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BTHome THB1, THB2, THB3, BTH01, TH05 (HW: v1.3..1.6), TH05F, iSearching

Custom firmware for Tuya devices based on the PHY622x2 chipset.

(!) It is not recommended to buy Tuya thermometers with CHT8305 sensors and/or BL55028 LCD driver chips. They have increased consumption and are not compatible with battery operation. This is a dummy thermometer from Tuya.

TH05_V1.3 TH05_V1.4 TH05F TH04 V1.5
KEY2 (iSearching)
Support "FindMy"

This firmware works with Home Assistant and other software running in the BTHome format.

(!) Please post questions about using and configuring Home Assistant and other external software implementations on the appropriate resources!

All firmware supports any of these sensors: CHT8215, CHT8310, CHT8305, SHT30 (CHT832x), AHT20..30.

Software for setting up and making BLE OTA: PHY62x2BTHome.html.

  • The OTA protocol used is not part of the PHY SDK, but is designed specifically for custom firmware. This protocol, bootloader, and Flash area allocation scheme are incompatible with other PHY62x2 devices built on the original SDK. The SDK used has been completely redesigned and has full sources for building in GCC.

Uploading OTA files to PHY62x2BTHome.html is automatic. You don't need to download files from this repository for OTA.

To run PHY62x2BTHome.html offline, just copy the html file to a local folder.

Getting started with the device

To work with the device, you need to write the FW Boot firmware to the device via a USB-COM adapter. Boot firmware is a program with reduced functionality and provides secure OTA updates.

Next, using the BLE connection in PHY62x2BTHome.html through the OTA tab, the main operating program of the FW APP is recorded.

  • FW APP can also be recorded using a USB-COM adapter.

Boot and App firmware

The Boot firmware has minimal functions. FW Boot is only used for downloading via OTA the full-featured version of FW APP (.bin files).

  • The device type can be distinguished externally by the smiley face symbol on the screen.
Device Boot file OTA file Printed circuit board labelling
BTH01 BOOT_BTH01_v20.hex BTH01_v20.bin no
THB1 BOOT_THB1_v20.hex THB1_v20.bin no
THB2 BOOT_THB2_v20.hex THB2_v20.bin no
THB3 BOOT_THB2_v20.hex THB2_v20.bin no
TH04 BOOT_TH04_v20.hex TH04_v20.bin QC0000_L11_PHY6252_TEMP_HUM_V1.5 (chip: PHY6252, VKL060)
TH05_V1.4 BOOT_TH05_v20.hex TH05_v20.bin TH05_V1.4, TH05_V1.5, TH05_V1.6 (chip: BL55028)
TH05_V1.3 BOOT_TH05D_v20.hex TH05D_v20.bin RSH-TH05-V1.3 (chip: BL55072)
TH05F BOOT_TH05F_v20.hex TH05F_v20.bin TH05Y_V1.1, TH05Y_V1.2, TH05Y_V3.1 (chip: QD01 2332 NT)
KEY2 BOOT_KEY2_v20.hex KEY2_v20.bin SoC ST17H66B

The main firmware files, BOOT_XXX_vXX.hex (for programming via USB-COM adapter) and XXX_vXX.bin (for OTA), are located in the bin directory.

Files for updating boot via OTA are located in the update_boot directory. **

The current version of FW Boot is v2.0.

Internal GPIO pinout:

Firmware Sensor SDA/SCL/Power LCD SDA/SCL/Power Key LED TRG(TX) IN(RX)
THB1 P18/P20/- P34/P33/- P01 - P09 P10
THB2 P18/P20/- - P07 P26 P20 P18
THB3 P18/P20/- P34/P33/- P01 - P09 P10
BTH01 P33/P34/P00 - P14 P15 P20 P18
TH05 P33/P34/P00 P33/P34/P02 P14 - P20 P18
TH05D P31/P32/- P11/P14/- P02 - P09 P10
TH05F P33/P34/P00 P26/P31/P02 P14 - P20 P18

The LCD chip is initialized the same way in all variants, but the connection ports are different. The LCD has different segment layouts depending on the model. The sensors are detected automatically, but have different ports depending on the model.

Main features

With default settings:

  • BLE advertisement interval in BTHome v2 format is 5 seconds.
  • Humidity and temperature sensor is polled every second BLE advertisement interval - period of 10 seconds.
  • Battery voltage measurement is done every minute.
  • Recording of history every 30 minutes.
  • The button is used for quick connection to old BT adapters. Pressing the button switches the BLE advertising interval to a shorter period (1562.5ms). The action will continue for 60 seconds, then the interval will be restored to the one set in the settings.
  • The measured average consumption from a 3.3V source when scanning THB2 and BTH01 thermometers in passive mode is up to 8 µA.
    For TH05_V1.4 the average consumption is about 23 µA (this is the current of the installed components). Other versions with screen: 12 to 14 µA with LCD on and 7 to 12 µA with LCD off.
  • Connection interval with Connect Latency (900ms).
  • Handling of input counter contact for transmitted Open/Close events
  • Processing of output contact switchable by set temperature and/or humidity with hysteresis.
  • Support low-cost BLE to Zigbee advertising repeater

Version History

Version Description
  • First release version.
  • Added trigger - TX2 output triggered by set temperature and/or humidity values with hysteresis. Transmission of the state of the RX2 output when connected.
  • Added display of smiley face with "comfort" for thermometers with screen.
  • Changed device name and MAC.
  • Processing and transmission of open/close events with counter from the output labelled "RX2" (for THB2 - "RX1").
  • Added THB1 and TH05_V1.3.
  • Next step is to reduce consumption for versions with LCD display by adding an option to switch off the display.
  • Stabilized connection for all device variants.
  • Added TH05F.
  • Fixed RTC progress.
  • Changed BLE name for TH05_V1.3 to "TH05D".
  • Added files for OTA Boot update.
  • Added option to encrypt BLE ads with BindKey.
  • Added averaging of battery voltage calculation
  • Added duplication of open/close contact
  • Added counter status 12..20 sec (multiple of ad interval) after triggering and then every 30 min.
  • Fixed en error (> 42 C) for sensor CHT8305
  • Added display of temperature in degrees Fahrenheit
  • Fixed the bug of restoring the changed device name after power reset
  • Added processing of the CHT832x sensor (Support board TH05Y_v3.1)
  • Fixing a bug in BOOT OTA bin files
  • Added sleep function when battery is completely discharged
  • Added experimental firmware for iSearching key fobs on ST17H66B chip (support "FindMy")
  • Fixed display errors for TH05D
  • Added TH04
  • Changed battery voltage averaging, switching to deep sleep mode for 60 minutes when voltage drops below 1.9 V and turning off all loads.


It is possible to flash the device with the Boot program via USB-COM adapter with 3.3V outputs.

  1. Connect GND, TX, RX, RTS-RESET, VCC (+3.3B):
Adapter Device
GND -Vbat
+3.3V +Vbat
TX RX or RX1
RX TX or TX1

If there is no RST pin on the adapter, then short the RESET pin to GND (-Vbat) and quickly open it when the script starts (it may take a few tries).

The name of the pins on the device can be found in the description at the links:

  1. Install python3 and the necessary libraries:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Download the BOOT_XXX_vXX.hex file required for the specific device from the bin directory.

  2. Run:

python3 -p COM11 -e -r wh BOOT_XXX_vXX.hex
  1. Boot flashing is complete. The device is operational and the adapter can be disconnected.

  2. Download the full version of the firmware via OTA. To do this:

    1. Apply power to the sensor.
    2. Go to PHY62x2BTHome.html.
    3. Click the Connect button, look for the device, and connect.
    4. Once connected, go to the OTA tab, select the required firmware (.bin) and click Start.
  3. The device should reboot and be ready for use.


  • To pre-wipe the entire flash, use the -a option.
  • To pre-wipe the flash workspace, use the -e option.
  • With the USB-COM adapter it is possible to write the main firmware (APP) immediately:
python3 -p COM11 -r we 0x10000 XXX_vXX.bin

Saving the original firmware

  1. Connect GND, TX, RX, RTS-RESET, VCC (+3.3B).
  2. Run:
python3 -p COM11 -r rf ff_thb2.bin
  1. Save the resulting ff_thb2.bin file.

Restoring the original firmware

Original Tuya firmware for a specific device type can be obtained from the links in the table at the beginning of this README.

  1. Take the saved ff_thb2.bin file of the original firmware.
  2. Connect GND, TX, RX, RTS-RESET, VCC (+3.3B).
  3. Run:
python -p COM11 -b 500000 -r we 0 ff_thb2.bin

Not all USB-COM adapters support 0.5Mbit. Then remove the -b 500000 option or select a different baud rate (115200, 250000, 500000, 1000000).

  1. The firmware has been flashed and the device should work.

Flash allocation (512 kilobytes)

Address Description Size
0x00000 ROM used 8 kilobytes
0x02000 Boot Info for ROM 4 kilobytes
0x03000 FW Boot with OTA function 52 kilobytes
0x10000 FW APP 128 kilobytes
0x30000 History Recording 304 kilobytes
0x7C000 Save Settings (EEP) 16 kilobytes

FW Boot and OTA

  • FW Boot has an OTA function, but does not have a history function or any other add-ons. It is used to handle OTA for any failed or incorrect updates.

  • FW APP has no OTA function, for OTA it reboots into FW Boot. It has additional features and extensions.

Action of the button when the device is turned on:

  • If the button is pressed at startup, FW Boot always starts.

  • If the button is not pressed, the FW APP entry is checked or not. If there is an FW APP, it launches the FW APP. If there is no FW APP, FW Boot is launched.

On thermometers with a screen, if the time display is not turned on, during start or restart the following is displayed for a short time:

"Bot 14" - FW Boot version 1.4

"APP 15" - FW APP version 1.5

There are two ways to force a reboot to FW Boot from FW APP:

  1. Switch off the power and hold down the button to switch on the power.
  2. Enter the 7233 command in the Service menu of the PHY62x2BTHome.html program.

Complete reboot: Enter the 7201 command in the Service menu of the PHY62x2BTHome.html program.

Through USB-UART adapter, APP can be written immediately after boot. For example:

python -p COM11 -e wh ./bin/BOOT_TH05V13_v13.hex
python -p COM11 -r we 0x10000 ./bin/TH05V13_v13.bin

Open/Close event and pulse counting

Since version 1.2 it is supported to poll a pin connected to a reed switch or a contact shorted to GND.

The maximum switching frequency is 100 times per second.

If the contact is rattling, then it is advisable to shunt the contact with a capacitor.

When closing or opening, a block of 5 BLE adverts is transmitted following each other after a period of 50 ms.

At each "Open" event a counter is added.

The counter value is transmitted together with each "Open/Close" event.

Input contact on the thermometer board:



Temperature and/or humidity control output of an external device

The contact on the printed circuit board labelled "TX" or "TX2" is controlled with hysteresis setpoints for temperature and humidity. It is possible to switch to inverse output control.

The setting is made in PHY62x2BTHome.html program.

Output operation is assigned by setting the hysteresis value:

  • If the hysteresis value is zero, there will be no switching.
  • If the hysteresis value is greater than zero, switching (switching on) will occur at a value lower than the setpoint + hysteresis.
  • If the hysteresis value is less than zero, switching (switching on) will take place at a value higher than setpoint + hysteresis.

Reset basic settings

To reset basic parameters to initial values, take an Android smartphone and the "nRFConnect" app. Connect to the device and in the service 0xFCD2 with characteristic 0xFFF4 write 56.


  • Pressing/releasing the button temporarily changes the connection interval for connection. Press the button briefly and connect in 60 sec. If you don't have time, press the button more often...
  • The firmware checks all settings for compliance with Bluetooth SIG standards.

If the interval is more than 10 sec, it will set 10 sec as it is the maximum in the standard. So do other settings. However, not all BT adapters can work with 10 sec interval for connection.

  • When working with BLE in Linux it is mandatory to change Bluez options and/or kernel patches!

Build Firmware

The GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain is used to build the firmware.

To work in Eclipse, use project import and install toolchain.path.

See this for more information on PHY62xx chips.

Auto Time Sync

The python script could be executed by a scheduled cron job for instance to rectify the time drift of the devices.
It continuously scans for devices that advertise the BTHome service UUID (0xFCD2) and ensures their internal clocks are synchronized with the host computer's time.

Usage: Run the script directly to start the auto time sync service:
