docs: Add warnings regarding consuming externally sourced credentials
docs: Add warnings regarding consuming externally sourced credentials
Force push
docs: Add warnings regarding consuming externally sourced credentials
docs: Add warnings regarding consuming externally sourced credentials
Force push
docs: Add warnings regarding consuming externally sourced credentials
docs: Add warnings regarding consuming externally sourced credentials
feat: try colab credentials in get_user_credentials
if client_id
feat: try colab credentials in
if client_id
…Pull request merge
update readthedocs config
update readthedocs config
add unit tests, docs, and always try colab
add unit tests, docs, and always try colab
Merge branch 'main' into issue75-colab-auth
Merge branch 'main' into issue75-colab-auth
Update pydata_google_auth/
Update pydata_google_auth/
Update pydata_google_auth/
Update pydata_google_auth/
fix AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'valid'
fix AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'valid'
feat: try colab credentials in get_user_credentials
if client_id
feat: try colab credentials in
if client_id