This is a slide stack from a GitHub Constellation / PyLadies Chicago 2018 talk introducing the concept of Data Ethics to a technical audience.
Learning objectives:
- Definition for what data ethics is
- Provide a framework to explore ethical concerns
- Explore recent case studies with ethical challenges
- Review open source tools working on data ethics
- Introduce the data ethics pledge
You are welcome to use concepts provided in the talk as you see fit! The entire Google slide stack can be found here (also on Speaker Deck). Alternatively, the PDF of the slides have been uploaded here. This talk is derived from a longer talked I have created titled, "Now is better than Never: What the Zen of Python can teach us about Data Ethics", available for review on my Speaker Deck.
The talk is approximately 25 minutes in length.
Suggestions for how to use:
- Have a data ethics panels using the three pronged approach (slide #8) - ethics of data, ethics of algorithms, ethics of practices - to generate questions
- Using the three pronged approach (slide #8) - ethics of data, ethics of algorithms, ethics of practices - invite your group to find ethical challenges in the current moment and highlight what are the ethical challenges presented
- Invite a speaker to give a talk that is in this flavor! Need ideas whom to invite? Reach out via email (see below)!
Author Name | Can you contact? | Preferred contact | |
Lorena Mesa | | [X] |