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A simple to use module for interacting with Fortnite API. Inspiration from Jake-Ruston and Xilixir packages.

Support: You can support me with a donation : Paypal Donation

⚠ INFO ⚠ : This library was develop for Node.JS application (You can use this application on WebBrowser but you need to use Babel + Webpack).

You can submit a pull request to help the project, but all tests need to be OK (And of course, you need to create a test for your modifications) !

I don't have time anymore to work on this repository. If you have any bug/new features, you can make a PR ! I will only fix security issues and merge PRs.


npm install fortnite-api



You can use this default token or capture it (see below).



To setup this module, you need to have an account on Epic Games. After that you need to get 2 dedicated headers from Fortnite.

How to get these headers ?

  • Install & Open Fiddler 4
  • In Tools -> Options -> HTTPS, Select Capture HTTPS Connects
  • In Tools -> Options -> HTTPS, Select Decrypt HTTPS traffic
  • Start Capture (F12)
  • After that start your epic games launcher.
  • You will see a request with /account/api/oauth/token. Click on it and click after that on Inspectors get the header (Authorization header content and remove basic) => This header is your Client Launcher Token
  • Press F12 to stop scan (Fortnite stop working if you capture HTTPS requests at this moment)
  • Launch Fortnite
  • When the game tell you : "Connecting" or "Update" in waiting screen, Press F12 to reactivate requests capture
  • You will see again a request with /account/api/oauth/token. Click on it and click after that on Inspectors get the header (Authorization header content and remove basic) => This header is your Fortnite Client Token
  • Stop Capture

Warning ⚠ (Thanks @MrPowerGamerBR)

To be sure that the API is working for you, you need to :

  • You need to disable two factor authentication before using the API, or else it will throw errors
  • You need to login at least once to Fortnite to the API to work, if not it will throw 403 Forbidden errors.


// require the package
const Fortnite = require("fortnite-api");

let fortniteAPI = new Fortnite(

fortniteAPI.login().then(() => {


The package will refresh automatically when the token will expired. But if you want to force the refresh, you can do it with this command forniteApi.refreshToken().


  • checkPlayer() : Promise with String Return

Check if player is found on this platform

fortniteAPI.login().then(() => {
        .checkPlayer("Mirardes", "pc")
        .then(stats => {
        .catch(err => {
"User Found !";
  • getStatsBR(username: String, platform: String, timeWindow: String) : Promise with Object Return

Get Battle Royale Stat for platform (pc, ps4, xb1) and for a time window defined "alltime" OR "weekly" (seasonal data);

fortniteAPI.login().then(() => {
        .getStatsBR("Mirardes", "pc", "weekly")
        .then(stats => {
        .catch(err => {
{ group:
   { solo:
      { wins: 1,
        top3: 0,
        top5: 0,
        top6: 0,
        top10: 11,
        top12: 0,
        top25: 29,
        'k/d': '0.95',
        'win%': '0.01',
        matches: 122,
        kills: 115,
        timePlayed: '14h 47m',
        killsPerMatch: '0.94',
        killsPerMin: '0.13' },
      { wins: 0,
        top3: 0,
        top5: 9,
        top6: 0,
        top10: 0,
        top12: 18,
        top25: 0,
        'k/d': '1.25',
        'win%': '0.00',
        matches: 60,
        kills: 75,
        timePlayed: '7h 11m',
        killsPerMatch: '1.25',
        killsPerMin: '0.17' },
      { wins: 1,
        top3: 12,
        top5: 0,
        top6: 16,
        top10: 0,
        top12: 0,
        top25: 0,
        'k/d': '1.43',
        'win%': '0.02',
        matches: 59,
        kills: 83,
        timePlayed: '9h 19m',
        killsPerMatch: '1.41',
        killsPerMin: '0.15' } },
   { accountId: '6372c32ec81d4a0a9f6e79f0d5edc31a',
     username: 'Mirardes',
     platform: 'pc' },
   { wins: 2,
     top3s: 12,
     top5s: 9,
     top6s: 16,
     top10s: 11,
     top12s: 18,
     top25s: 29,
     'k/d': '1.14',
     'win%': '0.01',
     matches: 241,
     kills: 273,
     killsPerMin: '0.15',
     timePlayed: '1d 7h 17m' }
  • getStatsBRFromID(idFortniteUser: String, platform: String) : Promise with Object Return

Get Battle Royale Stat for platform (pc, ps4, xb1);

fortniteAPI.login().then(() => {
        .getStatsBRFromID("6372c32ec81d4a0a9f6e79f0d5edc31a", "pc")
        .then(stats => {
        .catch(err => {
{ group:
   { solo:
      { wins: 1,
        top3: 0,
        top5: 0,
        top6: 0,
        top10: 11,
        top12: 0,
        top25: 29,
        'k/d': '0.95',
        'win%': '0.01',
        matches: 122,
        kills: 115,
        timePlayed: '14h 47m',
        killsPerMatch: '0.94',
        killsPerMin: '0.13' },
      { wins: 0,
        top3: 0,
        top5: 9,
        top6: 0,
        top10: 0,
        top12: 18,
        top25: 0,
        'k/d': '1.25',
        'win%': '0.00',
        matches: 60,
        kills: 75,
        timePlayed: '7h 11m',
        killsPerMatch: '1.25',
        killsPerMin: '0.17' },
      { wins: 1,
        top3: 12,
        top5: 0,
        top6: 16,
        top10: 0,
        top12: 0,
        top25: 0,
        'k/d': '1.43',
        'win%': '0.02',
        matches: 59,
        kills: 83,
        timePlayed: '9h 19m',
        killsPerMatch: '1.41',
        killsPerMin: '0.15' } },
   { accountId: '6372c32ec81d4a0a9f6e79f0d5edc31a',
     username: 'Mirardes',
     platform: 'pc' },
   { wins: 2,
     top3s: 12,
     top5s: 9,
     top6s: 16,
     top10s: 11,
     top12s: 18,
     top25s: 29,
     'k/d': '1.14',
     'win%': '0.01',
     matches: 241,
     kills: 273,
     killsPerMin: '0.15',
     timePlayed: '1d 7h 17m' }
  • getFortniteNews(lang) : Promise with Object Return

Get Fortnite News on 'en' or 'fr'

fortniteAPI.login().then(() => {
        .then(news => {
        .catch(err => {
{ common:
   { _type: 'CommonUI Simple Message Base',
     title: 'Battle Royale',
     body: 'Now with SQUADS! Grab three friends and hop into the action. \n\nRem
ember - Squads are here! Teaming in solo play is still unfair to others and is a
 bannable offense.'
     { image: '
       _type: 'CommonUI Simple Message Base',
       title: 'Smoke Grenade',
       body: 'This non-lethal grenade is thrown like a frag but obscures vision
with a white smoke instead of splodin’ other players. Live now!'
     { image: '
       _type: 'CommonUI Simple Message Base',
       title: 'Coming Soon! - New Mode!',
       body: 'Watch The Game Awards show on Dec. 7 … details on a fun, new, limi
ted-time mode will be revealed live.'
  • checkFortniteStatus() : Promise with Boolean Return

Check if fortnite is ON (Return True) or Not (Return False)

fortniteAPI.login().then(() => {
        .then(status => {
        .catch(err => {
  • getFortnitePVEInfo(lang) : Promise with Array Return

Get Fortnite PVE Info (storm, etc) lang => FR/EN

fortniteAPI.login().then(() => {
        .then(pveInfo => {
        .catch(err => {
  • eventFlags(lang) : Promise with Array Return

Get Fortnite Event Flags Info

fortniteAPI.login().then(() => {
        .then(data => {
        .catch(err => {
  • getStore(lang) : Promise with Array Return

Get Fortnite Store lang => FR/EN

fortniteAPI.login().then(() => {
        .then(store => {
        .catch(err => {
  • getScoreLeaderBoard(platform,type) : Promise with Array Return

Get Fortnite global leaderboard

platform => pc/xb1/ps4

type => Fortnite.SOLO/Fortnite.DUO/Fortnite.SQUAD

fortniteAPI.login().then(() => {
        .getScoreLeaderBoard("pc", Fortnite.SOLO)
        .then(leaderboard => {
        .catch(err => {
    { accountId: '385c4d9ab7e3498db533ff4d2d9f4c5b',
    value: 905,
    rank: 1,
    displayName: 'twitch_bogdanakh' },
  { accountId: '155234bbadaa4e8199a7b2d413722290',
    value: 793,
    rank: 2,
    displayName: 'TwitchTV.lavak3_' },
  { accountId: 'c083d2200d654b25a87c0c48cb76c902',
    value: 760,
    rank: 3,
    displayName: 'Agares29_Twitch' },
  { accountId: '0041d08bedc548d9a2230c4a28550594',
    value: 723,
    rank: 4,
    displayName: 'Myboosting.com2' },
  { accountId: '6f5c77adef1c4e47bc33f1f0c8b4b263',
    value: 707,
    rank: 5,
    displayName: 'Twitch_DutchHawk' },
  { accountId: '13b3c77420da4101a213e1f646b316a9',
    value: 675,
    rank: 6,
    displayName: 'Twitch APEXENITH' },
  { accountId: 'e94c3e05284443398803285171550b45',
    value: 671,
    rank: 7,
    displayName: 'twitchtvLIKANDOO' },
  { accountId: 'b94176db4c254f9099fb2bd8e8ae0f94',
    value: 615,
    rank: 8,
    displayName: 'VaxitylolMIXERtv' },
  { accountId: 'a9467569462d4149bc438550c03a45c9',
    value: 601,
    rank: 9,
    displayName: '' },
  { accountId: '160376f1a6704c1bb260ce7b2bf94549',
    value: 599,
    rank: 10,
    displayName: 'TwitchExoticChaotic' },
  { accountId: 'cfd16ec54126497ca57485c1ee1987dc',
    value: 591,
    rank: 11,
    displayName: 'SypherPK' },
  { accountId: 'ffbb0eff7cf0433f8cbf9b5b30d57202',
    value: 556,
    rank: 12,
    displayName: 'Twitch WickesyM8' },
  { accountId: '1da00db9d5ae40fa925fe48a92bfcd09',
    value: 550,
    rank: 13,
    displayName: 'Aêrøeu' },
  { accountId: '28bad584d9aa440b99ec488bbd3d4e72',
    value: 524,
    rank: 14,
    displayName: 'KingRichard15' },
  { accountId: '1169e1f99c1a4cb6ba77282c6d84eb74',
    value: 524,
    rank: 15,
    displayName: 'BOT Tênnp0' },
  { accountId: 'f1081995d117471d860e5eb41275975c',
    value: 510,
    rank: 16,
    displayName: 'Worthyyy' },
  { accountId: 'b5dd0491ee8e4e15b32ef8e704b47dbe',
    value: 492,
    rank: 17,
    displayName: 'Twitch_MUDDAX' },
  { accountId: 'bd98e3aa14d44c469417827242e0105c',
    value: 477,
    rank: 18,
    displayName: 'Twitch_Svennoss' },
  { accountId: '501aff4877674bbc8350a7b190db2ec3',
    value: 472,
    rank: 19,
    displayName: 'Starke2k' },
  { accountId: '54de145b58734f488994dd008e30f26a',
    value: 469,
    rank: 20,
    displayName: 'babam_' },
  { accountId: '5359db2570294c59b6ec8f57e816f6a7',
    value: 465,
    rank: 21,
    displayName: 'Twitch_Ettnix' },
  { accountId: '09bd41d2a44c46d497c4ffb6dd368981',
    value: 465,
    rank: 22,
    displayName: 'TTV_WishYouLuckk' },
  { accountId: '0aa6c0ae745b440db24695085002e053',
    value: 459,
    rank: 23,
    displayName: 'Keepo_' },
  { accountId: '2b6d451ff196401db56c7f1ba41f63fe',
    value: 459,
    rank: 24,
    displayName: 'penutty.twitch' },
  { accountId: '93cfb726aebb4eb0a5ce4a0ea42d3498',
    value: 456,
    rank: 25,
    displayName: '' },
  { accountId: 'afeca5d0401f46409095b81510c265ac',
    value: 455,
    rank: 26,
    displayName: 'ZapdiusAdiarak' },
  { accountId: 'd4a43646306c4dc58f5349d89c0e9045',
    value: 451,
    rank: 27,
    displayName: 'Evanggelion' },
  { accountId: 'f5b239342e7b490d86c93a5db53abf06',
    value: 440,
    rank: 28,
    displayName: 'twitchstonde1337' },
  { accountId: '0247ee0deae2432f81133edaa2ae8e63',
    value: 426,
    rank: 29,
    displayName: 'Twitch FulmerLoL' },
  { accountId: '70639c8fde7d4a25a0ad09ecd5a2b5b6',
    value: 417,
    rank: 30,
    displayName: 'Blatty' },
  { accountId: 'a3c6290a5ece4142a3138d4ea983157a',
    value: 416,
    rank: 31,
    displayName: 'MLkarasawa' },
  { accountId: 'ba5be2d17b424b8ea6813bf84648e15f',
    value: 414,
    rank: 32,
    displayName: 'Twitch_Aphostle' },
  { accountId: 'a0c026eb67bb4d47939e0330ee2b5560',
    value: 403,
    rank: 33,
    displayName: 'FI.FritoL' },
  { accountId: 'c5b44b4935e844b9b5e4963f158a35a1',
    value: 402,
    rank: 34,
    displayName: 'marr0wak.twitch' },
  { accountId: '6feb4bd885b44bf8a6ce3b986d35407f',
    value: 402,
    rank: 35,
    displayName: 'Martoz YT' },
  { accountId: 'be5497b10d14499686bc970130fb38cc',
    value: 399,
    rank: 36,
    displayName: 'Blood_Sheed' },
  { accountId: '2886f6168fb04169bc66bdcc8efb827d',
    value: 398,
    rank: 37,
    displayName: 'Pervy-' },
  { accountId: '66de785819ed4c83a9946b987de773a3',
    value: 395,
    rank: 38,
    displayName: 'Τfue' },
  { accountId: '1ef002fc41b746e2afb4ba3b23e1afad',
    value: 394,
    rank: 39,
    displayName: 'ComradeDurachek' },
  { accountId: '6ac8e950ae234de6800b70db4767ab55',
    value: 393,
    rank: 40,
    displayName: 'g000dn on twitch' },
  { accountId: '101e590464b84ad8a4652ce83c38de9f',
    value: 389,
    rank: 41,
    displayName: 'SHlKAI' },
  { accountId: '1e2c8d810ddb4ea08705e57f5c2a2b8f',
    value: 387,
    rank: 42,
    displayName: 'kwént' },
  { accountId: 'ca9ee597ebf74a048c74ab7bb6246e59',
    value: 387,
    rank: 43,
    displayName: 'TwitchToNiicLive' },
  { accountId: '72bd31b3e5ac4f308ef088c2520c0989',
    value: 371,
    rank: 44,
    displayName: 'BüzzyGOD' },
  { accountId: 'a943e62358c548d9b51d2b068e213e23',
    value: 371,
    rank: 45,
    displayName: 'DouYuTv丶月无痕' },
  { accountId: '577e9436325043d99f1a612d16ff7497',
    value: 369,
    rank: 46,
    displayName: 'Вlind' },
  { accountId: 'a70fa9185cbd49bc83fb7bcad313480b',
    value: 368,
    rank: 47,
    displayName: 'Semm1234' },
  { accountId: '6d2d330659304669a9b00ff00ed8f82a',
    value: 365,
    rank: 48,
    displayName: 'Venndetta.' },
  { accountId: 'af0797d2e9624390964e8825b4d81676',
    value: 364,
    rank: 49,
    displayName: 'epiqueness' },
  { accountId: '4735ce9132924caf8a5b17789b40f79c',
    value: 362,
    rank: 50,
    displayName: 'Ninja' }
  • killSession() : Promise with no Return | Kill Session

Additional Informations

For functions, where you can specify languages (getFortniteNews(), getFortnitePVEInfo(), getStore()), you can specify an options object.

options = {
  ignoreCheck: true // default, false. Disable language verification
  langFormat: { // Change Language Format if needed
    "fr": "fr-FR",
    "ca": "fr-CA"