Releases: pytest-dev/pytest
pytest 8.3.5 (2025-03-02)
Bug fixes
- #11777: Fixed issue where sequences were still being shortened even with
verbosity. - #12888: Fixed broken input when using Python 3.13+ and a
build of Python, such as on macOS or with uv-managed Python binaries from thepython-build-standalone
project. This could manifest e.g. by a broken prompt when usingPdb
, or seeing empty inputs with manual usage ofinput()
and suspended capturing. - #13026: Fixed
{.interpreted-text role="class"} crash when using--import-mode=importlib
when top-level directory same name as another module of the standard library. - #13053: Fixed a regression in pytest 8.3.4 where, when using
, a directory containing py file with the same name would cause anImportError
- #13083: Fixed issue where pytest could crash if one of the collected directories got removed during collection.
Improved documentation
#12842: Added dedicated page about using types with pytest.
{.interpreted-text role="ref"} for detailed usage.
Contributor-facing changes
pytest 8.3.4 (2024-12-01)
Bug fixes
#12592: Fixed
{.interpreted-text role="class"} crash when using--import-mode=importlib
in a directory layout where a directory contains a child directory with the same name. -
#12818: Assertion rewriting now preserves the source ranges of the original instructions, making it play well with tools that deal with the
, like executing. -
#12849: ANSI escape codes for colored output now handled correctly in
{.interpreted-text role="func"} with [pytrace=False]{.title-ref}. -
{.interpreted-text role="func"} now uses strict equality when given booleans.
Improved documentation
#10558: Fix ambiguous docstring of
{.interpreted-text role="func"}. -
#10829: Improve documentation on the current handling of the
option and its lack of retention functionality (temporary directory location and retention
{.interpreted-text role="ref"}). -
#12866: Improved cross-references concerning the
{.interpreted-text role="fixture"} fixture. -
#12966: Clarify
{.interpreted-text role="ref"} docs on filter precedence/order when using multiple@pytest.mark.filterwarnings <pytest.mark.filterwarnings ref>
{.interpreted-text role="ref"} marks.
Contributor-facing changes
- #12497: Fixed two failing pdb-related tests on Python 3.13.
pytest 8.3.3 (2024-09-09)
Bug fixes
#12446: Avoid calling
(and other instance descriptors) during fixture discovery -- byasottile
{.interpreted-text role="user"} -
#12659: Fixed the issue of not displaying assertion failure differences when using the parameter
in pytest>=8.1. -
#12667: Fixed a regression where type change in [ExceptionInfo.errisinstance]{.title-ref} caused [mypy]{.title-ref} to fail.
#12744: Fixed typing compatibility with Python 3.9 or less -- replaced [typing.Self]{.title-ref} with [typing_extensions.Self]{.title-ref} -- by
{.interpreted-text role="user"} -
#12745: Fixed an issue with backslashes being incorrectly converted in nodeid paths on Windows, ensuring consistent path handling across environments.
#6682: Fixed bug where the verbosity levels where not being respected when printing the "msg" part of failed assertion (as in
assert condition, msg
). -
#9422: Fix bug where disabling the terminal plugin via
-p no:terminal
would cause crashes related to missing theverbose
option.-- by
{.interpreted-text role="user"}
Improved documentation
- #12663: Clarify that the [pytest_deselected]{.title-ref} hook should be called from [pytest_collection_modifyitems]{.title-ref} hook implementations when items are deselected.
- #12678: Remove erroneous quotes from [tmp_path_retention_policy]{.title-ref} example in docs.
Miscellaneous internal changes
- #12769: Fix typos discovered by codespell and add codespell to pre-commit hooks.
pytest 8.3.1 (2024-07-20)
The 8.3.0 release failed to include the change notes and docs for the release. This patch release remedies this. There are no other changes.
pytest 8.3.0 (2024-07-20)
New features
#12231: Added [--xfail-tb]{.title-ref} flag, which turns on traceback output for XFAIL results.
- If the [--xfail-tb]{.title-ref} flag is not given, tracebacks for XFAIL results are NOT shown.
- The style of traceback for XFAIL is set with [--tb]{.title-ref}, and can be [auto|long|short|line|native|no]{.title-ref}.
- Note: Even if you have [--xfail-tb]{.title-ref} set, you won't see them if [--tb=no]{.title-ref}.
Some history:
With pytest 8.0, [-rx]{.title-ref} or [-ra]{.title-ref} would not only turn on summary reports for xfail, but also report the tracebacks for xfail results. This caused issues with some projects that utilize xfail, but don't want to see all of the xfail tracebacks.
This change detaches xfail tracebacks from [-rx]{.title-ref}, and now we turn on xfail tracebacks with [--xfail-tb]{.title-ref}. With this, the default [-rx]{.title-ref}/ [-ra]{.title-ref} behavior is identical to pre-8.0 with respect to xfail tracebacks. While this is a behavior change, it brings default behavior back to pre-8.0.0 behavior, which ultimately was considered the better course of action.
#12281: Added support for keyword matching in marker expressions.
Now tests can be selected by marker keyword arguments.
Supported values areint
{.interpreted-text role="class"}, (unescaped)str
{.interpreted-text role="class"},bool
{.interpreted-text role="class"} &None
{.interpreted-text role="data"}.See
marker examples <marker_keyword_expression_example>
{.interpreted-text role="ref"} for more information.-- by
{.interpreted-text role="user"} -
#12567: Added
command line option.If this option is set, then skipped tests in short summary are no longer grouped
by reason but all tests are printed individually with their nodeid in the same
way as other statuses.-- by
{.interpreted-text role="user"}
Improvements in existing functionality
#12469: The console output now uses the "third-party plugins" terminology,
replacing the previously established but confusing and outdated
reference tosetuptools <setuptools:index>
{.interpreted-text role="std:doc"}
-- bywebknjaz
{.interpreted-text role="user"}. -
#12544, #12545: Python virtual environment detection was improved by
checking for apyvenv.cfg
{.interpreted-text role="file"} file, ensuring reliable detection on
various platforms -- byzachsnickers
{.interpreted-text role="user"}. -
#2871: Do not truncate arguments to functions in output when running with [-vvv]{.title-ref}.
#389: The readability of assertion introspection of bound methods has been enhanced
-- byfarbodahm
{.interpreted-text role="user"},webknjaz
{.interpreted-text role="user"},obestwalter
{.interpreted-text role="user"},flub
{.interpreted-text role="user"}
{.interpreted-text role="user"}.Earlier, it was like:
=================================== FAILURES =================================== _____________________________________ test _____________________________________ def test(): > assert Help().fun() == 2 E assert 1 == 2 E + where 1 = <bound method of <example.Help instance at 0x256a830>>() E + where <bound method of <example.Help instance at 0x256a830>> = <example.Help instance at 0x256a830>.fun E + where <example.Help instance at 0x256a830> = Help() AssertionError =========================== 1 failed in 0.03 seconds ===========================
And now it's like:
=================================== FAILURES =================================== _____________________________________ test _____________________________________ def test(): > assert Help().fun() == 2 E assert 1 == 2 E + where 1 = fun() E + where fun = <test_local.Help object at 0x1074be230>.fun E + where <test_local.Help object at 0x1074be230> = Help() AssertionError =========================== 1 failed in 0.03 seconds ===========================
#7662: Added timezone information to the testsuite timestamp in the JUnit XML report.
Bug fixes
#11706: Fixed reporting of teardown errors in higher-scoped fixtures when using [--maxfail]{.title-ref} or [--stepwise]{.title-ref}.
Originally added in pytest 8.0.0, but reverted in 8.0.2 due to a regression in pytest-xdist.
This regression was fixed in pytest-xdist 3.6.1. -
{.interpreted-text role="func"} now correctly handlesSequence <>
{.interpreted-text role="class"}-like objects. -
#12204, #12264: Fixed a regression in pytest 8.0 where tracebacks get longer and longer when multiple
tests fail due to a shared higher-scope fixture which raised -- bybluetech
{.interpreted-text role="user"}.Also fixed a similar regression in pytest 5.4 for collectors which raise during setup.
The fix necessitated internal changes which may affect some plugins:
is now a tuple(exc, tb)
instead ofexc
failures are now a tuple(exc, tb)
instead ofexc
#12275: Fixed collection error upon encountering an
abstract <abc>
{.interpreted-text role="mod"} class, including abstract [unittest.TestCase]{.title-ref} subclasses. -
#12328: Fixed a regression in pytest 8.0.0 where package-scoped parameterized items were not correctly reordered to minimize setups/teardowns in some cases.
#12424: Fixed crash with [assert testcase is not None]{.title-ref} assertion failure when re-running unittest tests using plugins like pytest-rerunfailures. Regressed in 8.2.2.
#12472: Fixed a crash when returning category
with a custom test status frompytest_report_teststatus
{.interpreted-text role="hook"} hook --pbrezina
{.interpreted-text role="user"}. -
#12505: Improved handling of invalid regex patterns in
pytest.raises(match=r'...') <pytest.raises>
{.interpreted-text role="func"} by providing a clear error message. -
#12580: Fixed a crash when using the cache class on Windows and the cache directory was created concurrently.
#6962: Parametrization parameters are now compared using [==]{.title-ref} instead of [is]{.title-ref} ([is]{.title-ref} is still used as a fallback if the parameter does not support [==]{.title-ref}).
This fixes use of parameters such as lists, which have a different [id]{.title-ref} but compare equal, causing fixtures to be re-computed instead of being cached. -
#7166: Fixed progress percentages (the
[ 87%]
at the edge of the screen) sometimes not aligning correctly when running with pytest-xdist-n
Improved documentation
#12153: Documented using
{.interpreted-text role="envvar"} to detect if code is running from within a pytest run. -
#12469: The external plugin mentions in the documentation now avoid mentioning
setuptools entry-points <setuptools:index>
{.interpreted-text role="std:doc"} as the concept is
much more generic nowadays. Instead, the terminology of "external",
"installed", or "third-party" plugins (or packages) replaces that.-- by
{.interpreted-text role="user"} -
#12577: [CI]{.title-ref} and [BUILD_NUMBER]{.title-ref} environment variables role is discribed in
the reference doc. They now also appear when doing [pytest -h]{.title-ref}
-- byMarcBresson
{.interpreted-text role="user"}.
Contributor-facing changes
#12467: Migrated all internal type-annotations to the python3.10+ style by using the [annotations]{.title-ref} future import.
-- by
{.interpreted-text role="user"} -
#11771, #12557: The PyPy runtime version has been updated to 3.9 from 3.8 that introduced
a flaky bug at the garbage collector which was not expected to fix there
as the 3.8 is EoL.-- by
{.interpreted-text role="user"} -
#12493: The change log draft preview integration has been refactored to use a
pytest 8.2.2 (2024-06-04)
Bug Fixes
- #12355: Fix possible catastrophic performance slowdown on a certain parametrization pattern involving many higher-scoped parameters.
- #12367: Fix a regression in pytest 8.2.0 where unittest class instances (a fresh one is created for each test) were not released promptly on test teardown but only on session teardown.
- #12381: Fix possible "Directory not empty" crashes arising from concurent cache dir (
) creation. Regressed in pytest 8.2.0.
Improved Documentation
- #12290: Updated Sphinx theme to use Furo instead of Flask, enabling Dark mode theme.
- #12356: Added a subsection to the documentation for debugging flaky tests to mention
lack of thread safety in pytest as a possible source of flakyness. - #12363: The documentation webpages now links to a canonical version to reduce outdated documentation in search engine results.
pytest 8.2.1 (2024-05-19)
- #12334: Support for Python 3.13 (beta1 at the time of writing).
Bug Fixes
- #12120: Fix [PermissionError]{.title-ref} crashes arising from directories which are not selected on the command-line.
- #12191: Keyboard interrupts and system exits are now properly handled during the test collection.
- #12300: Fixed handling of 'Function not implemented' error under squashfuse_ll, which is a different way to say that the mountpoint is read-only.
- #12308: Fix a regression in pytest 8.2.0 where the permissions of automatically-created
directories becamerwx------
instead of the expectedrwxr-xr-x
Trivial/Internal Changes
- #12333: pytest releases are now attested using the recent Artifact Attestation support from GitHub, allowing users to verify the provenance of pytest's sdist and wheel artifacts.
pytest 8.2.0 (2024-04-27)
#12069: A deprecation warning is now raised when implementations of one of the following hooks request a deprecated
parameter instead of thepathlib.Path
parameter which replaced it:pytest_ignore_collect
{.interpreted-text role="hook"} - thepath
parameter - usecollection_path
{.interpreted-text role="hook"} - thepath
parameter - usefile_path
{.interpreted-text role="hook"} - thepath
parameter - usemodule_path
{.interpreted-text role="hook"} - thestartdir
parameter - usestart_path
{.interpreted-text role="hook"} - thestartdir
parameter - usestart_path
The replacement parameters are available since pytest 7.0.0.
The old parameters will be removed in pytest 9.0.0.See
{.interpreted-text role="ref"} for more details.
#11871: Added support for reading command line arguments from a file using the prefix character
, like e.g.:pytest @tests.txt
. The file must have one argument per line.See
Read arguments from file <args-from-file>
{.interpreted-text role="ref"} for details.
{.interpreted-text role="func"} will now issue a warning if the module could be found, but raisedImportError
{.interpreted-text role="class"} instead ofModuleNotFoundError
{.interpreted-text role="class"}.The warning can be suppressed by passing
{.interpreted-text role="func"}.See
{.interpreted-text role="ref"} for details. -
#11728: For
-based tests, exceptions during class cleanup (as raised by functions registered withTestCase.addClassCleanup <unittest.TestCase.addClassCleanup>
{.interpreted-text role="meth"}) are now reported instead of silently failing. -
#11777: Text is no longer truncated in the
short test summary info
section when-vv
is given. -
#12112: Improved namespace packages detection when
{.interpreted-text role="confval"} is enabled, covering more situations (like editable installs). -
#9502: Added
{.interpreted-text role="envvar"} environment variable which is defined at the start of the pytest session and undefined afterwards. It contains the value ofpytest.__version__
, and among other things can be used to easily check if code is running from within a pytest run.
Bug Fixes
#12065: Fixed a regression in pytest 8.0.0 where test classes containing
and tests using@staticmethod
would crash withAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'setup_method'
.Now the
request.instance <pytest.FixtureRequest.instance>
{.interpreted-text role="attr"} attribute of tests using@staticmethod
is no longerNone
, but a fresh instance of the class, like in non-static methods.
Previously it wasNone
, and all fixtures of such tests would share a singleself
. -
#12135: Fixed issue where fixtures adding their finalizer multiple times to fixtures they request would cause unreliable and non-intuitive teardown ordering in some instances.
#12194: Fixed a bug with
where child modules did not appear as attributes in parent modules. -
#1489: Fixed some instances where teardown of higher-scoped fixtures was not happening in the reverse order they were initialized in.