CourseCraft is a dynamic web application built using the MERN stack, designed to provide users with access to free and paid courses. The application features a responsive UI with Tailwind CSS and Daisy UI components, ensuring a smooth user experience across devices.
User Authentication:
- Secure sign-in and login functionalities using bcrypt for password hashing.
- Users can create an account, login, and access the paid courses.
Course Access:
- Free courses are available for all users to view.
- Paid courses are accessible only to authenticated users. Access to paid courses is managed using React's CreateContext to protect routes.
UI Components:
- Utilizes Tailwind CSS for styling and Daisy UI for pre-designed components.
- React Slick is used for creating responsive carousels for showcasing courses.
- React Hot Toast provides user-friendly notifications for actions like successful login and course purchase.
- React.js
- Tailwind CSS
- Daisy UI
- React Slick
- React Hot Toast
- React DOM
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB for database management
- Bcrypt for secure password hashing