp: (q-p)/10, percent: 100*(q-p)/p}; }
})(await (await fetch("scores.json")).json(), fromDate, toDate)
To avoid false positives, be sure to step through each replacement rather than using Replace All.
- Replace
- Replace
- Replace
- Replace
Generally we want to include...
- gecko upgrades (stylo, webrender, mozjs)
- web-facing changes
- DX-affecting CI changes
- MSRV and Rust edition changes
- platform support changes
- platform bustage fixes
- crash fixes
And generally we want to exclude...
- dependabot updates (“build(deps)”)
- WPT imports (“Update web-platform-tests”)
- lint and warning fixes
- other CI changes
- refactors (unless large-scale)
- dependency cleanups
- Go to
- Make sure there is a column with “month” or “year”, because some table filters hide that column
- Run this code in devtools:
$$("table tbody tr")
.map(tr => [][2].innerText.match(/[$](\S+)\s*USD\s*[/]\s*(\S+)/))
.map(match => match && [+match[1].replace(/[.,]/g, ""), match[2]])
.map(([cents, period]) => cents / {month:1,year:12}[period])
.reduce((result, cents) => result + cents, 0)
- The result is USD cents/month
- Go to
- Run this code in devtools:
seen = new Set; centsPerMonth = 0
- Click through each page of the table and run this code in devtools:
centsPerMonth += $$("table tbody tr")
.map(tr => [])
.map(cells => [cells[1].querySelector("a").href, cells])
.filter(([donorHref, cells]) => !seen.has(donorHref))
.map(([donorHref, cells]) => (seen.add(donorHref), cells))
.map(cells => cells.slice(2,4).map(td => td.innerText).join(" "))
.map(text => text.match(/[$](\S+)\s*(.+)/))
.map(match => [100 * match[1], match[2].replace(/ [(]custom[)]/, "")])
.filter(([cents, period]) => period != "One time")
.map(([cents, period]) => cents / {Monthly:1}[period])
.reduce((result, cents) => result + cents, 0)
- After running it on every page, the result is USD cents/month
- Go to
- You may need to open it in private browsing to avoid getting a 404, not sure why
- Manually add up the amounts for one month, stopping when you see the same donor repeated