docker-gen Public
Forked from nginx-proxy/docker-genGenerate files from docker container meta-data
Go MIT License UpdatedDec 23, 2015 -
docker-autosatis Public archive
A dockerised, self hosted, self updating satis repository.
docker-compose Public
Forked from docker/composeDefine and run multi-container applications with Docker
PIMGento Public
Forked from Agence-DnD/PIMGentoPimGento is a Magento extension that allows you to import your catalog from Akeneo CSV files into Magento.
magento-jobqueue Public
Forked from jkowens/magento-jobqueueA database backed asynchronous job queue for Magento
docker-php-5.3-apache Public
Forked from eugeneware/docker-php-5.3-apachephp 5.3 with apache
Shell UpdatedNov 9, 2015 -
stripe2qif Public archive
Talks to Stripe through it's API to get the list of transfers and exports in QIF format
docker-magento Public
Forked from kojiromike/docker-magentoA Magento Development Environment Made of Docker Containers
Tablekit Public
Forked from atetlaw/TablekitHTML table enhancements using prototype
JavaScript UpdatedJun 17, 2015 -
elasticsearch Public
Forked from nervetattoo/elasticsearchSimple PHP client for ElasticSearch
PHP MIT License UpdatedJan 27, 2015 -
Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis Public
Forked from colinmollenhour/Cm_Cache_Backend_RedisA Zend_Cache backend for Redis with full support for tags (works great with Magento)
PHP UpdatedAug 28, 2014 -
BehatMage Public
Forked from MageHack/BehatMageBehat for Magento
PHP MIT License UpdatedAug 22, 2014 -
transactional-email-templates Public
Forked from mailgun/transactional-email-templatesResponsive transactional HTML email templates
magento-encrypted-models Public
Transparent Field Encryption for Magento Models. Declare a subset of your data for automatic encryption and decryption on save and load.
bitbucket-bulk-add-hook Public
Forked from studio24/bitbucket-bulk-add-hookCLI script to setup Slack POST web hooks in all your Bitbucket repositories
homebrew-php Public
Forked from bobthecow/homebrew-phpPHP formulae repo for Homebrew
Ruby UpdatedMar 25, 2014 -
4sq-autocheckin Public archive
Keep forgetting to check-in to Foursquare at work? Me too.
gradwell_smsapi Public archive
A PHP library for sending text messages with the Gradwell SMS API
MIT License UpdatedFeb 12, 2014 -
phreeagent Public archive
A PHP library for headless access to the FreeAgent v2 API
magento-prediction-io Public
Forked from magento-hackathon/Implement-Module-for-prediction.ioThere is a service called http://prediction.io/ which targets on predicting user behaviors. Could be very interesting for recommendation backend.
MageCI Public
Forked from EcomDev/MageCIMagento Continuous Integration Tools
gc2qif Public
Convert a Google Checkout CSV export to a QIF
magento-delayed-events Public archive
🤔 Delayed events with Magento (Proof of concept)
codebase2freeagent Public archive
Migrate codebase timeslips to freeagent tasks/timeslips