To run this you must add valid admin credentials to app/jira.yml
See for what to do with this repo. You can skip to Step 5 titled Enterprise-scale Environment
Please check the version of the terraform container and the current available Jira LTS's before beginning testing.
Use the unitq-sandbox account. There is a hosted zone in R53 called
. If this does not exist, a hosted zone must be setup for the installation script to create the records required for a secure connection.
An IAM user with full admin access must be created in the account and the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
added to app/util/k8s/aws_envs
Run the following to setup Jira DC from app/util/k8s
, you can add the path to aws_envs if you wish to run this from the base of the repo:
docker run --platform linux/amd64 --pull=always --env-file aws_envs \
-v "/Users/ntowne/repos/atlassian/dc-app-performance-toolkit/app/util/k8s/dcapt.tfvars:/data-center-terraform/conf.tfvars" \
-v "/Users/ntowne/repos/atlassian/dc-app-performance-toolkit/app/util/k8s/dcapt-snapshots.json:/data-center-terraform/dcapt-snapshots.json" \
-v "/Users/ntowne/repos/atlassian/dc-app-performance-toolkit/app/util/k8s/logs:/data-center-terraform/logs" \
-it atlassianlabs/terraform:2.9.2 ./ -c conf.tfvars
This will take about 30-45 minutes to setup.
For scaling testing, run the above script but change the value of jira_replica_count
in dcapt.tfvars
as required.
For each step of testing run the following, changing the absolute paths as required:
docker run --platform linux/amd64 --pull=always --env-file aws_envs \
-e REGION=us-east-2 \
-e ENVIRONMENT_NAME="unitq-jira-testing" \
-v "/Users/ntowne/repos/atlassian/dc-app-performance-toolkit:/data-center-terraform/dc-app-performance-toolkit" \
-v "/Users/ntowne/repos/atlassian/dc-app-performance-toolkit/app/util/k8s/" \
-it atlassianlabs/terraform:2.9.2 bash jira.yml
Update the jira.yml
file as needed. For the first two runs app specific actions should be disabled.
After Run 1 of Step 8 our Jira app must be installed. See instructions here. The jar files are stored in Artifactory
Before running scalability testing, create at least 5 tickets in Jira with the summary field containing Appissue
, such as Appissue 1, Appissue 2, etc
. Once these tickets are created, add them to the unitQ Jira plugin in unitQ Monitor, this can be done by searching for the issue name or via a direct link.
If needed, you can access EKS directly from your workstation. Use the credentials in aws_envs
to become the user used to install Jira. This user has full access to the EKS cluster. Run the following to update your kubeconfig:
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name atlas-unitq-jira-testing-cluster --region us-east-2
You should now be able to access the EKS cluster containing the Jira pods.