BlogNest is a full-stack blogging application built using the MERN stack. It provides a platform for users to create, read, update, and delete blog posts. The project includes authentication features like sign-up and login and utilizes Tailwind CSS for a responsive and modern user interface
The frontend is functioning correctly, but there's a backend issue due to a CORS policy origin error on Vercel.
- MongoDB: NoSQL database for flexible and scalable data storage.
- Express.js: Web application framework for Node.js, providing robust features for web and mobile applications.
- Node.js: JavaScript runtime for server-side development.
- React.js: A JavaScript library for building reusable UI components and efficient single-page application views.
- Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
Follow these steps to set up and run the project locally:
Clone the Repository:
git clone cd Chat_App
Install Dependencies: Frontend Folder :
cd frontend npm install
Backend Folder :
cd backend npm install
Set Up Environment Variables:
Configure the following environment variables by creating a .env file in the root of Forntend and Backend Folder:
CD to Frontend Folder change the below code in url.js:
export const URL = "http://localhost:8080";
Backend Folder :
FRONTEND_URL=http://localhost:5173 mongoUrl="mongodb+srv://" port=8080 SECRET="mysuperpassword"
Replace the values with your specific configurations.
Run the Application:
Frontend Folder :
npm run dev
Backend Folder :
nodemon index.js
Open in Your Browser:
Open http://localhost:5173
in your web browser.
Puneeth S
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